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暗くなってきたね...。オオカミさんにはは気を付けるんだよ''(Night Greeting)''<br />
暗くなってきたね...。オオカミさんにはは気を付けるんだよ''(Night Greeting)''<br />
''<span style="color:red;">*placeholder*</span>''
''<span style="color:red;">*placeholder*</span>''
====Lesson Room====
<span style="font-size:90%">
カントク、今日は何を教えてくれるのかな?<br />
Director, what are you going to teach me today?
<span style="font-size:90%">
大きな声を出すってボクには向いてないんだよね<br />
I'm not suited to speaking loudly.
<span style="font-size:90%">
このシーンが終わったら、休憩して良い?<br />
When we're done with this scene, could I take a break?
<span style="font-size:90%">
芝居っていうのは難しいね<br />
Acting is difficult, hm.
<span style="font-size:90%">
ここは立ち位置変えた方が良いんじゃない?<br />
Wouldn't it be better to change where I'm standing here?
<span style="font-size:90%">
カントクに褒めてもらえてうれしいな<br />
I'm happy to be praised by you, Director.
<span style="font-size:90%">
添い寝屋はボクの天職だったよ<br />
Being paid to sleep with people is my calling.
<span style="font-size:90%">
近いうちに塗り絵同好会でも作ろうかな<br />
I've been thinking about making a Colouring-in Picture Appreciation Club sometime soon.
<span style="font-size:90%">
カントク、肌の調子はどう?<br />
Director, how's your skin?
<span style="font-size:90%">
紬は本当に健気だよね、応援したくなっちゃうよ<br />
Tsumugi is really brave. It makes me want to support him.
<span style="font-size:90%">
ふふっ、丞は可愛いね、ついイジメたくなる<br />
Hehe, Tasuku is cute. He makes me want to tease him.
<span style="font-size:90%">
気づいたら人のところで寝ていて密は猫みたいだね<br />
Hisoka's tendency to fall asleep in front of people is quite cat-like, isn't it.
<span style="font-size:90%">
誉のちょっとおバカさんなところボクは好きだよ?<br />
I like Homare's slightly stupid side.
<span style="font-size:90%">
汗をかくのも悪くないね、代謝は大事<br />
It's not bad to work up a sweat. It's important to keep up your metabolism.
====Date Triggered====
====Date Triggered====
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お誕生日おめでとう、カントク。今夜は特別サービスしてあげるね ''(Player's birthday)''<br />
お誕生日おめでとう、カントク。今夜は特別サービスしてあげるね ''(Player's birthday)''<br />
Happy birthday, Director. Tonight I'll give you a special service.
Happy birthday, Director. Tonight I'll give you a special service.
==Story Images==
==Story Images==

Revision as of 08:29, 24 April 2017

Template:Winter Troupe



"Fufu, if you're feeling lonely, then how about we sleep together?"

Character Description

A gentle big-brother type older man who seems to magically defy aging. His real age is unknown. He is very aware of his own beauty and never fails at improving himself. He moves at his own pace and says whatever he wants to, not caring about what other think. He is also calm and composed in times of crisis. Before he joined the MANKAI Company, many of his patrons were devastated to hear that he was leaving in his previous job.


Home Screen

Call me if you're lonely at night.

Please, anything but bugs. I really don't like them...



I like playing rather than being played with.





(Morning Greeting)
Getting up early sometimes isn't bad. I get to see a cute sleeping figure.

(Noon Greeting)

暗くなってきたね...。オオカミさんにはは気を付けるんだよ(Night Greeting)

Lesson Room

Director, what are you going to teach me today?

I'm not suited to speaking loudly.

When we're done with this scene, could I take a break?

Acting is difficult, hm.

Wouldn't it be better to change where I'm standing here?

I'm happy to be praised by you, Director.

Being paid to sleep with people is my calling.

I've been thinking about making a Colouring-in Picture Appreciation Club sometime soon.

Director, how's your skin?

Tsumugi is really brave. It makes me want to support him.

Hehe, Tasuku is cute. He makes me want to tease him.

Hisoka's tendency to fall asleep in front of people is quite cat-like, isn't it.

I like Homare's slightly stupid side.

It's not bad to work up a sweat. It's important to keep up your metabolism.

Date Triggered

誉、お誕生日おめでとう。これからも冬組を盛り上げてね、天才さん (Homare's birthday; February 12)

丞、誕生日おめでとう。ツンツンした丞も可愛いけど、素直になることも大事だよ (Tasuku's birthday; February 22)

ふふっ、バレンタインに頑張る女の子は可愛いね (Valentines day; February 14)

咲、これからも可愛い笑顔を見せてね お誕生日おめでとう (Sakuya's birthday; March 9)

今日は先月の礼、たっぷりしてあげるからね (White Day; March 14)

真澄の誕生日...ふふっ今日はカントク大変だね (Masumi's birthday; March 30)

実はボク、女なんだ...。信じられないよねなら、今ここで脱いで証明しようか...? (April Fools; April 1)

綴、お誕生日おめでとう。脚本大変だろうけど、もうちょっとお肌を労わって (Tsuzuru's birthday; April 9)

お誕生日おめでとう、カントク。今夜は特別サービスしてあげるね (Player's birthday)
Happy birthday, Director. Tonight I'll give you a special service.

Story Images

Main Story Act 4 Ch 9 CG.png 300px

Link Skill

Link Skill Characters Description Bonus
The Oldest・・・? Sakyo Furuichi 「…野暮な括り方だよね、左京くん」「…くん付けは辞めろ」 Sr 10% Up
天涯孤独 Sakuya SakumaHisoka Mikage やっとみつけた、たってひとつの帰る場所 Sr 30% Up
Freeter Misumi IkarugaTsumugi Tsukioka 「どんなお仕事を?」「…ふふ、知りたい?」「いろいろ~」 Co 30% Up
Mahjong Club Association CitronKazunari MiyoshiSakyo Furuichi 「アズー、卓に座ると勝負師eyeになるんだよね…」 Sr 40% Up
Sweet Tooth Muku SakisakaJuza HyodoHisoka Mikage Even boys want to eat sweets! Co 40% Up
新生冬組 Winter Troupe しっとり繊細なシリアス劇が得意な演劇ユニット Sr 50% Up


  • His favourite food is mizu manjū
  • His least favourite food is eggplants
  • His specialty is playing hanafuda, and poker
  • Cards

    (The Footsteps of Winter) Azuma Serious N.png (The Footsteps of Winter) Azuma Serious N+.png (Dressing Formally) Azuma Action N.png (Dressing Formally) Azuma Action N+.png (Rehearsal) Azuma Comedy R.png (Rehearsal) Azuma Comedy R+.png (Sympathy for the Angel) Azuma Action R.png (Sympathy for the Angel) Azuma Action R+.png (Premonition of Blooming) Azuma Comedy SR.png (Premonition of Blooming) Azuma Comedy SR+.png (Strawberry Dip) Azuma Action SR.png (Strawberry Dip) Azuma Action SR+.png (City Lights) Azuma Serious SSR.png (City Lights) Azuma Serious SSR+.png





    (The Footsteps of Winter) Azuma Serious N Transparent.png (The Footsteps of Winter) Azuma Serious N+ Transparent.png (Dressing Formally) Azuma Action N Transparent.png (Rehearsal) Azuma Comedy R Transparent.png (Sympathy for the Angel) Azuma Action R Transparent.png (Premonition of Blooming) Azuma Comedy SR Transparent.png (Premonition of Blooming) Azuma Comedy SR+ Transparent.png (City Lights) Azuma Serious SSR Transparent.png

    Full Body

    Azuma Fullbody.png Azuma Rehearsal Fullbody.png