Tsumugi Tsukioka/MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen

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One Day Leader Exchange! Winter --> Autumn

Backstage Stories
This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by Kean here.
TenmaHaah. My troupe really has to do something about our lack of calmness.
BanriUs too. Geez, it’d be nice if Winter Troupe could share some of their calmness with us.
TsumugiRather than calm, it would probably be more accurate to say that we move at our own pace…
SakuyaAll of us in Spring Troupe are slow starters, so I’d like for us to watch and learn from Summer and Autumn Troupes, who have lots of energy and power!
IzumiThe grass is always greener on the other side, huh.
BanriSeriously, that's it.
IzumiI know! How about we try exchanging troupe leaders for a day?
SakuyaExchanging leaders for a day?
IzumiYup. You’ll learn from other troupes as you discover more about them, and you can correct what your troupe has been doing, so I think it’s a good opportunity.
TsumugiI see. You’ll also be able to understand the other troupes’ characteristics and strengths.
TenmaMm… Sounds interesting. You came up with a good idea, huh.
SakuyaI agree too!
BanriYup, me too.
IzumiSo it’s decided. Well then, let’s hurry and decide on the exchanges.
Do any of you have any requests as to which troupe’s leader you want to try being?
BanriI don’t have any in particular. How ‘bout Tsumugi-san?
TsumugiHmm, well. It seems like it’ll be fun no matter which troupe I go to so I’m troubled, but…
If I have to choose, I’d say Autumn Troupe, I think.
TenmaHmm, how unexpected.
TsumugiI’ve actually always kind of admired action scenes.
SakuyaWaah, I want to see Tsumugi-san’s action scenes!
IzumiI want to see that too. I’m interested to see what kind of feeling they’d give off.
BanriOur action scenes are pretty showy so the movements are pretty intense.
Tsumugi-san, you’re slim, so wouldn’t it be better if you did this after becoming muscular like Tasuku-san?
TsumugiI don’t know when I’ll become like that, though.
TenmaWell the exchange will only last one day, so why not?
IzumiSo Tsumugi-san will take over Autumn Troupe, okay?
BanriJust be careful not to injure yourself.
TsumugiThank you, I’ll be careful. But aren’t you exaggerating?
BanriI wonder. Those guys don’t know how to hold back, after all…
This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by Kean here.
TsumugiI’ll be here for one day. Please take care of me.
TaichiTsumugi-san, please take care of us too—!
OmiSame here, please take care of us.
SakyoThe circumstances here are different from that in Winter Troupe, but I’m sure you understand that. Speak up if there’s anything you’re curious about.
Well then, shall we start? What kind of practices do you guys in Autumn Troupe usually do?
SakyoWe usually do etudes with action scenes incorporated into them, but today——.
TsumugiThat’s fine! Can you give me examples of the kinds of situations you act out?
OmiThings like escaping from a building just before an explosion.
JuzaYesterday I was surrounded by 100 zombies and defeated them with my bare hands.
TaichiI threw a 200-kilogram wrestler who was several times my size over my shoulder!
Sakyo… I think you already know, but they’re talking about our plays.
TsumugiThat’s amazing! I’ve never done etudes with action scenes incorporated into them, so I’m looking forward to it.
OmiAre we proceeding with the usual practices then? I was sure that we were going to do today’s practice in Winter Troupe’s style…
JuzaThat’s what I thought too.
TsumugiThis is Autumn Troupe, so I’d like you to let me practice in Autumn Troupe’s style. I want to learn lots of things too.
TaichiAh… Autumn Troupe, assemble!!
Tsumugi-san, hold on a moment, okay!
JuzaHey, what’re we gonna do.
TaichiIf we do our usual practices, Tsumugi-san’s gonna get injured!
OmiIt would be good if he were able to get away with light scratches…
SakyoWe’re in the same company but nonetheless, if anything happens to the heads of the other troupes, there’ll surely be infighting.
TaichiIt sounds like Sakyo-nii’s talking about something totally different!
OmiAt any rate, it’s true that Tsumugi-san isn’t used to doing action scenes. We can’t let him do anything unreasonable.
JuzaShould we hold back as much as possible?
SakyoYeah. But don’t cut corners when practicing the actual plays themselves.
TaichiRoger that!
TaichiSorry for making you wait~!
OmiThen, let’s start.
TsumugiYeah, please.
This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by Kean here.
SakyoWow… He ain’t bad.
OmiTsumugi-san has unexpectedly reached this level. He’s rather skilled at this kind of thing.
Take this!
Juza! Damn, I accidentally…!
TaichiHey-, Juuza-san, what’re you doing~!
OmiTsumugi-san, are you hurt——.
HomareHey, our leader is here, right?
Autumn Troupe!!!!
Winter Troupe...
AzumaIt seems that we’ve arrived at an amazing time yet again.
JuzaTh-This is bad, if we let them see this scene…!
TaichiAwawawawa!! There’ll be the danger of in-fighting within the company?!
OmiPlease don’t misunderstand, this was an accident! It was an accident.
JuzaYeah, we weren’t pickin’ a fight with the head of Winter Troupe!
TaichiTh-Th-That’s right! We aren’t trying to take over Winter Troupe!
Of course, we want to get along with Winter Troupe from here on, so——.
Tasuku…Geez, what’re you doing.
TsumugiAhaha, you’ve seen me doing something uncool.
TaichiH-Huh? …You aren’t angry?
HisokaWhy would we be angry?
HomareWe were a little surprised, it’s pretty refreshing to see Tsumugi-kun doing action scenes.
JuzaAh, sorry. You aren’t hurt, are you.
TsumugiI’m fine. I’m sorry too, because I wasn’t able to do a proper defense.
TaichiHaah… what a relief~ . I thought it was going to become the scene of a massacre~.
SakyoThe same goes to you guys, do you need anything?
AzumaWe don’t exactly need anything, though.
Once we heard that Tsumugi would be taking part in Autumn Troupe’s practice… a certain someone was so worried about whether he’d get injured that he couldn’t stay calm.
TsumugiHe’s a worrywart, huh. I learnt many things, you know.
OmiWe learnt many things from Tsumugi-san too.
SakyoThe guys from Winter Troupe just arrived, and it’s just about time to end practice.
TaichiIt ended in the blink of an eye!
TaichiI hope you can come again! Ah, but next time make sure you have muscles like Tasuku-san’s!
JuzaThat’s right. That way, we won’t have to hold back.
TsumugiAll of you are saying the same thing as Banri-kun.
OmiOh? Banri said the same thing, huh.
TsumugiIn order to perform action scenes like Autumn Troupe, I’ll start some muscle training from today onwards.
HisokaWas Autumn Troupe’s practice fun?
TsumugiYeah, very.
AzumaThat’s the most important thing.
HomareBut action scenes do indeed seem interesting. Why don’t we try incorporating simple action scenes as Winter Troupe too!
TasukuYou say decent things from time to time, huh. Then shall we hurry and start practicing now?
TsumugiEh, right now? I just finished a practice, though…
TasukuAre you not doing it?
Tsumugi…Of course I am.



This backstage is part of the MANKAI☆Kaika Sengen set, which includes Sakuya, Tenma, Banri and Tsumugi. All backstages share the same opening dialogue.