Template:Practice Row

From A3! Wiki

With LP:

Example Play

Practice Partner LP Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3
Muku Sakisaka 15 Actor's Rush Use 1 Summer, 2 Winter Have Yuki appear 3 times
Muku Sakisaka 15 Achieve Actor's High Use 1 Summer, 2 Winter Have Yuki appear 3 times
Muku Sakisaka 15 Achieve Actor's High Use 1 Summer, 2 Winter Have Yuki appear 3 times

Without LP:

Practice Partner Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3
Muku Sakisaka Achieve Actor's High Use 1 Summer, 2 Winter Have Yuki appear 3 times
Muku Sakisaka Achieve Actor's High Use 1 Summer, 2 Winter Have Yuki appear 3 times
Muku Sakisaka Achieve Actor's High Use 1 Summer, 2 Winter Have Yuki appear 3 times

3rd "Clear" Mission:

Practice Partner LP Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3
Azami Izumida 15 Achieve Actor's High Use 1 Spring, 2 Summer Play the practice 3 times
Tasuku Takato 15 Achieve Actor's High Use 1 Spring, 2 Autumn Play the practice 3 times
Haruto Asuka 15 Achieve Actor's High Use 2 Spring, 1 Autumn Play the practice 3 times
Shift Arakawa 15 Achieve Actor's High Use 2 Autumn, 1 Winter Play the practice 3 times

To use the template, fill out the following and place between the two sets of |- in the lesson table:

{{Practice Row
| partner=
| lp=
| mission2=
| mission3=
| mission4=}}
  • partner should be straightforward, just the full name (eg. Sakuya Sakuma) of the character.
  • lp is the LP cost of the practice lesson. This can be omitted, but remember to remove the LP header as well if doing so.
  • mission2 should follow the format, the number of troupe members required, separated by commas. eg. 1 Summer, 1 Autumn, 1 Winter
  • mission3 is the character who needs to appear 3 times. This should be their first name (or full name) capitalised with no other formatting. eg. Masumi
  • mission4 is the number of times the practice needs to be played, written as a numerical value, eg. 3 or 5. This can be omitted for event practices which have the default Mission 3.
  • These do not have to be separated with |- when using the template in a table


{|class="table lessontable springtable" 
|+ <h3>Romeo and Julius</h3>
! Practice Partner
! LP
! Mission 1
! Mission 2
! Mission 3
{{Practice Row|partner=Sakuya Sakuma|lp=10|mission2=1 Spring, 1 Autumn|mission3=Yuki}}
{{Practice Row|partner=Masumi Usui |lp=10|mission2=1 Spring, 1 Autumn|mission3=Muku}}
{{Practice Row|partner=Tsuzuru Minagi|lp=10|mission2=1 Spring, 1 Autumn|mission3=Misumi}}
{{Practice Row|partner=Itaru Chigasaki|lp=10|mission2=1 Spring, 1 Autumn|mission3=Kazunari}}
{{Practice Row|partner=Citron|lp=10|mission2=1 Spring, 1 Autumn|mission3=Tenma}}