Play/Harugaoka Quartet

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Harugaoka Quartet

Play Information

Related Event: Harugaoka Quartet
Related Story: Harugaoka Quartet
Type: Troupe Events



Lead Actor

Citron as Enis Saionji
A genius who plays the 1st violin part.
Fullbody Sprite(s):

Second Lead A

Masumi Usui as Yota Mukai
A first-year who plays the 2nd violin part.
Fullbody Sprite(s):

Supporting Cast A

Tsuzuru Minagi as Katsumi Hino
A third-year viola player who tends to play hooky.
Fullbody Sprite(s):

Supporting Cast B

Sakuya Sakuma as Yu Yoneda
A serious and timid first-year cellist.
Fullbody Sprite(s):

A violin instructor who often visits the school.
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Supporting Cast D

Itaru Chigasaki as Machida
Enis' homeroom teacher.
Fullbody Sprite(s):


Play Translation

Translator's Note: As music is a big part of the story, I highly recommend listening to the play while reading! If the play is inaccessible to you, however, you can also look up Mozart's String Quartet No.14 to set the mood.
The best boarding school for music in the country, Private Harugaoka Music School. A student who rose and reigned at the top of his class ever since his enrollment and earned himself the nickname of the emperor, Saionji Ennis, was the very definition of the word “genius” who came out of domestic competitions with sweeping victories and awards.
One day, Ennis was called in by his homeroom teacher Machida.
MachidaSaionji. Why don’t you participate in the school’s chamber music competition?
EnnisMe? Why?
MachidaWhy, you ask? You’re also one of the students in this school, you know.
EnnisI don’t have any interest in chamber music.
MachidaNow now, don’t say that. To tell you the truth, there are some guys troubled because one of their violinists has to miss out on the competition due to injury. You’re not preparing for any competition right now, yes? Why don’t you go help them?
EnnisOnly if the others are competent.
MachidaThere’s also the school’s solo competition held at the same time, after all, huh. Well, they are fairly competent…
MachidaEh, really?
EnnisWhy are you surprised when you’re the one asking?
MachidaOh, it's just that I was going into this with the mindset that I have nothing to lose. You're a big help, really. I’ll contact Katsumi Hino from the third year—he’s the coordinator.
Ennis took his homeroom teacher Machida’s suggestion to join the school’s quartet for the chamber music competition. While he initially rejected the proposition with the reasoning that he wasn’t interested in chamber music, he reluctantly took upon the task after being begged to as the violinist who was originally supposed to partake in the competition had been injured.
KatsumiTo think that the emperor would really come and play chamber music with us...
Ennis...And you are?
KatsumiOh, so you don’t know? I am Katsumi Hino from viola major. You accepted to be the pinch-hitter for the upcoming chamber music competition, right?
EnnisYes. I’m Ennis Saionji.
KatsumiEveryone knows your name even if you don’t give it out. I’ll introduce you to the others, come with me.
YoutaI’m the first violin, Youta Mukai. I’m in first year.
EnnisThe first year is the first violin?
KatsumiHe came on top among the first years during enrollment, in addition to having a promising future.
YuuUhh, I’m in charge of the cello, Yuu Yoneda. I’m in the same year as Youta. Uh, I love Saionji-san’s performances! I went to listen to your performance at the final selection for the competition——
EnnisI’ll be the first violin.
EnnisIsn't it reasonable? I'm more suitable for it, and besides, I don't have interest in anything else except the first violin.
KatsumiAh… But we already started practising…
Youta...I understand.
KatsumiHuh? Are you really okay with that?
YoutaI don’t mind.
EnnisWhat’s the song?
KatsumiHayden’s String Quartet, Op. 74.
Ennis"Knight", huh…. The first violin stands out too much, and to make matters worse, the others who are already inconspicuous stand out even less. That’s reckless. If you're going to do it anyway, then Mozart's "Spring" is better.
KatsumiNo, but, we’ve already started practising——.
EnnisYou'll get the hang of this kind of standard soon, surely. Will you please prepare the score?
Yuu...Eh!? Ah, m-me!?
EnnisDo it quick.
KatsumiAs expected from the great emperor himself...
Ennis, with his self-centred and uncooperative character, mixed things up upon the very first meeting between him and the quartet's members. He took upon Youta's initially decided 1st violin position for himself and changed the original music number from Hayden's string quartet to Mozart.
EnnisLet’s try playing the song lightly.
YuuEh? Just by first look?
KatsumiAre you for real…
Youta(This sound is…. too overwhelming.)
Yuu(This is the emperor’s music….! It sounds like it will swallow you in.)
Ennis...This isn't even worth considering.
KatsumiGive me a break. It’s impossible for us to play like you.
EnnisYou can, with practice.
And thus the quartet's practice began after the change in music. Ennis was in his state of perfect solo performance.
The other members were overwhelmed by his abilities.
Youta——Ennis-senpai, please hold back a little bit. Everyone can’t keep up with you.
EnnisThen, you should make an effort so that you can.
KatsumiIf we could, we wouldn't be struggling like this.
EnnisCello, you’ve been off-beat since the 43rd bar.
YuuAh, I’m sorry….!
EnnisOverall, your performance hurts my ears.
YuuI'm sorry...
ToujouSaionji, there's no need to say it like that. Well, this should be enough for today.
YuuUm, Ennis-senpai——
EnnisExcuse me.
KatsumiKnew it, chamber music is a no-go for the emperor.
YoutaI can’t team up with someone who doesn’t feel like coordinating.
ToujouHmm, this is troubling.
The musical performances of Ennis and the other members clash.
Ennis is also starting to get annoyed with the difference in their abilities.
While Toujou instructs them and Katsumi manages to still keep them calm, the mood gradually turns tenser.
YuuI'm going to withdraw from this competition.
YoutaHuh!? What are you saying? We’ve promised to perform together.
YuuBut I’m slowing you guys down.
YoutaIf this is about Ennis-senpai, the one who should be dropping out is him.
YuuEnnis-senpai’s skill is the real deal—It’s perfect. Compared to me who can’t match your rhythm, I’m the one at fault.
YuuYouta? Where are you——
At that moment, the unconfident Yuu tells Youta about his plans of withdrawing from the competition. His childhood friend Youta encourages him and swiftly goes to give Ennis a piece of his mind.
YoutaHow do you think Yuu is feeling right now? He practices so hard, yet can't reach your level of perfection. No matter how hard he tries, he's crushed by your performances.
EnnisI don't understand. If he doesn't wish to be crushed, then he should give a performance that can't be crushed.
Youta——You're the reason why our performance is all over the place! Your sound is like that one of loneliness. And that's what you are - lonely.
However, Ennis, who has been called a genius since childhood, couldn't understand the feelings of Youta and Yuu who couldn't do things perfectly even with practice.
Ennis's blunt statement about making it so that your crushed parts are made uncrushable for the performance earns hard backlash from Youta, who tells him that Ennis' performances don't have any heart.
YuuYouta, it's not like you to skip practice.
Youta...As if we could go to the competition like this.
YuuUnlike me, you have talent. I'm sure you'll make it far with Ennis-senpai too.
YoutaI don't WANT to make it far with him.
The usually dedicated Youta uncharacteristically skips practice the next day and is calmed down by Yuu.
However, Youta firmly states that he doesn't want anything to do with Ennis.
KatsumiHmm, guess the two first years are absent today. Well, we should end things for today then. Good work.
ToujouHuh? Saionji, you're here all by yourself?
EnnisI was told that my sound was lonely.
EnnisIt was the first time someone told me something like that. My performance has always been perfect. I don't think it's lacking anything.
ToujouYou cannot play a song with one violin when it is meant to be played by a quartet at the very least. Don’t you think that it is the only thing “lacking” in your performance, Saionji?
As the two first-year students were absent, Katsumi also takes the day off to go out. Now the only one practising for the competition, Ennis asks Toujou for advice regarding the things Youta told him.
Toujou tells Ennis who doesn't see his perfect performances as lacklustre that it's impossible to perform a song meant for a quartet with just one violin.
YoutaYuu? If this is about practice, then ——
EnnisWhy did you not show up to practice?
YoutaYou don’t even need me, right?
EnnisA quartet song won’t be completed with one violin.
Youta—— ...Got it. It'll be enough for me to show up, won't it? But please apologize to Yuu before that.
EnnisWhy do I have to do that? I’ve never done something that I need to apologize for.
Youta——Really now?
As the song can’t be completed with just one violin, Ennis tells Youta and Yuu to come back to practice.
Following Ennis’s compromise, they resume practice once again, but Katsumi is nowhere to be seen in the lesson room.
The trio decides to go and seek out the unmotivated Katsumi skipping school at the game center.
KatsumiSweet, I got it! Huh? What's up, guys?
EnnisWhat is this place?
YuuHave you never been to a game center before?
KatsumiDo you want to give it a try, then?
YoutaWhat about practice?
KatsumiThere, there. This is part of social studies.
Ennis...I just have to push this button, correct?
KatsumiThe emperor playing a crane game is such a rare sight.
Ennis hadn't known anything else outside the world of music up to till that point. As he experienced playing at a game center like a normal student for the very first time, the band gradually managed to open up to each other through their fun times together.
EnnisYou need to be more gentle. Be aware of the anacrusis.
EnnisSecond, you need to pull yourself out more with the same spirit from before.
EnnisThe fourth bar just now didn’t sound that bad.
KatsumiThat's rare.
YoutaIt’s only the fourth bar, you know.
YuuBut that’s a huge improvement!
KatsumiSo even the emperor smiles.
EnnisWhat do you mean by that?
KatsumiJust keep your face like that.
YoutaIt's the first time I've seen him like this.
As the performances of the quartet improve with Ennis’s guidance, his performances also start to slowly change.
And so the quartet becomes a unified group of four people.
However, as the originally absent classmate’s injury starts to heal, Machida tells Ennis that they are more than likely going to make it in time for the competition.
And then Ennis is called in by Toujou.
EnnisExcuse me.
ToujouOh, well if it isn't Saionji.
EnnisWhat did you want to talk about?
ToujouNo, it’s just—there’s an international competition coming soon. Please give it some thought too, Saionji. You’ve always passed up on that since the genre is different from yours, but don’t you think you should give it a try this year? Your performance has changed incredibly too. Well, I know you also have that quartet-thing of yours, so don’t take it seriously——.
EnnisI'll do it.
ToujouHuh, but don’t you have practices over there?
EnnisIt’s not a problem. It looks like the helper is not needed anymore.
Ennis takes Toujou's suggestion to participate in the international competition and drops out of the quartet.
YoutaEnnis-senpai, why didn’t you show up to practice?
EnnisThere’s no need for three violins.
YoutaHuh? Ah, that guy’s injury——
EnnisExcuse me.
YoutaPlease wait! There’s no need for you to withdraw this late, Ennis-senpai.
EnnisI wasn’t even interested in chamber music to begin with.
EnnisGood luck with your competition.
Youta——Just as I thought, you're a lone wolf! Were we the only ones who were having fun!?
In contrast to the more restrained Youta, Ennis has no problem telling him that he had no interest in chamber music to begin with.
Thinking that Ennis had also been enjoying their performances, Youta unleashes his anger.
Youta tells the worried and bewildered Yuu and Katsumi to not bother with Ennis.
ToujouHmm… It sounds like something you’d perform in the past.
EnnisIn the past?
ToujouYou’re too fixated on perfectionism. It sounds serious and stiff. Since you can’t concentrate like usual, I think we should really give up on the competition.
Ennis...The sound isn't enough.
EnnisNo matter how many times I play, the music that’s flowing through my head is lacking sound. It can’t become the music that I imagine. It’s lacking.
Toujou...Then, it may be a waste to practice until you find the music that you’re looking for. Please go home for today.
As Ennis practices for the international competition, Toujou points out that his performance doesn't have enough originality to it.
Ennis tells him that no matter how much he plays, he can't produce enough sound for the song in his head. Toujou tells him that then there's no reason for him to practice till he finds what he's looking for, and lets him out of the lesson room.
Youta finds Ennis at loss and calls out to him, confused.
YoutaWhat are you doing here, aren’t you still in the middle of a lesson? You’re going to participate in international competition, right?
EnnisThe sound isn't enough.
EnnisNo matter how many times I play, the sound is missing. The music can’t become perfect. Ever since I withdrew from the quartet, it has always been——
Youta...A quartet won’t be complete with only one violin, won't it. No matter how many times you play by yourself, it’ll always be missing.
YoutaPlease come back. The original violin player already talked about this with Yuu and Katsumi-senpai in person. He's going to come back only after resting properly. Our sound isn't enough either.
Ennis...Got it.
When Ennis says that his sound isn't enough, he's answered with "a lone violin isn't enough in a quartet". It comes to light that the injured classmate decided to miss the competition in favour of resting after consulting Yuu and Katsumi.
Once again, Ennis accepts the invitation to join the quartet and expresses his agreement to Youta.
Machida..."Spring", huh.
ToujouI was wondering what would happen when the emperor joined a quartet, but it turned into something rather interesting in the end, huh.
MachidaAsking him for the impossible was worth it in the end.
ToujouEven though it was seemingly one tough journey.
Ennis's quartet presents an overwhelming performance in front of the audience at the competition.
They receive endless applause at the end of their performance and achieve victory in the chamber music competition.
Mangosnail, with referencing from Nids's Harugaoka Quartet event story translation for consistency