B's-LOG/June 2017

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B's-LOG June 2017 was released April 20th 2017. It included original artwork featuring Itaru Chigasaki, Misumi Ikaruga, Sakyo Furuichi and Tsumugi Tsukioka as well as a mock interview with these characters, who were decided by a popularity vote.

B's-LOG June 2017
B's-LOG June 2017
Released April 20, 2017
Magazine B's-LOG
Publisher Kadokawa


—— Well done with the photoshoot today! First, please tell us your thoughts on the shoot now that it's over.
ItaruWe did the shoot in the dorms, where we usually spend our time, so we were able to relax and be ourselves. I think we were photographed as we truly are.
TsumugiIt was just like normal, though I was a little embarrassed.
SakyoIn the beginning, the other guys in the company came to peek at us, so it was unavoidable that our concentration was scattered.
ItaruYour demonic roar was certainly scattered all over the place.
MisumiWe could have done the shoot together with everyone~
TsumugiThat would defeat the purpose of the auditions we did.
SakyoStill, I hadn't thought they'd use things from the dorms as props.
TsumugiThe game controller is Itaru-kun's personal possession, right.
MisumiI want the triangle controller too~
ItaruNo. This is my partner.
SakyoThe magazine Tsukioka was reading was originally something that had been left in the lounge too.
TsumugiIt's a fashion magazine with Tenma-kun on the cover. I picked it up without much thought, but it's quite interesting.
ItaruTenma tends to casually leave the magazines he appears in on the table, doesn't he.
TsumugiThat part of him is a little cute.
MisumiRight, Tenma's cute~
SakyoWell, he's had a long career, but he's still a brat.
—— The photoshoot this time surpassed the relationships within troups. Can you tell us something new or surprising that you realised doing the photoshoot together?
MisumiItaru is surprisingly fond of triangles!
Itaru......I'm going to ask why just for the sake of it.
MisumiBecause you were only pressing the triangle button! I know the feeling of choosing the triangle~
ItaruThe △ button is the basic attack, so the frequency with which I......well, even if I explain, these three won't understand.
TsumugiSorry. If it was Banri-kun, I think he'd be able to understand, but......
SakyoI don't understand at all what Settsu and Chigasaki find so interesting about games.
ItaruSo you say, but you were watching me handle the controller with interest too. Shall we play together next time?
—— About the auditions all the troupe members in MANKAI Company participated in - Please tell us how you felt when you were spoken to about the project, or when you heard that you had been chosen.
TsumugiI was surprised when I heard the plans, but I was even more surprised when I heard the results. I hadn't thought that I of all people would be chosen......
SakyoI too thought there had been some kind of mistake at first. A withered old man like me ——
ItaruCome on, you two, isn't this where you can be honestly happy? Right, Misumi?
MisumiRight, right. It's as Itaru says!
ItaruWell, I would like to ask why I was chosen.
SakyoThat's right. I'll use it as a reference for the sort of fanservice to provide, and to promote the theatre......and so on and so on......
Tsumugi......It seems like that'll go on for a while. I'd like to ask if it's possible to get the results of the questionnaire.
MisumiEhh~ The reason's simple! Everyone loves triangles~
TsumugiI wonder about that.....though of course, I do think there are people who like them too......
MisumiThat's right! How about we give Mr Super Triangles to the audience as a token of our thanks?
ItaruYou can't mean all of them?
MisumiOf course I do!
SakyoRejected. It's a waste of finances.
TsumugiAhaha. Let's show our gratitude with our acting.
—— The photoshoot this time had a relaxed mood, but please tell us the requirements for a partner you think you could feel relaxed around.
TsumugiFor Itaru-kun, it'd be someone who'd play games with him, wouldn't it? Someone with shared hobbies, I suppose.
ItaruThat might be true. And Tsumugi? A lump of muscle over 180cm tall?
MisumiA person with amazing triangle muscles~? [1]
SakyoThey mean Takato.
TsumugiAhh, I see......It's true that one might be able to relax around someone where there's mutual understanding.
ItaruThough if they know you too well, I get the feeling that gets a bit uncomfortable too. Sakyo-san? I'm personally very interested.
SakyoI've never thought about it, but I don't like those who make things rowdy. Peace and quiet. That's the best.
MisumiSakoda isn't quiet, you know~?
TsumugiThe Autumn Troupe is the exact opposite of peaceful, too.
SakyoThat's why I'm worried. Enough about me; what about Ikaruga?
ItaruA triangle person?
SakyoWhat sort of person is that.
ItaruNah, Misumi's always saying it, so.
MisumiHmm, I do like triangles, but~ They might be a bit different to relaxing~ Whether you can relax or not is maybe more of an emotional thing~
ItaruThe stuff you're saying is so reasonable I'm spooked.
MisumiAh, I can relax when I'm with the Director.
TsumugiAhh, I think so to. It's like a weight is lifted from my shoulders, or......
ItaruI wonder if it's the atmosphere around her. It's a mystery.
ItaruCould it be that it's different for you? I'm sure that ——
SakyoI'm not saying it's different for me, but......
TsumugiThen we'll all say, 'someone like the Director'.


  1. Deltoids