Act 1/Episode 25

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Act 1
Episode 25: The Two Guys From GOD-za
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IzumiPlease come and watch MANKAI Company's performance "Romeo and Julius"!
SakuyaPlease come and watch!
CitronCome and watch—.
SakuyaWe handed out the flyers, but not many people took them.
IzumiWell, Veludo Way is full of theatres. If they take all the flyers, it'll be as thick as a dictionary.
Masumi"Romeo... Are you Romeo Montague? You've got to be lying. Are you really Romeo from the Montague family?"
Passerby A?
Passerby BWhat is it, what is it?
Passerby ARomiJuli?
Masumi"Romeo, why must you be Romeo Montague?"
IzumiAh, that's right! We can do a street act to attract more people!
SakuyaNice idea!
Sakuya"Let's go on a journey together, Julius. Let's run out of this cramped town and travel around the world."
Masumi"Romeo, you have strength, and I have wisdom. Together, I'm sure we can accomplish anything."
Sakuya"That's right. As long as we are together, we can go anywhere."
Do it too, please, Tsuzuru-kun!
Izumi? This is not the first time you're doing a street act, right?
TsuzuruSomehow, performing lines that I wrote for the first time in public is a little bit...
IzumiThis is not the time to say such a thing! At this rate, you won't be able to present it outside of your family and friends, you know?
Tsuzuru——You have a point.
"Romeo, did you get your heart broken? Don't worry about it. There are a lot of girls in this world."
Passerby BIt's RomiJuli, right?
Passerby ABut the cast is all male. It looks interesting.
Sakuya"Be it your family or name, throw it all away, Julius. We have an ever bigger dream than that!"
Masumi"No. I can't throw away my family."
Haruto...What a bunch of low level actors.
TasukuDon't say that, Haruto.
HarutoI only said the truth.
Tsuzuru——What's your problem?
HarutoOh, you heard it?
TsuzuruIf you have any complaints, just spill it.
HarutoI just thought that you guys are low level actors. Did I hit the bullseye?
TsuzuruWho do you think you——.
IzumiCalm down, Tsuzuru-kun.
I'm sorry for my members' actions.
TasukuYeah, me too.
IzumiEh? You two are the one who did the street act the other day——.
TsuzuruYou're right, they're from that time——!
TasukuAh, we often do that to promote our theatre.
Passerby AIt's Tasuku and Haruto from GOD-za.
Passerby BAren't they the top two actors? So cool—!
Izumi(I've already thought that they have a nice acting skill before, but they're sure popular, huh.)
HarutoAre you the representative for this company?
IzumiI'm the director and president.
HarutoHeh, then, show me what you've got too. I want to see how good the director is if the actors are like this.
TsuzuruWhat's with this guy....
SakuyaHe's really unpleasant.
Masumi——If he's looking for a fight, bring it on.
IzumiIt's okay, guys.
(It can't be help if we take our time here, but we have to get going soon.)
"Let's go on a journey together, Julius. Let's run out of this cramped town and travel around the world."
What? You must be joking, right? The president has the worst skill.
TasukuStop it, Haruto.
Izumi(It's fine if you laugh at my acting skills. All I care about right now is getting through everyone's debut performance safely.)
You understand now, right? So don't bother us anymore.
HarutoDon't you feel sorry for those guys for teaching them with that kind of level?
Masumi——I'll kill you.
IzumiMasumi-kun, don't!
TsuzuruStop it, you're being annoying.
TasukuYou said too much, Haruto.
TasukuSorry for bothering you. Good luck on your performance.
IzumiThanks. Please come too if you like.
HarutoWhy did you take the flyers from that theatre?
TasukuShut up. Let's go, Haruto.
HarutoYeah, yeah.
IzumiWell, we shall pull ourselves together and keep going.
TsuzuruI'm glad you don't take it to heart.
CitronThey were just wasting their tire.
IzumiDo you mean time?
I'm fine. I can't do anything about it even if mind what he said.
(I can't improve my skills no matter what I do, but my experience from that time is useful to everyone. If I think about it like that, I don't mind what he said at all.)
(There's nothing I can do as an actor, but I still can do something as a director.)
IzumiPlease come and watch MANKAI Company's performance "Romeo and Julius"!
Weak-looking BoyUmmm... Please give me a sheet.
IzumiSure, here!
Weak-looking BoyThank you....
IzumiWe will be performing "Romeo and Julius" soon! Please come and watch it!
Arrogant-looking BoyHaah? An all-male version of RomiJuli? What is this bizarre play?
IzumiPlease have a sheet. And come if you like.
Arrogant-looking BoyThanks.
IzumiHanding out flyers is easy, and it seems our page views have increased thanks to Itaru-san.
ManagerYeah, and we even had some people commenting to give us their support.
IzumiHow about the tickets?
ManagerWe've sold more tickets than before, but it's still far from being sold out...
IzumiI see...
ManagerAt this rate, maybe we won't even fill half the audience seats. What should we do? If this goes on, the theatre will——.
IzumiWe still have three weeks, so let's come up with something.
Izumi(Though I don't really know what to do. How can we sell all the tickets...?)
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Act 1
Episode 25: The Two from GOD-za
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IzumiMANKAI Company’s performance, “Romeo and Julius”! Please take a look!
SakuyaPlease check us out.
CitronThank you~.
SakuyaPeople aren’t really taking our flyers.
IzumiVeludo Way is full of theater troupes, after all. If you took every flyer, you’d have a dictionary in no time.
Masumi“Romeo... Romeo Montague? You must be lying. Are you truly Romeo of the Montague family?”
Passerby A?
Passerby BWhat’s going on?
Passerby ARomiJuli?
Masumi“Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo Montague?”
IzumiOh, I see! We can gather attention through a street act!
SakuyaSounds good!
Sakuya“Let’s go on a journey together, Julius. We’ll escape this cramped town and see the world together.”
Masumi“Romeo, you have strength. And I have intellect. If the two of us work together, we can accomplish anything.”
Sakuya“That’s right; if the two of us are together, we can go anywhere.”
Tsuzuru-kun, please join us!
IzumiTsuzuru-kun, this isn’t your first time doing a street act, right?
TsuzuruIt’s just, performing lines that I wrote in front of a public audience... it’s suddenly making me a little embarrassed...
IzumiDon’t say that now! At this rate, we might not be able to perform for anybody but the people we know!
Tsuzuru—You’re right.
“Romeo, I hear you were rejected? Don’t worry about it. There are countless women in this world. Let’s go to a party to take your mind off of it.”
Passerby BIt’s RomiJuli, right?
Passerby ABut they’re both guys. Seems interesting.
Sakuya“Cast aside your household and your name, Julius! We have an even greater dream!”
Masumi“No. I cannot throw my family aside.”
Haruto...They suck.
TasukuStop, Haruto.
HarutoI’m just telling the truth.
Tsuzuru—What did you say?
HarutoOh, you heard me?
TsuzuruIf you have a problem, say it loud and clear.
HarutoI just thought you sucked. Did I hit the nail on the head?
TsuzuruI don’t know who the hell you are, but—.
IzumiTsuzuru-kun, calm down.
Excuse us. I’m sorry our troupe member got aggressive.
TasukuI’m sorry too.
IzumiHuh? Aren’t you the ones who were performing that street act on Veludo Way that one time—.
TsuzuruOh, from that time—!
TasukuOh, yeah, we do that often to advertise our troupe.
Passerby AIt’s Tasuku and Haruto from GOD-za.
Passerby BThe two top stars! They’re so handsome!
Izumi(I thought they were good when I first saw them; so they are popular.)
Haruto“Our troupe member”? Does that mean you’re their representative?
IzumiI’m their director and leader.
HarutoHuh. Hey, try performing something. I wanna see how good you are—what kind of director teaches guys who suck this bad?
TsuzuruWhat’s with him...
SakuyaHe’s really nasty.
MasumiIf you’re picking a fight, I’ll fight you.
IzumiCalm down, everyone.
(There’s no point wasting time here. I need to get rid of him quickly.)
“Let’s go on a journey together, Julius. We’ll escape this cramped town and see the world together.”
What? What was that? You’re not kidding around? Their leader sucks the most—what a total joke.
TasukuStop, Haruto.
Izumi(I don’t care if he laughs at my acting. Because my goal right now is to make everyone’s performance a success.)
Got it? Now stop getting in our way.
HarutoDon’t you think it’s disrespectful to instruct them when you’re at such a low level yourself?
Masumi—I’ll kill you.
IzumiMasumi-kun, no!
TsuzuruHe’s infuriating, but stop.
TasukuHaruto, you’ve gone too far.
TasukuSorry for getting in your way. Good luck on your performance.
IzumiThank you. If you’d like, please take this.
HarutoWhy are you taking their flyer?
TasukuShut up. Let’s go, Haruto.
IzumiWell, now that that’s over, let’s keep going.
TsuzuruIt’s better to ignore it.
CitronHis bark is louder than his kite.[1]
IzumiDo you mean bite?
It’s fine. There’s no point in giving someone like that any attention.
(No matter how much I practiced, my acting never improved. But my experiences from back then are helping everyone now. If I think of it that way, it doesn’t bother me at all.)
(I couldn’t leave anything behind as an actor, but there are things I can do as a director.)
IzumiMANKAI Company’s performance, “Romeo and Julius”! Please take a look!
Timid-looking boyUm... may I take a flyer?
IzumiHere you go!
Timid-looking boyThank you...
Izumi“Romeo and Julius” will be on stage soon! Please take a look!
Proud-looking boyWhat? A RomiJuli between two men? Weird.
IzumiHave a flyer. If you’d like, please check it out.
Proud-looking boyThanks.
IzumiWe managed to pass out a lot of flyers, and thanks to Itaru-san, it seems like the webpage is getting more views.
ManagerYes. People even left comments on the blog, cheering us on.
IzumiHow are ticket sales?
ManagerBetter than before, but we still have a long way to go till we sell out...
IzumiI see...
ManagerAt this rate, we might only fill half the seats. What should we do—when that happens, this troupe will be done for—.
IzumiWe still have three weeks. Let’s think of something.
Izumi(But what should we do. How can we sell more tickets....)
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  1. He says “baked potato barking” when the idiom is “a loser barking” (basically, “losers bark the loudest”) and Izumi asks, “do you mean loser?”
