Trump the phantom thief/Episode 10

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by nids here.
Trump the phantom thief
Episode 10
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SaionjiOne of the evacuation boats is gone?
GuardYes. It was still there when I checked yesterday...
SaionjiIf Sakisaka-kun didn’t let me know, I would think of it as nothing but a mere incident. But now there’s a chance it may be related to the thieves.
SakyoThey may use the boat to escape.
YukiMakes sense.
BanriBut judging by what Muku said, I assume they will carry out their plan tomorrow during the unveiling. Does that mean they stole the boat and made some preparations in advance?
AzamiOr they might have noticed someone found out about their plan and decided to steal it earlier...
MukuIn that case, we have to catch the thieves quickly before they steal the jewel!
SaionjiThat will be the police and the guards’ job.
In the first place, they’re probably blending in with the other passengers. We can’t just catch people randomly.
Muku...I know how they look.
A man, and a woman who may be an accomplice... I’m begging you. Please let me help.
IzumiI can’t put you in danger, Muku-kun.
MukuSaionji-san, you have been looking out for us a lot to make sure we don’t have any problems during our stay here.
You have been helping us so that we could perform at an unfamiliar place like this... I’m grateful that you offered such a request.
I want to do whatever I can to help you protect the thing you treasure.
I’ll regret it if I don’t do anything and let the jewel be stolen.
JuzaDirector, let Muku do what he wants. I’ll protect him.
BanriIt’s not like the cops are going to arrive soon, anyway. If you want to catch them for real, his help is necessary.
AzamiI’ll help out too if Muku-san is serious about it.
YukiIt’s not like trump to let the jewel be stolen without doing anything.
KazunariYepyep! The treasure is ours~!
SakyoGod. Fine, fine.
MukuYou guys...
IzumiPromise me you will run away once you know it’s dangerous.
IzumiSaionji-san, will you let us help you out?
SaionjiI’m actually hesitant about this, but I have to admit Sakisaka-kun’s testimony is very important during this time.
I’ll let you help too. However, you have to be very careful and move along with the guards.
I’ll contact the police again. And if possible, I want to avoid causing confusion among the other passengers...
MukuOh. In that case...
Suspicious Man...
Female Passenger??
Muku“I shall take this treasure first.”
Suspicious Man...You!?
Female Passenger?Hey, wait!
He did hear it. I made a mistake by letting him go.
Muku(She’s really an accomplice...)
JuzaMuku, run!
Suspicious ManDon’t let him get away!
Passenger AKyaa!
Passenger BWhat is it? An actor?
Passenger CIs this the continuation of the play? A performance?
Kazunari“King, over here~!”
(I only need to run until there...!)
Kazunari“Q. Get the net over there!”
Yuki“I’ve already had it in my hands.”
Muku“Hey, you two, lift it up!”
Kazunari“Okey dokey~!”
Yuki“Too heavy...!”
Suspicious ManWhoaa!?
*gets caught by the net*
Female Passenger?–ugh.
*gets caught by the net*
GuardWe secured the criminals!
Female Passenger?Shit.
SaionjiSakisaka-kun, can you confirm if they are the right persons?
MukuYes, that’s them.
“But the other person should be a woman.”
Female Passenger?I’m just like Q.
GuardThe police are here!
*round of applause*
Passenger ASo they’re holding a performance outside the theater venue.
Passenger BThat was interesting!
MukuT-Thank you very much!
KazunariThank you~.
SaionjiI really appreciate your help today. You helped me a lot.
It’s all thanks to you all that I am able to protect this gem.
We also managed to avoid confusion among the passengers. They were all calm. Your idea to pretend to hold a performance worked, Sakisaka-kun.
MukuWill the unveiling be cancelled after this incident...?
SaionjiBecause we didn’t suffer any damages, it won’t be cancelled. I’d like to hold the event as planned while consulting the police.
Allow me to offer my gratitude once again.
MukuT-There’s no need...!
SaionjiI shall take my leave now. I have to do some cleaning up and prepare for tomorrow.
JuzaMuku, are you injured anywhere?
MukuI’m fine. It’s a good thing the thieves were caught...
JuzaYou worked hard.
Juza...Good luck on track and field.
JuzaWhat’s wrong?
Muku...It’s nothing.
I could help them out because Juchan and the others backed me up.
Thank you.
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