Trump the phantom thief/Episode 9

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by nids here.
Trump the phantom thief
Episode 9
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IzumiToday is finally the closing show... Time flies, as always.
MukuI still want to continue both this cruise and our play!
JuzaI don’t want it to end.
YukiLiving on this ship is really comfortable.
AzamiNot only the theater venue, but the mirror in the dressing room is huge.
KazunariI wanna go around the world at this rate~.
SakyoHow long are you planning to keep this plan, god.
BanriI’ve gotta admit I feel kind of sad today is our last show, though.
KazunariOh, yeah! Let’s take a pic on the deck to commemorate our closing show!
KazunariIt came out great~.
SakyoIt feels like we’re still on the stage since we’re still wearing our costumes.
JuzaI can’t get away from Jack.
BanriIt’s not everyday we get to perform a play set at a similar location as our venue, after all.
KazunariThis looks so Inste worthy! Gotta upload it~.
YukiBy the way, the jewel showcase is tomorrow, right?
SakyoWe’re getting off this ship after that. You better start packing now.
IzumiLet’s head back to the dressing room. You all need to change.
MukuOh, sorry. Can I stay here a bit longer?
I want to stay in this King get-up a little bit longer...
IzumiBut make sure not to come back late, alright?
(I was surprised when I got casted as King. I’ve never thought I could pull it off.)
(But I was able to be more confident, little by little, as I continued performing various roles on the stage.)
(Everyone’s support helped me gain the desire to try new things.)
(I’m glad I decided to try taking on a role I love and ran through the performance until the end.)
(I might have a hard time deciding if I should go back to track and field, but I shall challenge myself so that I won’t regret it in the future.)
(I took a step forward, just like the time when I started theater…)
I should go back soon.
Muku(I’m a little bit thirsty...)
(Let’s go buy something at the vending machine. Maybe I should buy the strawberry milk too since Juchan likes it...)
Suspicious Man...It’s going as planned.
(Why is that person...making a call while looking around restlessly...)
Suspicious Man...The security will be tightened if we miss the unveiling.
Suspicious ManWe’ll get close to the target when the audience is thrown into confusion... The escape route is...
(Is he talking about something bad...)
Female PassengerWhat’s wrong?
Female PassengerAre you alright? Are you looking for something?
MukuU-Umm... The vending machine...
Female PassengerThe vending machine?
Muku(This is bad. We’ll get caught by that suspicious person if we stay here.)
I was on my way to buy some juice, but I forgot to bring money.
Female PassengerOh no.
MukuI will go back to the dressing room.
Female PassengerAll right. By the way, you’re one of the actors from the play, right? Your acting was so great. Best of luck to you.
MukuThank you so much!
YukiWelcome back.
BanriYou sure took your time.
SaionjiI think the preparation for the closing party is going to be complete soon.
JuzaWhat’s up?
MukuUmm...! I have something to tell you guys!
IzumiThieves, you say!?
KazunariThat totes sounds like a crime plan!
YukiWish that only happened in the play, not in real life too.
MukuI don’t think I misheard what he said...
SaionjiI shall take all proper caution and contact the police. I’ll also re-examine the guards station.
MukuIf there’s anything we can help–.
SaionjiIt’ll be bad if anything happens to you. I appreciate the thought, though.
BanriYou should think about your own safety instead, Muku.
KazunariTrue. If he finds out that his plan has been leaked, he’s going to gag you.
SaionjiJust to be safe, I’ll assign someone to guard you.
JuzaDid someone notice when you heard about the plan?
MukuI don’t think she noticed...but a female passenger was talking to me. She complimented my performance...
SakyoI hope she’s not an accomplice...
*door knocks*
GuardSaionji-san, this is bad!
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