Senribana Monogatari/Episode 7

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Senribana Monogatari
Episode 7
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Citron<< So you’re saying that we can’t use our subtitle device? What does that mean? >>
Servant<< It was working just fine during the inspection a few days ago, however just a moment ago we noticed it had stopped working. >>
Citron<< Is there any way we can get it up and working in time for the performance? >>
Servant<< Well.. We’re not sure about that. However we are currently trying to figure out the cause of the problem. Even if we find are able to find the problem, we are not sure if it is something that can be fixed in time.. >>
Citron<< I see. Alright, please hurry, I’m counting on you guys. >>
Servant<< Affirmative! >>
Citron<< Why did this have to happen before our performance.. ? >>
Servant<< .. I did not want to say this, but I have heard from the other staff this must have been some sort of sabotage set up by someone.. Or perhaps a team. >>
Citron<< Someone? A team? The way to say it makes sound like you know who it could have been. >>
Servant<< N-No I was not implying— >>
Citron<< Are you by chance trying to implicate Orange and Navel? >>
Servant<< I.. Some have said that. >>
Citron<< Do you have any evidence of this? >>
Servant<< No, I was not trying to imply anything like that. >>
Citron<< (Even though I spoke with them privately after the event, I can’t control the rumors people spread.. But could people really hold this much distrust for them that they would go this far..?? )
If you have no evidence then there will be no further investigation.
The most important thing right now is that we fix that machine at once. Don’t you want to make sure everyone enjoy’s the show? >>
Servant<< Affirmative! Yes, understood! >>
GuyIt will take some time to fix the device.
AzamiIf they can’t fix it, what will we do?
YukiThis performance uses a lot of difficult words since it’s Kabuki themed so without subtitles no one will understand.
SakuyaBut but I don’t wanna have to cancel it..
We came all this way to give the people of Zahra a fun show.. And we practiced so much.
HomareCitron put a lot into this as well, we need to stay strong for him.
Izumi.. Let’s still do the show.
“The most important thing is feeling”, right?
CitronYeah, of course we’ll still do the show! I made sure to let the servant know how important this is to us!
GuyI will keep a close eye on their progress as well.
IzumiI guess we need to think of how we can best convey the meaning of the play if the subtitle device can’t be fixed in time.
MasumiMaybe we can use like a giant cue card with the translations written on it.
ItaruAnd with that the world crumbles around us.
TsumugiWell I was thinking maybe something like that would work.
TasukuMaybe we can all think of something.
IzumiWe need to keep our motivation going for the dress rehearsal tomorrow.
SakuyaGot it!
AzumaI think it is best to continue with our original plan regardless if the subtitle device is fixed or not.
YukiYou can just take Sahul’s costume and move it, the fan should be on the left.
MasumiRoger that.
AzumaWe have a lot of delicate costumes and props for this performance it must have been difficult to transport. Thank you for that.
YukiNo problem. This is a performance that will make or break our future as an acting troupe.
AzumaWhen you put it that way I can really feel the pressure.
TasukuUmm, hey what are you guys doing? Our intensive practice isn’t until tomorrow so shouldn’t you guys be resting right now?
AzumaWell that is true, however.. Well we were thinking of doing some voluntary practice so we came to borrow the fans.
Tasuku.. I had a feeling it was something like that.
YukiIt won’t be long. Alright.
AzumaThank you.
.. Huh?
YukiWhat’s wrong? It’s not broken or anything, right?
AzumaNo, it’s nothing. I will take this.
(Sahul’s fan wasn’t there. I wonder what this means..)
*ring ring*
Hello, hello, Guy?”
AzumaHmm, I think I turn right at this corner.
Oh, what’s this? ..The library?
(Guy gave me a map of it with some annotations..)
“This is where the princes’ private collections are. If you would like, you may borrow anything that belongs to Citronia.”
So this is where Citron keeps his books.. huh.
Citron“At that time I don’t think I really knew I loved Japan, but I was engrossed in a particular Japanese picture book.”
Azuma(I think I’ll just go take a quick look.)
AzumaWow, Citron sure does have a lot of books.
— Oh, it’s this book. How nostalgic.
Orange<< Hey what are you doing? >>
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