Senribana Monogatari/Episode 8

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Senribana Monogatari
Episode 8
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Azuma<< I am just taking a quick look. I have permission. >>
Orange<< .. Yeah, fine. >>
Azuma(It’s a good thing they know English.)
Navel<< Oh, that book.. >>
Azuma<< Yes, this one is called “The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees to Blossom”, it’s a Japanese fable. It’s a pretty interesting story. If you would like— >>
Orange<< Interesting? Says who? It’s the one with that neighbor who keeps running into misfortune. >>
Azuma<< Oh, have you read it? >>
Orange<< .. A long time ago. Our older brother was so into it that we wanted to see what was so special about it for ourselves.
But there was nothing special about it at all. Yet again only the chosen one gets the treasure. There’s nothing else to get about that book.
Yeah maybe the neighbor’s methods were wrong, but how else was he supposed to get what he wanted? >>
Azuma<< .. He couldn’t borrow money from someone else? >>
Orange<< But he didn’t think of doing that. There is only one treasure. It’s not like he could just ask someone else for it.
In the end the only the chosen one gets the treasure. There is no way for anyone else to win against him. >>
(I can sense some parallels here.
Just as I thought, the friction between these brothers runs much deeper than what we saw on the outside, there’s more history than we knew.)
Orange<< .. Oh, by the way we heard your subtitle device broke, right? >>
Navel<< S-So you must think we were behind it? >>
Azuma<< I did not say anything like.. >>
Orange<< We didn’t do it. We don’t know if our older brother believes us or not though.
Oh, whatever. What’s another strike against us anyway, it’s not like we can fall and lower.
Actually, we didn’t really want to see our brother’s performance. We even told him that it would probably be best if we kept our distance for extra precaution. >>
Navel<< H-Hey you know..
The sakura page in this book is… Really pretty, for real, it’s so pretty. >>
Azuma<< Have you ever seen sakura blossoms? >>
Navel<< No, never and I don’t think we ever will. >>
Citron“Yes, and it is all thanks to your guidance.
Since the very beginning I have yearned to live in this country, how could I not but enjoy myself?”
Azuma(— Of course this is where he is.)
Citron“From the first time I saw Kabuki on TV, I have yearned to study this beautiful art form no matter it would take me or how I would learn it. I just knew it was what I wanted.
Being able to see this world I have only imagined has only broadened my horizons as if I was living in a dream.”
<< I need to change my tone a little.. >>
Azuma(Certainly this prince was not the only one chosen by God. If those two could just see something they could not see I am sure they would cooperate.
I am certain once they see our performance they will understand.)
“So, I guess you really are ready to begin training soon.”
CitronOhh, it’s Azuma above my head again? Let’s practice together.
AzumaBefore we do that, let me see your hand.
Just as I thought, covered in blood blisters again. You need to keep applying the cream or else it will get worse.
CitronSorry, I kept forgetting.
Azuma.. I just ran into Prince Orange and Prince Navel in the library.
CitronOh, and what did they say?
AzumaWe just had little chat.
They told me they have never seen sakura blossoms before and that they don’t think they will ever get the chance in the future.
Citron.. Sakura blossoms? I am surprised those two even want to see sakura blossoms.
AzumaWe were reading “The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees to Blossom” and they pointed out the sakura page was pretty.
CitronThose two read it..?
Oh I think you might have misunderstood. They probably just wanted to know what was so interesting about it. They have always tried to copy whatever I do.
AzumaFufu, just like an older brother, you can see right through to their true intentions. Come to think of it, this is the first time I have seen your brotherly side.
CitronIs it now?
.. But maybe you’re right, maybe they do want to see the sakura blossoms.
AzumaI think so. Just like you did way back then.
Azuma.. Hm? What is it, oh? Hey, look up at the sky—
AzumaI think you mean UMA, an unidentified mysterious animal.
But oh hey.. it looks like a balloon. Maybe it’s leftover from the balloon release earlier.
CitronYou spent a lot of time watching those balloons to identify it so fast.
AzumaI guess you have a point.
.. At the ballon release earlier, I made a wish to my older brother.
CitronWhat kind of brother was he?
AzumaWe were very close. We did not really fight. What I remember is that he was a very kind person.
CitronOh, I’m jealous.
Guy“Citronia wishes that he could have the same relationship to that of you and your brother.”
Azuma(Now that I think about it, I think Guy mentioned that before.)
I love him a lot, but unfortunately I do not know where he is now nor do I know when I will be able to see him again.
I have many things I would like to tell him, but at the same time I do not think I could ever find the words. Even during the few times we would fight, somehow I never had any words.
So that is why I wished that he find peace wherever he may be.
AzumaI understand the relationship you have with your brothers is different than most. The conflict between you and them is something not easily solved.
However, if you have just an ounce of desire to to resolve things with them, I think you should invite them to our performance.
Citron.. I haven’t been a good older brother.
I have always just worked hard for myself.
As the crown prince, I needed to work extra hard in order to prove my worthiness.
But despite being an older brother, I didn’t consider my brothers' pain. I couldn't spare time for that.
I never saw those two as brothers. If anything I saw them as my rivals in a constant power struggle within the palace.
Only now do I understand that like me, those two have also carried a heavy burden and had to work hard.
But now I have given the throne up to Tangerine so I am free to do as I wish, but still I wonder.. What to do about those two..
Tangerine already understands why I did what I did back then, but I don’t think those two could ever forgive me.
I do want to reconcile with those two but I am afraid that my actions could come off as a rodent band.
AzumaYou mean “arrogant”, right?
CitronYeah, that.
But— after hearing what you had to say, I think you shattered any of my doubts.
Even if they do think I am a rodent band, I want to do this for myself because it is the right thing to do. I want to give it a shot.
Those two do not know anything outside of our little island. That is why I want to show them everything. I want them to see what I have seen. I want to do this as an actor and most importantly, as a brother—
AzumaYes. That sounds good.
CitronOh, we took too long of a break. We gotta get back to practicing!
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