Azuma | << I am just taking a quick look. I have permission. >> |
Orange | << .. Yeah, fine. >> |
Azuma | (It’s a good thing they know English.) |
Navel | << Oh, that book.. >> |
Azuma | << Yes, this one is called “The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees to Blossom”, it’s a Japanese fable. It’s a pretty interesting story. If you would like— >> |
Orange | << Interesting? Says who? It’s the one with that neighbor who keeps running into misfortune. >> |
Azuma | << Oh, have you read it? >> |
Orange | << .. A long time ago. Our older brother was so into it that we wanted to see what was so special about it for ourselves. |
| But there was nothing special about it at all. Yet again only the chosen one gets the treasure. There’s nothing else to get about that book. |
| Yeah maybe the neighbor’s methods were wrong, but how else was he supposed to get what he wanted? >> |
Azuma | << .. He couldn’t borrow money from someone else? >> |
Orange | << But he didn’t think of doing that. There is only one treasure. It’s not like he could just ask someone else for it. |
| In the end the only the chosen one gets the treasure. There is no way for anyone else to win against him. >> |
Azuma | .. |
| (I can sense some parallels here. |
| Just as I thought, the friction between these brothers runs much deeper than what we saw on the outside, there’s more history than we knew.) |
Orange | << .. Oh, by the way we heard your subtitle device broke, right? >> |
Navel | << S-So you must think we were behind it? >> |
Azuma | << I did not say anything like.. >> |
Orange | << We didn’t do it. We don’t know if our older brother believes us or not though. |
| Oh, whatever. What’s another strike against us anyway, it’s not like we can fall and lower. |
| Actually, we didn’t really want to see our brother’s performance. We even told him that it would probably be best if we kept our distance for extra precaution. >> |
Azuma | — |
Navel | << H-Hey you know.. |
| The sakura page in this book is… Really pretty, for real, it’s so pretty. >> |
Azuma | << Have you ever seen sakura blossoms? >> |
Navel | << No, never and I don’t think we ever will. >> |
Azuma | — |
Citron | “Yes, and it is all thanks to your guidance. |
| Since the very beginning I have yearned to live in this country, how could I not but enjoy myself?” |
Azuma | (— Of course this is where he is.) |
Citron | “From the first time I saw Kabuki on TV, I have yearned to study this beautiful art form no matter it would take me or how I would learn it. I just knew it was what I wanted. |
| Being able to see this world I have only imagined has only broadened my horizons as if I was living in a dream.” |
| << I need to change my tone a little.. >> |
Azuma | (Certainly this prince was not the only one chosen by God. If those two could just see something they could not see I am sure they would cooperate. |
| I am certain once they see our performance they will understand.) |
| “So, I guess you really are ready to begin training soon.” |
Citron | Ohh, it’s Azuma above my head again? Let’s practice together. |
Azuma | Before we do that, let me see your hand. |
| Just as I thought, covered in blood blisters again. You need to keep applying the cream or else it will get worse. |
Citron | Sorry, I kept forgetting. |
Azuma | .. I just ran into Prince Orange and Prince Navel in the library. |
Citron | Oh, and what did they say? |
Azuma | We just had little chat. |
| They told me they have never seen sakura blossoms before and that they don’t think they will ever get the chance in the future. |
Citron | .. Sakura blossoms? I am surprised those two even want to see sakura blossoms. |
Azuma | We were reading “The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees to Blossom” and they pointed out the sakura page was pretty. |
Citron | Those two read it..? |
| Oh I think you might have misunderstood. They probably just wanted to know what was so interesting about it. They have always tried to copy whatever I do. |
Azuma | Fufu, just like an older brother, you can see right through to their true intentions. Come to think of it, this is the first time I have seen your brotherly side. |
Citron | Is it now? |
| .. But maybe you’re right, maybe they do want to see the sakura blossoms. |
Azuma | I think so. Just like you did way back then. |
Citron | .. |
Azuma | .. Hm? What is it, oh? Hey, look up at the sky— |
Azuma | I think you mean UMA, an unidentified mysterious animal. |
| But oh hey.. it looks like a balloon. Maybe it’s leftover from the balloon release earlier. |
Citron | You spent a lot of time watching those balloons to identify it so fast. |
Azuma | I guess you have a point. |
| .. At the ballon release earlier, I made a wish to my older brother. |
Citron | What kind of brother was he? |
Azuma | We were very close. We did not really fight. What I remember is that he was a very kind person. |
Citron | Oh, I’m jealous. |
Azuma | .. |
Guy | “Citronia wishes that he could have the same relationship to that of you and your brother.” |
Azuma | (Now that I think about it, I think Guy mentioned that before.) |
| I love him a lot, but unfortunately I do not know where he is now nor do I know when I will be able to see him again. |
| I have many things I would like to tell him, but at the same time I do not think I could ever find the words. Even during the few times we would fight, somehow I never had any words. |
| So that is why I wished that he find peace wherever he may be. |
Citron | .. |
Azuma | I understand the relationship you have with your brothers is different than most. The conflict between you and them is something not easily solved. |
| However, if you have just an ounce of desire to to resolve things with them, I think you should invite them to our performance. |
Citron | .. I haven’t been a good older brother. |
| I have always just worked hard for myself. |
| As the crown prince, I needed to work extra hard in order to prove my worthiness. |
| But despite being an older brother, I didn’t consider my brothers' pain. I couldn't spare time for that. |
| I never saw those two as brothers. If anything I saw them as my rivals in a constant power struggle within the palace. |
| Only now do I understand that like me, those two have also carried a heavy burden and had to work hard. |
| But now I have given the throne up to Tangerine so I am free to do as I wish, but still I wonder.. What to do about those two.. |
| Tangerine already understands why I did what I did back then, but I don’t think those two could ever forgive me. |
| I do want to reconcile with those two but I am afraid that my actions could come off as a rodent band. |
Azuma | You mean “arrogant”, right? |
Citron | Yeah, that. |
| But— after hearing what you had to say, I think you shattered any of my doubts. |
| Even if they do think I am a rodent band, I want to do this for myself because it is the right thing to do. I want to give it a shot. |
| Those two do not know anything outside of our little island. That is why I want to show them everything. I want them to see what I have seen. I want to do this as an actor and most importantly, as a brother— |
Azuma | Yes. That sounds good. |
Citron | Oh, we took too long of a break. We gotta get back to practicing! |