Azuma | Thanks for coming, everyone. I had a meeting as I mentioned before. |
| A bridal consultant told me that working on the wedding will be a lot of work since ourtheater
company will also do a memorial play——. |
| So they want to help us out as staff on the day of, I just need to think about the direction of the event. |
| I’m sure the bride and groom will have their own opinions on the direction, but can you guys also lend me some of your own wisdom regarding the direction? |
Kumon | For sure! |
Yuki | Direction? That’d be fun to brainstorm on. |
Izumi | The first bite of the wedding cake is a popular tradition at weddings, should we perform right after it? |
Hisoka | I saw people make fruit wine together on TV the other day, it had a lot of different kinds of fruits in it, it looked really tasty. |
Chikage | There’s also a sand art ceremony using colored sand. |
Azuma | Guests can participate in the fruit wine making and the sand art ceremony, they’re both pretty popular and wonderful. |
Yuki | Oh, by the way, is a yakuza wedding any different from a normal wedding? |
| I thought it would be interesting to give a unique spin to the direction or something. |
Sakyo | I don’t think there’s much of a difference…… But in Ginsenkai’s case, the standard is usually a paper crane shower. |
| Director-san helped out with folding the paper cranes before.[1] |
Izumi | Yeah, I did! Azami-kun even gave me a paper crane… good times. |
Yuki | I see. If there was a kimono, that would’ve been a good idea. |
Kumon | Speaking of other wedding productions~…… |
| |
Azuma | Thanks for all the ideas you gave me, everyone. I’ll make suggestions to the couple on the next meeting we’ll have. |
Izumi | Thank you for your hard work. |
Yuki | Speaking of which, what about the costumes for the memorial play? |
Azuma | I was holding off on that part. |
| The couple can provide those for us, but if Yuki wants to make the costumes, they can bear the costs. |
Yuki | But there’s a budget limit, right? |
Azuma | No, not at all. |
Yuki | … Shouldn’t have expected any less from a friend of Azu-nee’s… |
| I wanna make them, if that’s all good. I’ll definitely make them based off their image. |
Azuma | Got it. I’ll let the bride and groom know. |
| Aah, that’s right. We’re going to talk about the memorial play in the next meeting, hearing all about how the two first met. |
| If there’s any time, would anyone want to accompany me? |
Izumi | In that case, since Azuma-san shouldered it all today, please let me join you next time. |
Kumon | I wanna go too! |
Azuma | Thanks. I’m looking forward to having you guys, then. |
| |
Chikage | …… |
Azuma | Ah, Chikage. |
| Working away at your computer? |
Chikage | Guess you can say that. |
Azuma | I see, sorry you had to help even though you’re already busy. |
Chikage | No, I’m not that busy, so it’s fine. |
Azuma | Mind if I take some of your time for a bit? |
Chikage | I don’t mind. |
Azuma | Thanks. I wanted to ask you a small question…… |
| Chikage, if you had a wedding, what kind of ceremony would you like to have? |
Chikage | …… What’s with a sudden question like this? |
Azuma | I’m supposed to be a bridal consultant, that’s why I’m asking what people think—— |
| I want to see if it’ll be of any use. Besides, it’s easier to talk about these things when it’s just the two of us. |
Chikage | I get it. |
| Right…… |
| I’m not interested in marriage at all. |
Azuma | I see. |
Chikage | But…… when I was with director-san before, I happened to see a wedding going on.[2] |
| The newlyweds with their families, were all happy and smiling. |
| If I could see my loved ones like that…… |
| It made me think that there might be meaning to weddings and getting married. |
Azuma | Understood. Fufu, there’s a resemblance to how Hisoka answered. |
Chikage | Resemblance? |
Azuma | He also said that he wanted a ceremony where people around him would leave with smiles on their faces. |
Chikage | …… Really now. |
Azuma | Well, I guess it’s time for me to go back to my room, I don’t want to disturb you any more than I did, thank you for answering. |
Chikage | No, I don’t think I was that helpful. |
Azuma | That’s not true. Well, good night. |
Chikage | Good night to you too. |