Tsuzuru Minagi/Harugaoka Quartet

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Role Study 【Katsumi Hino】

Backstage Stories
TsuzuruAn air concert?
CitronYES! You’ll air-play an instrument without holding one!
It’s perfect for image training!
SakuyaMakes sense…!
CitronUntil the day of the concert, the quartet group will improve their air-playing of the instruments they’re in charge of!
(Air-playing viola… As expected, it’s hard to get down from just looking at videos.)
…Or more like, why am I the comic relief…
*flashback starts*
CitronTsuzuru, Tsuzuruuu!
TsuzuruHm? What’s up?
CitronTsuzuru’s performance will be last for our air concert!
TsuzuruHAH!? Why do I have to be last?
CitronTsuzuru has extendable[1] talent that’s worthy of being last…
So make it hyped up like the comic relief!
TsuzuruUm, it’s exceptional, not extendable, you know?
And in the first place, is there such a thing as being hype while air-playing instruments…?
CitronWhat I’m asking for from Tsuzuru isn’t just mad skills…
As my partner in Citrun, I’m expecting a funny performance!
*runs off*
TsuzuruEHH!? Funny, you say…
Wait, hold up, Citron-san, don’t just say your piece and run away!
*flashback ends*
Even if he tells me to hype it up, just what in the world should I do…
KazunariHuh? What’re you doing over here, Tsuzurun?
KamekichiA negative aura’s in the air!
KazunariIf you’re worried about something, then talk to us!
TsuzuruUmmm… I wonder if it’ll help talking to Kazunari-san and Kamekichi…
KamekichiYou won’t know unless you spit it out!
TsuzuruWell, the truth is…
KazunariWhat the, that sounds wicked fun! It’s lit!
We’ll lend a hand too! We’ll deffs come up with a hype performance that’s total fire!
KamekichiLeave it to Kamekichi-sama!
TsuzuruKazunari-san, Kamekichi…
KazunariFirst off, how’s something like this?
KamekichiDo it like this for this part!
KazunariWrite that down, write that down!
Then after that—.
TsuzuruIs this gonna be ok…?
ItaruThe last performance for our air concert is Tsuzuru, right?
CitronThe very last~!
Tsuzuru…Then I’ll head out.
ChikageOh, isn’t he doing well?
IzumiYeah, his posture's looking really great too!
Masumi…Well, it’s not that bad.
SakuyaIt looks like Tsuzuru-kun’s playing for real!
Tsuzuru…WAIT, y’all can’t tell the difference between a violin and viola with just me air-playin' it, riiight!
Tsuzuru…Well, I mean, putting that aside…
In the first place, what’s a viola, you ask?
It’s a three dimensional model you usually see in things like photos, exhibits and plastic models…
Wait, that’s a diorama, not a viola!
TsuzuruEven so, isn’t its shape kinda similar to something else?
It’s tasty when it’s grilled, it’s tasty when it’s stewed…
Wait, aren’t I talking about an eggplant!
ItaruIt kinda became like a live comedy show in the middle of it.
MasumiIt wasn't air-playing, but more like an improv skit.
IzumiY-yeah, right…
TsuzuruWell that totally bombed…
CitronTsuzuru, it’d be better to improve your performance a little bit more!
TsuzuruOh, shut it!



  1. Citron originally says "木材" (mokuzai: lumber/timber), which Tsuzuru corrects as "逸材" (itsuzai: person with exceptional talent).