The Key to Daydreaming/Epilogue 3

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation post by Chiaki here.
The Key to Daydreaming
Episode 8: Opening the Door to the Future with You
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Izumi(I wonder if everyone’s really waiting for me in the courtyard…)
(I’m a bit nervous...but I’m excited as well. I wonder if Dad was feeling like this too back then)
(There’s no one here...)
SakuyaWelcome back, Director!
TsumugiWelcome back.
BanriGood work.
TenmaYou’re faster than I thought.
TaichiGood work!
ItaruOtsu otsu.
CitronCongratulations dayo~!
ChikageWelcome back.
MisumiWelcome ba~ck!
SakuyaTo “Daydream Party”–
Troupe MembersWelcome!
IzumiEveryone...When did you prepare all of this?
KazunariWe tried our best so we don’t get found out.
MukuI thought we wouldn’t be able to make it in time, it was so nerve-wracking!
YukiIn the end we barely made it though.
KumonI’m glad we made it in time~!
HomareThen behold, it’s the long-awaited prize.
AzumaTo Director who managed to reach the goal safely, we prepared a small gift for you.
TasukuI think you can already make a guess if you’ve watched that video.
IzumiThank you. Is it okay to open it now?
OmiOf course.
Izumi(Dad got an all-you-can-eat stew ticket, maybe it’s an all-you-can-eat curry ticket...)
These are...spices?
TsumugiEh, umm, they’re flower seeds...
SakyoI’m sure you were thinking about an all-you-can-eat curry ticket right.
IzumiI mean, well, I thought it’s a continuation from the all-you-can-eat stew ticket.
OmiIt was supposed to be that at the beginning.
AzamiBut it’s going to be boring if it’s the same right.
TsumugiWe were actually quite lost.
BanriThe opportunity immediately widens when we try not to stick with curry.
MasumiI thought I would be able to put a stamped marriage certificate and a ring inside.
TsuzuruThat’s too much!
ItaruA game assortment maybe.
CitronItaru’s hard FPS selection~
TsuzuruDirector’s definitely not going to be happy you know.
JuzaI recommended a dessert platter.
BanriI told you that we don’t know when Director-chan will come, so they might go bad.
HisokaI wished it was a marshmallow tower.
TasukuThat’s just something that you want to eat isn’t it.
MisumiI wanted to add triangles inside as well~
TenmaEveryone’s saying their own preferences too much.
ChikageI also recommended spicy spices.
TsuzuruI thought that would be something that you enjoy as well.
GuyIn the end, we came to the conclusion that it would be more fun if the content of the treasure box is unpredictable.
TsumugiThese seeds, we don’t know what kind of flowers will bloom from them.
IzumiI see. In that case, it will be exciting to see it growing before it blooms.
SakuyaWe watched the video from the first generation, and the adults were laughing as if they’re high school students, it looked like so much fun...
Even when they’re adults, they were able to find companions that they can spend times like that with, I’m sure it was an amazing thing to have.
We were having fun watching them as well, but...
Even though they were aiming for the Fleur Award, when I remember that they got separated before their wish was granted, it became a bit lonely...
TsumugiOne day, we might end up walking towards different paths just like that.
BanriThe possibility is certainly not zero.
TenmaThat’s why, we will inherit the thoughts and wishes of the first generation, and decided once again, to win the Fleur Award one day.
TsumugiThe reason that we’re all here today, is all thanks to Director.
BanriIt’s thanks to Director-chan who broke the door to our heart.
IzumiI, I wonder if I was too forceful...
TenmaFrom now on, towards our future, we need you to stay with us, Director.
SakuyaOne day, when the seeds finally bloom, I want Director to watch over it.
IzumiYeah. I will definitely get everyone to a full bloom.
That’s why, let’s aim for the Fleur Award together!
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