Sakyo Furuichi/Wishing You a Pleasant Trip

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Nostalgic Children's Park

Backstage Stories
KumonWe’re home–
TaichiWe’re home!
IzumiWelcome back. Thank you for shopping, both of you.
TaichiOh, by the way, Director-sensei!
We found this on our way back from shopping!
MukuIs it……an amusement park?
TaichiYup! It’s a simple mobile amusement park for children!
They’re stationed right in front of Veludo Station!
KumonEverything is so small and soooo cute!
IzumiHeh, I didn’t know about that.
MukuAn amusement park in the city…It’s almost like a movie set.
HomareHmm, It is indeed a scene that truly invites poetry. Maybe I should stop by and go for a little walk.
KumonIt seems like they’ll be doing it for a while.
We were carrying groceries today, but I really wanna see it again~
SakuyaWow…! There are so many spots to play at. It’s going to be fun for children!
TaichiThat mini-train is super cute, isn’t it?
KumonYup! Yup! The children who were riding the train were also cute!
It’s like we have attained world peace
SakyoMini train?
KumonSakyo-san, are you interested in it too?
TaichiThey have it! There’s a small rail within the small fence…
Ahhh I should’ve taken a picture!
MukuPerhaps… Sakyo-san wants to ride it?
KumonEhh, is that so!?
TaichiIt sounds like a fairytale coming from Sakyo-nii.
SakyoShut up. No way I’d want to ride it.
Izumi(Sakyo-san, I wonder what he’s thinking about….)
Izumi(I have to go shopping soon…)
(I need someone to help me but it seems like everyone else is already outside….)
Ah, Sakyo-san! Thank goodness you’re here.
Are you free right now?
SakyoWhat is it?
IzumiIf you’re free, can you help me with shopping?
I have the worst timing. There’s no else around now.
SakyoYeah, I don’t mind.
Are you buying a lot?
IzumiNo! I’m planning to buy in small quantities but I’d like to get some help.
SakyoI see. Then… it’s a little far off but there is a place I want to stop by on our way back.
IzumiSo the place you wanted to stop by is……here?
IzumiUmm……Can I ask why you want to come here?
Don’t tell me, you really want to ride that small train…?
SakyoThat’s not it. You’re saying that too?
SakyoI used to work here a long time ago.
SakyoIt was not long after I joined Ginsenkai.
I didn’t even have the right to refuse. I had no choice but to hear out what kind of job it was. I was asked to be a mini train driver.
At that time, I was wondering why I had to do this kind of work.
There could have been other guys who can do it. They could have hired another part-timer for it.
In the first place, if someone like me is sitting in the driver’s seat, the children won’t be able to enjoy it either.
Then the guy who was in charge of the mini train told me, "It’s the kind of job that even a tough-looking guy like you can do,” he said.
“I’ll make the announcement myself so you can do it without having to smile.” He laughed.
I was dissatisfied that time, wondering if it was the only reason they entrusted the job to me….
“That’s not all,” the man said. “I think you are unexpectedly suitable for this job.”
To tell the truth, I was wondering what kind of qualities he saw in me. At the same time, for me who just entered, to be entrusted to do such a job, a small sense of responsibility sprouted within me.
After that, that person and I continued to ride the mini train with the children until the end of the holding period—.
IzumiI didn’t know Sakyo-san had that kind of story too…
SakyoThat time, it was a part-time job so I only forced myself to do it.
But when I gave it a try and saw the children laughing happily, I thought, a person like me could make other people smile too.
CHOICE 1: It's the same as Sakyo-san now. [+]
IzumiIt’s the same as Sakyo-san now.
I think Sakyo-san’s acting makes people smile.
Moreover, everyone in MANKAI Company loves Sakyo-san.
SakyoI wonder.
IzumiYes. There’s no doubt about it.
It’s coming from me, the general director.
Izumi(Sakyo-san, are you being shy?)
CHOICE 2: You might be a good fit to play with children. [+]
IzumiYou might be a good fit to play with children….
SakyoWith this kind of face? Play with children? Don’t be silly.
IzumiBut Sakyo-san is surprisingly caring and somehow, you’re gentle….
SakyoIs that some kind of joke?
IzumiNo way. I’m serious.
Sakyo…Whatever. Stop it.
The story I told you just now, don’t let the other guys know about it. It will be troublesome if those guys found out.
IzumiFufu, I got it.
SakyoI haven’t been organizing this children’s park as much now but when I heard Nanao’s story, I wondered if they reopened it without my knowledge.
But coming here, it seems like it’s not being sponsored by Ginsenkai anymore.
IzumiThat’s probably why.
SakyoStill…The sight of children innocently laughing and running around is no different from what it used to be.
Izumi(…This sight must’ve been memorable for Sakyo-san.)
SaejimaOh? You over there…Are you perhaps, Furuichi?
Sakyo…! Saejima…!?
SaejimaI knew it was you! Long time no see!
IzumiIs he an acquaintance?
SakyoYeah… He was in charge of the mini train when I was working as a part-timer here.
Izumi(This person….)
SakyoBut what are you doing here…?
SaejimaNothing big has happened since then. I’m still in charge of the mini train.
The management changed but otherwise, nothing much changed.
Sakyo…I see.
SaejimaThat’s right. Would you like to drive it?
SakyoI refuse. That’s way too sudden.
SaejimaWhy not? You’ll have lots of fun riding it!
SakyoIf the children see that I will be the one driving, they’ll all run away. There’s no way a yakuza like me can become a driver.
SaejimaIs that so? You’ve pretty much driven it around the past though. I don’t think you have changed that much since then.
IzumiIsn’t it nice? An opportunity like this doesn’t come often. I’ll watch over the groceries so please, come on board!
IzumiI’d like to see Sakyo-san drive a mini-train too.
Come on, Furuichi! The kids are waiting!
TaichiAh, we finally made it~.
KumonThere are more people here today than there were yesterday!
TaichiKu-chan, thanks for coming with me!
KumonDon’t mind! I wanted to come here too!
TaichiI’ll definitely take pictures today!
KumonYup, yup! Let’s show it to everyone!
TaichiLet’s check out the mini train first!
KumonIf I remember correctly, it’s over there!
Let’s go!
TaichiFound it! It’s the mini train!
I’m gonna send a picture to Sakyo-nii immediately….
Kumon……Huh? Isn’t that Sakyo-san?
TaichiEh? Why is Sakyo-nii driving the mini train?
KumonI wonder…?
TaichiIt strangely suits him….
KumonT-that’s it! Taichi-san, Take a picture!
TaichiI-I’m on it!
This picture is definitely going to be a big scoop!
KumonIt’s crazy! Send it to everyone’s LIME!
Sakyo…! Nanao and Hyodo Jr. …
Just when did they arrive here?
TaichiI wonder how everyone will react when they see it!?
KumonI’m excited~!
SakyoTch…… You better watch your backs later.