Sakyo Furuichi/Cool Compassion

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Memories Lost in the Ramune Foam

Backstage Stories
Izumi(For once, nobody’s around in the dorms today. Looks like everyone headed out.)
(It’s always lively here, but when nobody’s around, it’s so quiet…)
(Oh, right. There’s a festival today--I should buy lunch at the stands.)
Izumi(Wow, the festival is full of energy. There are lots of stands, too. What should I get?)
???Huh? You…
IzumiEh? Ah…! Makita-san!
IchiroSo it is you, Director-neechan! It’s been a while! How’ve you been?
IzumiI’m doing well! How are you, Makita-san?
IchiroBeen doing good, thanks. How are the troupe members--same as usual?
IzumiYes, they’re all working hard.
IchiroGlad to hear it. You know, I go watch your performances every now and then.
IzumiReally! That makes me really happy! Please feel free to drop by during practice as well.
IchiroYeah, when I get the time, I’ll go visit.
IzumiI’ll reach out again when we start preparations for the Autumn Troupe’s next performance. We’d love to have you in the ensemble cast again…!
IchiroHaha, I’m looking forward to it. Are you on your own today?
IzumiYes, I wanted to buy some lunch.
IchiroOh, if that’s the case, go buy some takoyaki.
Furuichi’s at the takoyaki stand over there right now. He’s really really good at flipping takoyaki.
IzumiEh!? Sakyo-san is flipping takoyaki!?
IchiroYeah! Keep going and the stand will be on your right. Go check it out. Well, see you!
IzumiAh, yes, see you…!
Izumi(Is this the takoyaki stand Sakyo-san is working at…?)
SakyoHere you go. Be careful.
SakyoI gave you one extra.
ChildReally!? Yay! Thanks!
Izumi(Sakyo-san is smiling so gently. So he can make that sort of expression, too…)
(Well, if I’m here, I might as well buy some too.)
Excuse me, may I have one order of takoyaki?
I thought I heard a familiar voice… why the hell are you here.
IzumiI came to the festival to buy some lunch and ran into Makita-san. He told me you were here.
SakyoTch, dammit, that guy….!
SakodaOh, Director-neesan.
Perfect timing! Aniki, neesan is here, so you should take your break!
SakyoHah? I don’t need to…
SakodaCome on, come on! Just leave the stand to me!
Director-neesan! Here are some takoyaki Aniki just made! Please take them!
IzumiAre you sure? Thank you.
SakyoGeez… *Sighs* Let’s go.
SakyoBut man, it’s hot…
IzumiYes… Ah, the bench over there is open.
SakyoYeah. Sit there and wait for a sec. I’ll go buy some drinks.
IzumiAh, yes.
SakyoHere, this is for you; the classic festival drink.
IzumiThank you… Ah, it’s ramune!
SakyoDo you know how to open it?
IzumiDon’t make fun of me! Of course I do.
*Ramune marble drops*
See! Look at that.
IzumiThe last time I had a bottle of ramune was when I was a child, but I still remember how to push the marble in.
I guess you don’t really forget this sort of thing.
...Yup! The ramune is delicious, but so is the takoyaki that you made, Sakyo-san!
SakyoGlad to hear it.
CHOICE 1: Make some at the dorms, too. [+]
IzumiPlease make some at the dorms next time! I’m sure everyone will love it.
SakyoNo. Fushimi is way better than me at cooking anyway.
IzumiThese takoyaki are just as delicious as Omi-kun’s cooking! Plus, you were really good at flipping them.
SakyoNanao or Miyoshi would be happy to take on the job; I don’t need to do it.
IzumiBoo…. But I bet it’d be fun to host a takoyaki party with everyone! Let’s do it!
I’d really love to eat this at the dorms.
Sakyo...You really like it, huh. Well then… I’ll consider it.
CHOICE 2: Sakyo-san, you should have some too. [+]
IzumiHere, Sakyo-san, you should have some too.
SakyoNo, I’m good. That’s your lunch, anyway.
IzumiIt’s fine, Sakyo-san. You’re on break too, right? It’s really delicious!
SakyoSigh… then I’ll have one.
IzumiHow is it?
SakyoI made it--of course it tastes good.
SakyoBy the way, about the ramune… You remembered what to do with the marble, huh.
IzumiYes, I think someone taught me when I was little. I don’t remember who, though.
SakyoI see…
Well, you were tiny back then--of course you don’t remember.
Could it be… you were the one who taught me, Sakyo-san?
SakyoYou were all delighted that the glass bottle was so beautiful, but you just couldn’t open the cap.
When I showed you how to open it, you were so amazed—“Wow! Wow!” Haha. Then you spent the rest of the time staring at the marble in the bottle.
IzumiP-please don’t laugh at me! I was young!
Sakoda--Ah, there he is! Aniki~~~!! W-we’re in trouble~~!!
SakyoSakoda? What’s wrong?
SakodaWell! It seems like people really liked Aniki’s takoyaki, and the word got round, so now there’s a huge line in front of the stand!
Which is great, but we’re almost out of ingredients!
You idiot! Stop fumbling around and get in touch with the supplier!
SakodaA-aye-aye, sir!!
SakyoSorry, Director-san. I’m leaving now. Will you be okay on your own?
IzumiYes! See you later! Good luck with everything.
SakyoYeah, see you later.
Izumi(Sakyo-san looks so busy. But the takoyaki really was delicious, so it’s no surprise.)
(And… I see, so Sakyo-san was the one who taught me what to do with the marble in the ramune bottle…)
(Maybe there are other things that Sakyo-san taught me that I don’t remember…)
