Sakuya Sakuma/Two Hands Full of Blessings!

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Fortune Comes to a Good Child

Backstage Stories
SakuyaIt's done!
MisumiSakuya, you can remove your blindfold now~.
SakuyaAh, the eyes are off.
MisumiHmmm, I am officially certifying him as Sun Triangle-kun!
IzumiWhat are you doing....?
SakuyaAh, director!
IzumiSo you're playing Fukuwarai[1]. It looks really fun.
SakuyaYes. I was thinking of borrowing it from Misumi-san.
IzumiBorrowing it?
SakuyaI am organizing a New Year's event for the nursery. I want the kids to experience playing various Japanese traditional games.
IzumiHeh, sounds fun!
SakuyaMisumi-san chipped in when I told him I'm looking for traditional toys.
He lent me Sankaku-kun Fukuwarai, feathers, boards, and other materials Summer Troupe used to play with.
Everyone also gave me permission through LIME.
No one really said no, right?
SakuyaYes! I got a go signal as soon as I sent my message.
However, I want a little more materials if possible.
Of course, this is more than enough but I want them to experience playing various kinds of games.
IzumiI see.
Me too. If I have something you need, I'd be happy to lend it to you.
SakuyaThank you very much!
By the way, director. Are you looking for something?
IzumiAh, yes. I am cleaning the theater right now but there are places which are too high for me to reach---
*LIME Notification*
MisumiAh, it's from Sakyo!
SakuyaI received it too. It's a message for all company members, isn't it?
MisumiHmmm...." Go and buy New Year's lucky bags," he said.
Izumi(Sakyo-san is as opportunistic as ever)
SakuyaSpring troupe is in charge of lucky bags for the kitchen.
...I wonder if everyone is at home on this day.
MisumiHey, hey, director-san. Somehow, Sakuya looks super happy.
IzumiFufu, you're right. I wonder if it's because the Spring Troupe will be able to gather again.
MisumiMe too! I'm super excited to see Summer Troupe again! I hope they come back soon~.
ItaruWe're currently in the middle of a quest to clear Sakyo-san's mission but....
ChikageIt's way too crowded here.
CitronI'm going to get gloss!
TsuzuruYou mean, 'lost'. Citron-san, you are the type to go off all over the place on your own. Please be careful.
ItaruI feel like I'll never see you again for the rest of our lives if you get lost in here.
CitronI don't want it! I don't want to be separated from everyone forever!
MasumiYou're overreacting.
SakuyaAll the people gathering around are customers who are aiming for a lucky bag....
ItaruI don't think I can survive this....
TsuzuruShould we head to different stores for now?
SakuyaShall we gather here again after buying?
TsuzuruYeah, let's do that.
CitronOK! I am full of floating spirit!
MasumiFighting spirit.
Itaru....Everyone, let's survive and meet again.
ChikageChigasaki, you're raising your own death flag, you know.
SakuyaEveryone, let's do our best!
SakuyaUhh, where's the lucky bag for cleaning supplies....
(.....Found it. It's over there)
ShopkeeperThank you for the wait-! The lucky bags are now available for sale!
( U-unbelievable--.... Such a huge mountain of people!)
W-what should I do...I can't reach it...!
Old Woman ASakuya-kun?
Old Woman BArara, Sakuya-kun, are you looking for this lucky bag?
Old Woman CHere, take this.
SakuyaIs it really okay for me to take this?
Old Woman AIt's okay~.
Old Woman BYou have always been so helpful to us!
Old Woman CCome and visit the store again~!
SakuyaThank you very much!
( Thank goodness....! I was able to buy the lucky bag I need. )
CitronOh! Sakuya, you came back safe!
ChikageLooks like Sakuya was able to secure a lucky bag.
SakuyaChikage-san, were you able to buy yours too?
ChikageNeedless to say.
SakuyaThat's amazing....! I almost missed buying it but people from the shopping district helped me.
CitronI also got mine from a madam!
I shall go back and properly thank them next time!
ChikageTo win this battle, the cooperation of the ladies who have a great deal of experience is indispensable.
SakuyaEveryone was able to secure their lucky bags, right?
ChikageNo....Two people couldn't buy it.
TsuzuruI underestimated the New Year's Sale battle......
ItaruTo think that Sakyo-san sent me in the middle of a war...
CitronYou two are so spineless!
ItaruI did everything I could to survive....
TsuzuruFuruichi-san might snap on us if we go home empty-handed....
SakuyaI-it's going to be alright.
I'm sure Sakyo-san will understand the situation.
CitronRight! I'm sure Sakyo is expecting about half of our troupe to get a lucky bag!
ItaruHalf huh. It's not making me feel better at all.....
SakuyaHuh? Speaking of, where is Masumi?
SakuyaThat bag....Masumi got a bag too!
TsuzuruThe lucky bag assigned to Masumi is the same-day lottery sale.
ChikageYou did great. Isn't the win-loss ratio terrible?
MasumiThe person who won it gave it to me.
They said I can have it because I am handsome.
ItaruI don't get it.
ChikageWell, Chigasaki was dispatched in a place where women send the guys from their team.
ItaruDamn it.... This may be self-proclaimed but I'll probably get a chance too if I was dispatched to Masumi's place--
MasumiYour everyday behavior is terrible[2]. Don't even think about it.
ItaruHow rude...
SakuyaAhaha...We already have our lucky bags. Let's go back to the dormitory soon.
SakuyaWe're home.
SakyoWelcome. So everyone secured their lucky bags except for Chigasaki and Minagi.
TsuzuruI'm sorry....I underestimated the New Year sale battle.
SakyoWell, you're good if you could buy more than half.
ItaruSakyo-san is showing his rare kindness for once. It's almost like a New Year's gift~
SakyoI have zero expectations from you in the first place.
CitronYou see!
IzumiAh, welcome back, everyone. How did it go?
ChikageThe battle results are acceptable.
SakuyaDirector, you went for a quick shopping trip too, right? Did you find what you were looking for?
IzumiI did!
I ended up buying stuff I don't need though...
CitronLet's open the lucky bags right away!
I am excited to see what's inside!
SakuyaRight? I'm a little nervous too.
CitronI shall open my bag first!
Ohh! There are several plates and cups inside!
IzumiCitron-kun got the lucky bag for tableware.
SakyoWe can now replace the missing cups and plates with this.
ChikageLooks like I got the lucky bag for condiments.
ItaruWhat's that paper?
ChikageYou can exchange it for the ingredients listed if you take it to the store.
TsuzuruHeh...Eh? You can exchange ingredients for something like this!?
I-it's definitely a good deal....
CitronWhat is inside Masumi's bag!?
MasumiIt has a kettle and various cooking utensils.
IzumiMasumi-kun's lucky bag is luxurious!
MasumiLottery lucky bags sure live up to one's expectations. I got it especially for director.
SakyoI am the one who issued the directive though.
What's inside Sakuya-kun's bag?
SakuyaMine is.....a combination of cleaning goods and kitchen tools.
TsuzuruA grill brush for baking soda cleaning.
IzumiWhat is it?
SakuyaThere's a handy mop in it.
ItaruIs it considered a kitchen tool?
SakyoThey must've stuffed unsold cleaning equipment along with it.
Director, please take this.
IzumiEh? Me?
SakuyaYou said there are places which are too high for you to reach when cleaning.
This mop has an extendable handle. I think you'll be able to reach high places easier using this!
CHOICE 1: "This is exactly what I want!" [+]
IzumiThis is exactly what I want!
I can finally clean areas thoroughly...! Thank you, Sakuya-kun!
SakuyaI am glad there are useful goods for director inside the bag. It's all thanks to the people in the shopping district who helped me get it.
CHOICE 2: "It seems really convenient" [+]
IzumiIt seems really convenient.
SakuyaThe theater has lots of high places to clean.
IzumiYup. With this mop, I'll be able to make nooks and crannies sparkling clean!
SakuyaI'm happy you are pleased with it.
But it's dangerous to climb up extremely high areas. Please don't overdo it and ask us instead!
IzumiThank you. Fufu, I'll ask for help.
IzumiSpeaking of, I saw this while shopping earlier.
It reminded me of Sakuya-kun.
SakuyaDirector, this is....!
IzumiIt's a lucky bag for traditional toys.
I couldn't help myself and ended up buying it.
SakuyaMenko, ohajiki, kendama....
There's a bunch of nostalgic toys inside!
IzumiI thought you could use it for the New Year's event you told me about.
SakuyaBut, you don't have to go that far.....
IzumiI bought it on my own accord. Please don't worry about it.
Ah, Just think of it as a thank you for this mop.
SakuyaBut it's too much for me...
IzumiThen how about making it an item for the dorm?
SakuyaWell that's.....
IzumiThat settles it!
SakuyaThank you very much!
IzumiI hope everyone will have fun at the nursery's New Year's event!



  1. 福笑い or fukuwarai is a Japanese traditional game where players attempts to properly place the eyes, mouth, and nose to a blank face outline while blindfolded.
  2. Masumi refers to 日ろの行いが悪いから "your daily behavior is bad", people often use this phrase to imply, 'Maybe you're having bad luck because your daily deeds is bad'