One Day Princess!/Episode 2

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One Day Princess!
Episode 2
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IzumiI heard about it from the president of the troupe I went to help out today. It seems like there’s a White Day event being planned at an amusement park.
AzumaOh, I heard about that too. It will be on a stage inside the park, and there will be a performance as well.
IzumiYes. But it seems that the troupe that was scheduled to perform suddenly won’t be able to make it…
So the president told me that they’d introduce our troupe to fill in as substitutes.
SakyoHm... It’ll be good for gaining experience, and it also seems like a good opportunity to promote the troupe.
SakuyaI agree!
IzumiGreat! By the way, the cast will need six people, and the performance will be about——.
TaichiAll right, let’s do ladder lottery! I’ll have one ready right away![1]
TsuzuruWe’re deciding with ladder lottery!?
CitronIt’s Hyodo if we decide by lottery~!
ItaruYou mean byodo (equal/fair), not Hyodo.
Izumi(With all the commotion we’re somehow going with ladder lottery... But oh well.)
KazunariLet’s add one here!
TenmaHey, don’t add a stick so far down!
TaichiIt’s the crossroads of destiny!
IzumiAre everyone’s names written down? Okay then, start the lottery!
Tsumugi“Ahh, where on earth has the princess gone off too?”
Itaru“It will be all right. If we all work together, then we will surely find the princess.”
Yuki—Tsumugi and Itaru are the main actors, right?
IzumiYup. Tsumugi-san is Prince Candy and Itaru-san is Prince Macaron. Muku-kun is the Pudding Knight, and Tasuku-san is the Mille-feuille Butler.
OmiMasumi is Duke Sugar Ribbon, and Sakyo-san is Baron Roll Cake, huh. The story is about the residents of Sweets Land searching for the missing princess, right?
TsuzuruMille-feuille and Sugar Ribbon... That’s super fancy...
TaichiPft, Sakyo-nii is a Roll Cake...!
SakyoOi Nanao, did you say something?
TaichiI-I-I didn’t say anything!!
IzumiApparently they’re limited original characters for White Day.
The performance also serves as advertisement for the character merchandise, so we can’t change the names.
KazunariBut but, you’re super lucky! Isn’t that place a really popular spot with a super famous Ferris wheel!?
IzumiThat’s right! I haven’t been there either, but there are so many attractions that look interesting.
I got the amusement park pamphlet along with the flyer. Look, this coffee cup ride looks interesting!
KazunariSick! That’s super SNS-worthy stuff! Ah, this haunted house looks good too~!
YukiReally? Those are really common attractions. And it’s not like you’re going there to play, right?
IzumiAhaha, you’re right. But I don’t have a lot of chances to go to amusement parks, so I couldn’t help myself.
IzumiOkay, let’s stop here for today.
IzumiI’m sorry, I have to make a phone call for a meeting, so I’ll excuse myself first.
TasukuAhh, good work.
*door shuts*
Muku...U-um! I have something I want to talk about...
SakyoIs it about the return gift to Director-san?
ItaruAh, I was also thinking of talking about that.
TsumugiAhaha, it looks like everyone is thinking about the same thing.
Masumi...And I thought it was just me.
TasukuThat’s too bad.
ItaruWell then, let’s go with that.
Masumi...I should be the only one who makes her smile...
TsumugiNow, now, Masumi-kun.
MukuI wonder if Director-san will be pleased.
SakyoI suppose we’ll just have to follow the plan on who does what and make it a success. We’ll wrap it up here for today.
TasukuGood work.
TsumugiAh, Itaru-kun, can you stay for a bit after this? There’s a part that’s on my mind, so I want to check it a bit with you...
ItaruAh... Sorry, I can’t tonight.
TasukuIt’s probably another game event or a quest, isn’t it?
ItaruYup yup, the ranking will be at its turning point tonight and... Hey, wouldn’t that be too trashy of me?
That’s not it. I have a little bit of work to do tonight.
SakyoThat’s unusual coming from the guy who only ever talks about games.
MasumiItaru really is a working adult.
TasukuSo you do other stuff besides eating, sleeping, and gaming in your room.
ItaruIt may be my own fault, but how much do you think of me as a useless gaming addict…
TsumugiAhaha... If you have work to do then it can’t be helped. If anything, sorry for inviting you even though you’re busy.
ItaruI can’t tonight, but I’ll make it up to you next time.
TsumugiOkay. Thanks.
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