On the Trajectory to Full Bloom./Winter/Episode 5

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On the Trajectory to Full Bloom.
Episode 5: The Reborn Winter Troupe’s 2nd Anniversary Play
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IzumiI’m home~.
Hisoka…Director. Welcome back.
Wanna eat a marshmallow?
IzumiThank you. I guess I’ll eat one.
MisumiArisu, do you like triangles~?
HomareI love them! Triangle, triangle~!
CitronOhh, today Homare is way more owie ouch[1]!
MisumiOwie ouch…?
TsuzuruAhh, it’s probably overly od
HomareHold on! I shall decipher it…
Owie ouch, huh… Hm…
IzumiW-what in the world…
HisokaFor the impressions, Arisu is trying to understand them in his own way.
IzumiOh I see.
Fufu, it’s a very Homare-like way of doing things, huh?
TsumugiHmm, this one and… Director also seems like she’ll like this one…
Can I help with anything?
No, it’s alright. This is my job, so.
Guy…Have you chosen the flowers you will use for that?
Alright, the rest of the roles are…
IzumiAh, sorry.
I have to get going to my job.
AzumaSee you then.
*sound of footsteps*
TsumugiDirector? Did you forget something—.
ManagerTsumugi! Here’s a love letter!
Hisoka…What was that?
TasukuWho knows.
He said it’s a love letter…
TsumugiBut it doesn’t give off the feeling of a love letter…
For now, let’s open it.
Azuma…Heh, it seems fun.
HomareHe brought it while impersonating Kamekichi so that Director would not detect him, right?
GuyI see. Good strategy.
TasukuNo, that’s not it at all…
*flashback ends*
TsumugiI never thought that the Manager would make such a proposal.
GuyWe aren't the only ones that were thinking we want to do something for her.
TsumugiThat’s right.
That reminds me, is it going well with the impressions?
GuyActually… I’m having a bit of trouble.
TsumugiPerhaps it’s because you think of “imitating”, so it’s difficult, right?
Guy…What do you mean?
TsumugiIf you try perceiving them as “a role” the same way as our regular stages, then won't it become easier to do?
Guy…I never thought of it that way.
TsumugiFufu, this is also acting.
GuyI see…
Acting really is deep.
Tsumugi“I’ve come to like acting more and more”… Just kidding.
GuyPff… Yeah.
I’ve come to like acting more and more.
Tasuku—Something like this?
TsumugiHow is it?
It’s our first run through, so our accuracy is still low but—.
Winter troupe
Izumi—PFFT, ahaha!
T-This is foul play!
Hisoka…Haa, I wondered if it’s no good.
TsumugiThank goodness…
AzumaFufu, it was worth working hard to make you laugh this much.
IzumiAs expected Tsumugi-san, your great skill at delicate expressions is put to good use for impressions as well.
Also Tasuku-san and Hisoka-san acting fours roles, it’s as expected.
(Taking on four roles each in order to reduce the burden on the other members, if it wasn’t Tasuku-san or Hisoka-san then it wouldn’t be possible.)
TasukuIt was great acting study, and a pretty interesting effort.
Hisoka…It was troublesome, but Arisu said he’ll increase the rank of the marshmallows.
HomareI don’t remember making such a promise though!?
IzumiAzuma-san and Homare-san were also perfectly into their roles!
Guy-san as well—.
GuyIt seems I lowered my tone a little too much. Adjustment is necessary.
IzumiBut it’s becoming a lot better than before!
Fufu, Sakyo-san and Omi-kun were really watched by Guy-san so they were suspicious.
GuyIn order to understand them, I solely observed my targets intently but…
I will apologize when the show ends.
IzumiWith this, there seems to be no problem with the original story, right?
After is the revue though…
TsumugiAbout that, Winter troupe is supposed to be tap dancing.
GuyThat’s still underway.
HomareIf we start practising now, will we make it in time for the real show?
TasukuWe’ve got no choice but to do it.
TsumugiBut how should we practise—.
Everyone’s a beginner, and we have to learn from the basics.
AzumaAhh, it’s not a problem in that case.
HomareThat is, what do you mean?
AzumaActually, I have an acquaintance who’s a professional tap dancer.
I was learning it by myself in between rehearsals.
IzumiIs that so!?
AzumaYep. If someone knows how to do it, even just slightly, then rehearsal will also go smoothly, right?
TasukuSo that’s why you told Fushimi you didn’t need dinner…
Hisoka…That’s Azuma for you.
GuyYes. He makes no mistakes.
AzumaFufu, but we have to get through it at a quick pace, alright?
…So everyone, I won’t let you sleep tonight.
TsumugiP-please go easy on us…
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  1. Citron says "イテテテ" (itetete) which you can hear people say that like "ouch, ouch, ouch" when they get hurt, so hence why I went with that. Tsuzuru begins to correct him with what I believe is "キテレツ" (kiteretsu: very strange/odd).