Omi Fushimi/Rehearsal

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Femininity MAX

Backstage Stories
IzumiHmmm. I can't decide on the design for the Autumn Troupe pamphlet… I have to consult with Kazunari-kun.
OmiDirector, you're working hard.
IzumiEh, Omi-kun. You don't have a class?
OmiIt got canceled. That's why, I thought about making some sweets until my night classes start.
IzumiSweets!? Omi-kun's sweets, I want to eat them…!
OmiHaha, when you say that I feel like it's really worth making them. When they're ready, feel free to eat them with some coffee.
IzumiYay! Thank you!
Director, are we out of flour?
IzumiEh, it was supposed to be on the shelf but… I might've forgotten to buy it. I'll go and buy some.
OmiThen I'll come with you too. I'm free anyway, so use me for carrying the baggage.
Ah, we need some hard flour too. We should buy some rum and honey as well.
IzumiOur basket is getting wilder and wilder…
OmiHaha, I thought about making canele today. So I need lots of ingredients.
IzumiAh, I know this one! Recently I often hear about canele.
OmiRight, but I can't decide between it and macaroons. Which one do you prefer Director?
IzumiMe!? Hmm… I want to eat both of them so I can't choose…
OmiHaha, then for today, we'll settle for canele. I'll make macaroons for next week.
Izumi(As always, so feminine…!)
We ended up buying a lot.
OmiYeah. The pastries corner has so many nice things after all.
IzumiOmi-kun, your eyes were glittering.
OmiHaha, so you noticed.
IzumiIsn't it difficult making canele?
OmiNo, I checked it and seems like it's pretty easy to make. Do you want to help me with the baking Director?
IzumiEh, is that alright?
OmiI don't mind at all.
Izumi…then, I guess I'll help you.
OmiOhh. Director making sweets is really rare--.
Ah, Director come over here.
*ding ding*
Ah, a bicycle.
OmiMy bad, I didn't notice. It's dangerous, so you walk on that side Director.
IzumiT-Thank you.
OmiNo problem. This road is surprisingly dangerous so you need to be careful.
IzumiIt's starting to smell real good…! How many minutes until it's ready?
OmiDirector, you're too restless.
IzumiAnd you're too calm Omi-kun! Even though it smells so good…!
OmiHaha. The students will be back from school soon, so it'll be ready just in time.
IzumiAh, it's already this late! Hmm… is this quantity going to be enough…?
TaichiWoah, what're those!? Such fancy sweets!
IzumiHehe, amazing right. I baked canele together with Omi-kun. Saying that, I mostly did the measuring.
YukiIt's amazing how you can sound so smug when that's all you did.
TaichiBut but, they look so good!
MukuWoah, such a nice smell!
BanriHyodo, your eyes are scary.
OmiThere're still more, so go on and eat.
YukiI'll take you up on that then.
TaichiMunch munch… umm~, it's like my mouth is melting~!
MukuThey're really just like sweets you buy in the store…!
YukiAs expected from Mom. They're not bad.
IzumiYuki-kun, I baked them too!
YukiSure sure.
Juza…I'll have some.
IzumiHow is it?
Juza--munch munch.
BanriHey, don't eat on and on silently!
Juza…they're good.
OmiAnd there you have it. That's great right, Director.
IzumiMeasuring everything flawlessly was worth it…!
OmiHaha. If you don't mind, help me again sometime.
IzumiEh, really? I can't do complicated things though…
OmiYou can just learn them. And also, baking while talking with you Director, felt like we're a newlywed couple so it was fun.
IzumiT-That's great.
TaichiI think I've just heard a word that I can't ignore, was it just my imagination!?
OmiHm? Did I say something weird?
YukiHe's such an airhead, you gotta look up to him instead.
OmiWhat’s wrong? If you want more, we still have some.
Juza…next time, can I bake together with you too.
OmiYeah, of course. But no tasting them in the process okay?
IzumiJuza-kun, let's learn together!
BanriHyodo making sweets… you gotta be joking.
JuzaI'm not gonna give a jerk like you even one bite so you can relax.
OmiHey, if you're going to fight I'll take the canele away.
TaichiWait, Juza-san you're eating too many! Please leave some for me~!
TaichiIgnoring me!?
