Omi Fushimi/Our God of Defence

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MANKAI! Soccer Tournament

Backstage Stories
Izumi(And with this the meeting is done for today…)
IzumiHm? Omi-kun?
OmiAh, Director. On your way back from the meeting?
IzumiYup. And you're on your way back from college Omi-kun?
OmiYeah, I was playing futsal with some friends from college.
IzumiI see, the next play is about soccer after all.
OmiI haven't been exercising much lately, it was a good opportunity to get myself in business again.
I'm also trying to touch a ball as much as possible between acting practices.
IzumiSpeaking of which I did see Tsuzuru-kun and the others lifting a ball in the courtyard.
We're home.
AzamiAlright, it's in!
KumonAmazing! That goal just now was super cool!
IzumiYou're all watching soccer?
OmiOh right, there was an international match today.
KazunariThe first half ended this very sec!
TsuzuruThey scored a point just before the first half ended.
TasukuDon't worry, I'm recording this match so you can just watch the first half later.
OmiThat's great, thank you so much.
Alright, I'll make some light treats while it's halftime then.
IzumiAh, I'll help you too.
KumonYay! I want to eat fried chicken!
AzamiNo, you can't make that in 15 minutes.
KazunariWoohoo! We won big time!
AzamiScoring right before the end of the first half was a huge help.
OmiThe defense played well too.
TsuzuruI hope they continue to win in the next matches as well.
KazunariOur next performance is about soccer so like, it gets you super motivated right!?
IzumiSpeaking of which, it's our first sports themed performance since First Crush Baseball.
OmiWe held a baseball tournament too.
TasukuNow that you mention it, we really did.
KazunariKumopi was the MVP y'know!
KumonIt was so fun playing baseball with everyone~!
AzamiThere were too many people though.
KumonI know! How 'bout this time we--.
…and that's why, we will be starting the first MANKAI Company soccer tournament!
YukiWhat do you mean that’s why.
KumonGeez, we talked about it yesterday right~.
We held a baseball tournament for First Crush Baseball, so now we're having a soccer match~! That’s the plan!
KazunariYay! This plan is lit~!
OmiAs you can see, Tasuku-san is really into it too.
CitronTasuku in high limits!
TasukuWe didn’t get to play soccer with 11 members in a while.
IzumiYuki-kun and Azuma-san are the referees right.
AzumaI don't really want to be out in the sun.
SakuyaThe teams are going to be Spring-Winter and Summer-Autumn right.
TsumugiEach team gets to have two soccer club members with this arrangement, so I think it's perfect.
TaichiWith Omi-kun as a goalkeeper we're unbeatable!
MisumiOmi, do your best!
OmiHaha, I will.
ItaruReal talk now, why am I the goalkeeper…?
TasukuYou don't have to run, not to mention move too much this way right.
…well, I really don't feel like running on this big field, so I guess it works.
AzumaLet's see… the coin says tails, so Spring-Winter team is the first on offence.
YukiAre you ready? Then, start!
TenmaOh no, he took the ball…!
GuyAs expected from Takato, his steals are good.
HomareTasuku-kun, keep on running straight to the goal!
KumonNice one Omi-san!
TsuzuruThat was so close, Takato-san!
BanriWe have to get back at ya now. Misumi!
MisumiYaaay! Here we go~!
TsumugiAmazing! Misumi-kun is so fast…!
CitronNo no Tsumugi! Don't be impressed with the enemy!
MisumiMuku~, pass~!
MukuY-Yeah! Azami-kun!
AzamiAlright, now I will…!
TsuzuruDon't take it personally, Azami.
Guy…I won't let you pass.
JuzaTheir defense is so tight.
ChikageSince Chigasaki can't possibly stop Azami's kick.
SakyoSo your plan is to guard the front more than the goal itself.
ItaruSenpai, nice guard~.
GuyKemari is harder than I thought.
TsuzuruNo, again that's not kemari!
YukiThat's a rare sight. Psycho Sleeper isn't sleeping, he's actually playing.
AzumaWe promised we'll give him limited edition marshmallow if he does well.
HisokaSakuya, pass.
TasukuMikage! Don't fall asleep the moment you're done passing!
TsumugiHuh… the first half is over.
CitronIt's 0-0~.
OmiTheir defense is so tight.
KazunariWord~. It's still 0-0 just because Omimi is protecting our goal but y'know…
MukuTasuku-san and Tsuzuru-san are tough enemies…
AzamiIn the second half we have to think of ways to destroy those two.
BanriThe goalkeeper is Itaru-san, so if we pass their guard it's a sure win for us.
OmiSo in the second half Tenma, Juza and Sakyo-san will…
TenmaThen I'll grab the ball and--.
TaichiAmazing Omi-kun! You completely blocked it!
OmiGo for a counter!
TasukuBack up guys!
TenmaBanri-san! Take it!
Yuki…they're getting all serious over it.
AzumaHaha, to be young.
Itaru…oh crap.
KumonYay!! Azami scored a goal!
BanriNice shoot Azami!
SakyoWell done, Bon.
KazunariAwesome! We're leading~!
TasukuChigasaki, don't avoid the ball!
ItaruNo no no, there's no way in hell I can stop this kinda ball.
TsuzuruI'm sorry, it's because he passed my block…
Hisoka…don't mind.
HomareWell, how about we begin our counter attack?
SakuyaYes! Let's try our best!
CitronYay! A goal!
ChikageWe’re tied now.
OmiDamn it…!
KazunariNo worries! We still got time~!
JuzaLet's take a point back from them.
OmiGuys… thank you.
Izumi(They went into overtime, and they're still tied…)
AzumaThe match is reaching its climax.
IzumiBoth teams, do your best!
MasumiDirector is cheering for me…
GuyUsui, here.
TsuzuruGot it!
HisokaTsuzuru, here.
JuzaShit, he went past me…!
HisokaTasuku, pass.
MukuAmazing! He stopped this powerful kick!
BanriBut we're running out of time.
Now that it came to this…
GuyA long kick!?
CitronIt's so high we can't reach it!
TasukuThis is no good, Chigasaki--!!
TsumugiWait, what!?
SakuyaItaru-san isn't here…!?
TsuzuruThe ball is…
AzamiIt's in!!
YukiThe match is over!
MisumiWe won~!
AzamiYou rock Omi-san!
TaichiIt was a super goal!
OmiHaha, thank you.
IzumiGuys, all of were great!
CHOICE 1: Omi-kun you're amazing! [+]
IzumiOmi-kun, you're amazing! It's the first time I've seen such a kick in real life!
OmiHonestly I'm surprised too. I just thought about how we're running out of time, so I kicked it without thinking.
IzumiThe ball was sucked into the goal. Somehow I was really moved.
OmiThank you for cheering for us, Director.
CHOICE 2: Congrats, Summer-Autumn team! [+]
IzumiCongrats on your win, Summer-Autumn team!
MukuOmi-san, you were so amazing! Just like the protagonist of a manga!
SakyoIndeed, it was some dramatic goal.
OmiThank you very much. But we won because all of us worked hard together.
KumonAlright, let's all drink together today after we get back!
OmiHaha, good idea.
SakuyaItaru-San, what's wrong? Why are you sitting there in the corner--.
GuyAre you feeling unwell?
ItaruAh, not really…
Hisoka…he's gaming.
TsuzuruRight now!? Right here!?
CitronThe field is a holy ground!
ItaruI mean it was about time for the match to end, I thought I might just play a bit while taking cover…
But even if I was in front of the goal, there was no way I could stop this--.
You… what are you doing, leaving the goal in the middle of a match!!
ItaruWait, I'm sorry! I haven't thought the ball would come flying from all the way there--.
Masumi…he's pissed off for real.
CitronThis is no good!
TsuzuruBut also, I don’t feel like standing up for him.
TsumugiT-Tasuku, calm down!
GuyThat shot really was unexpected. It is not a surprise Chigasaki couldn't stop it.
HomareTasuku-kun, you must restrain yourself!
AzumaMy my…
YukiHuh… come on.
