Omi Fushimi/Men's Personal Grooming

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Beard's Presence

Backstage Stories
OmiSo this time the costume is a suit. On top of it there's a beard to match.
YukiYup, since I would like you to have an older feel, and for a Yakuza leader I would like to have something like a presence, or dreadfulness.
Well a false beard is fine too.
OmiHmm, normally I don't grow a beard but… it's a good opportunity, so I think I'll try growing one.
IzumiAs part of preparing for the role, while in practice and in performance trying to actually growing one might be good.
There's also you having to get used to having a beard.
OmiI see, you have a point. Then I'll try doing so.
TaichiYawn~. Yup, I slept well~.
OmiAh, you woke up, Taichi. Morning. I'll be going ahead to the lounge.
TaichiYeah, Morning~! Omi---…san.
OmiOmi-san? What happened, suddenly.
TaichiNo no! When I saw your face with the beard, it just happened! I couldn't just add "kun"…!
A few days ago Omi-kun, you started growing your beard but you look older than usual, how to put it, I end up being nervous!
OmiHaha…. I'm sorry, but it would be great if you get used to it already.
TaichiUuh, I, I'll put an effort!
OmiGood morning.
TenmaAh, good morning Omi-sa….!?
OmiWhat's wrong?
TenmaN, No, my bad. I'm still not used to your face being like that, I was a little surprised.
OmiHaha, Tenma too huh. Taichi said something similar.
AzumaFufu, I think beard Omi is quite good too. Your manliness has gone up.
YukiRather than saying his manliness went up, it's more like he became bear-like, you're completely a woodsman.
CitronOmi, you're like a "barber"!
OmiA barber? I-Is that so.
CitronYes! A sturdy man who catches boar and dears!
Izumi…Citron-kun, that's not barber it's hunter isn’t it…
TenmaRather it's surprising you know a word like barber.
OmiThe truth is recently, when I repeat the lines from the upcoming performance in my head and recall scenes--.
Seems like as influence from the preparation for the role, I end up naturally wrinkling my eyebrows…
Moreover ever since I started growing a beard, people from my university lectures and acquaintances from the photography club are scared of me for a moment.
YukiI can see why. Well in reality, that evil looking woodsman carries handmade scones and quiche in his hands.
CitronOh~ gap moe! It's cute~.
SakyoIf you're frightening, in terms of getting into the role things are going well right.
OmiWell, I guess it's true.
Izumi(Sure it's true, but having people you know afraid of you is a bit pitiful)
(Hmm, as the one who suggests him to grow a beard, I feel a little guilty…)
Omi--Oh, Director. Over here.
IzumiSorry, did I keep you waiting?
OmiNo, I've just arrived here too. The lecture has dragged on a little so I was in a hurry, but looks like my timing was just good.
IzumiThat's good. …since a already tall person like you is growing a beard, Omi-kun you're, even more standing out.
OmiHaha, is that so? It's useful for meetings. Then, let's head to the supermarket.
OmiGoods and vegetables... and the additional purchases of seasonings are settled with this. I wonder if we forgot to buy something.
IzumiYeah, it's fine. We also bought all the things everyone asked for.
OmiOkay, so let's go. Ah, I'll take those bags too.
IzumiThis much is fine! Omi-kun you're already carrying enough.
OmiIt's fine, here. Director you carry only this.
IzumiY-Yeah, got it. Thank you.
Izumi(Omi-kun's beard, I already got pretty much used to it, but as I thought he looks a bit older than usual.)
IzumiOmi-kun, how is it with the beard? Did you get used to it?
OmiRight, I think I got quite used to it. Seems like the guys from Mankai Company, got finally used to seeing it too.
OmiI thought that with such a little beard nothing would change, but in the beginning it was uncomfortable a little after all.
I was startled by the feeling of my cheek when I rested it on my hand… I'm still, not completely used to it.
CHOICE 1: 1 Your beard, it's cool [+]
IzumiAzuma-san said it too, but Omi-kun with beard feels more manly, I think it's cool too.
OmiErr, it doesn't look like I'm older?
IzumiNo! It feels like you're mature, it's wonderful.
OmiI-I see. Thank you.
Somehow, Director saying it like that, made my heart beat faster… I'm just joking.
CHOICE 2: If everyone else grows a beard too… [+]
IzumiIf everyone else grows a beard too, I wonder how it would feel like?
OmiBeard too grows differently for every individual after all. I sometimes catch everyone else shaving their beards but…
The middle schoolers and Azuma-san, they don't have much growth in the first plane do they?
IzumiAh- that might be true. For Juza-kun and Tasuku-san, seems like it would fit them.
OmiIt might surprisingly fit Homare-san too you know? See, like an artist beard.
IzumiAhaha, you have a point!
???Aaah! Omi-saaan!!!
IzumiAh, Ryou-san! Hello.
OmiOh, what a coincidence.
RyouYes! The next Autumn Troupe performance is soon right. Of course I too am going to watch it!
I'll get tickets, and ask the guys from "Wolf" to come too!
I'm already crazy excited-- ….!?
RyouO-Ooomi-san, this beard…
OmiAh, this. Our next performance has to do with chivalry, so it's for the role of a yakuza leader who is the enemy of the leading role…
RyouOOOOOO, O, Omi-san is a yakuza!?
I-Insane! Anyway I have to make a call--.
IzumiEh!? Ryou-san, he suddenly pulled his phone and he's calling somewhere…
RyouAh, hello!? It's me, Ryou!! Oi, all the ex-"Wolf" guys have to gather!
Omi-san is establishing a yakuza group!! We have to support him with everything we have!!!
IzumiEeeeh!? He's having a terrible misunderstanding!?
OmiO-Oi Ryou, calm down! This is only for a role, it's something that happens in the play!
RyouYeah, he even grew a beard and he has crazy presence! Omi-san is serious! Come see right away!
Yeah, us too like back then…! We will become Omi-san's bullets--.
Izumi(H-He isn’t listening at all. Thinking of it this person has the same traits as Sakoda)
Omi…aside from trying to forcefully clear his misunderstanding, seems like this beard brings all kind of troubles.
As I thought I should shave it, and go for the safe false beard…
IzumiYeah, this is for the best…
