Masumi Usui/First Love Horse Riding Club

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Spice Inochi's Bond

Backstage Stories
Izumi(He told me to wait outside,
But Masumi-kun, just where did you go…)
MasumiDirector, sorry for the wait.
IzumiAh, Masumi-ku—.
(…A bicycle?)
MasumiDirector, sit in the back.
Izumi…What’s up with this?
MasumiI rented it.
A two-person rental bike.
Izumi(There’s various parts I want to dig into like the heart balloons tied to the handle and the cans attached to the back, but…)
Umm… The place I sit has to be behind Masumi-kun?
MasumiRight. It’s fine if Director just sits.
I’ll pedal.
Izumi…By the way, even if I ask the destination?
MasumiIt’s a secret.
IzumiA secret, huh…
(I was told to spend our free time together, but to think I’d be invited on a rental bike…)
MasumiWon’t you ride it?
MasumiI’ve been looking forward to being able to spend time together with you the entire time.
I’ve also made a reservation, so I want to get going as soon as possible.
Izumi(Reservation? Masumi-kun, just what on earth have you planned to do…?)
Masumi…Well, if you say you want to spend time with me alone in our room without going out, then for me that’s also…
IzumiI’d love to ride this!
Umm, it’s ok if I ride behind Masumi-kun, right?
It’s dangerous, so hold the handles properly.
IzumiI got it.
Masumi…Haa. You riding a bike is cute too.
IzumiM-Masumi-kun, you can’t drive without facing forward.
MasumiI want to keep looking at you riding the bike…
Izumi…There’s still the reservation time too, right?
It’d be bad if we’re late, you know
Masumi…Too bad.
Izumi(For better or for worse, Masumi really doesn’t waver, huh?)
IzumiHm? What?
MasumiToday, I’ll definitely make you enjoy yourself and I won’t make you regret it.
I promise.
IzumiY-yeah. I’m looking forward to it!
(In the end, without knowing where I’m being taken…)
MasumiWe’ve arrived.
IzumiHere is…
MasumiA ranch where you can experience horseback riding.
Director, let’s ride horses together.
IzumiHorseback riding!?
InstructorHello there.
Perhaps you’re Usui-san who made a reservation by phone a short while ago?
MasumiThat’s right.
InstructorWe’ve been expecting you!
So, come on over
MasumiLet's go, Director.
Izumi(There’s no way I thought that we’d end up doing a horseback riding experience…)
Instructor—That’s all for the explanation.
You’ve put your supporting gear on, so shall we get started right away?
IzumiYes! I’ll be in your care today.
Ah, this guy is the horse we’ll ride today?
One that we take pride in, and his name is “Spice Inochi”.
MasumiWhat’s that, what a weird name.
IzumiSpice life[1]…! It’s a really great name, huh!
MasumiIf you say that, then I think so too.
IzumiI feel like I’ll be able to get along well with this guy…!
Nice to meet you, Spice Inochi!
Spice Inochi*Blow, blow*[2]
IzumiFufu, he sure is friendly and cute.
Here, here…
…I don’t like this guy.
He’s getting too overly friendly with you.
Even if he’s a horse, I won’t hand Director over.
IzumiEnough, Masumi-kun! Don’t get the weird feeling that you need to compete with him!
InstructorYou’ve grabbed the reins, right?
So then, first, let’s get him to walk slowly.
Izumi(Wahh… so riding a horse feels like this!
My viewpoint is high! The wind feels nice…!)
InstructorIt’s great, right?
It seems like you’ve gotten used to it, so how about trying a little trot?
There we go… Wahh, it’s a lot shakier than I thought—kyahhh!?
Izumi(This is bad, I’ll lose my balance—!)
Spice Inochi*Whinny—*!
IzumiUh… H-huh?
InstructorAre you alright!?
IzumiY-yes. Thanks to this guy who stopped immediately and leaned his body for me, I somehow…
Thank you, Spice Inochi.
…It’s frustrating, but I’ll thank you.
Thanks for protecting her.
Spice Inochi*Whinny*!
InstructorShall you two change places now?
Ma’am, please take a rest to calm down as well.
IzumiI’ll take you up on that offer.
Good luck, Masumi-kun.
MasumiYeah, watch me.
Because I’ll show you riding so perfect that you’ll be captivated.
IzumiMasumi-kun, are you ok!?
MasumiMm, I’m fine…
Izumi(For some reason suddenly, it feels like the horse’s movements became rough…)
It looks just like a rodeo.)
Masumi…Maybe my compatibility with this guy is the worst.
InstructorHmmm… Perhaps, it might be that he thought of you as a rival.
Then he also, towards Director…?
IzumiNo, no, there’s no way…
Masumi…I definitely won’t hand you over.
IzumiDon’t take it so seriously!
Regular guest—Hmph, it’s awful at running as usual, huh?
Regular guestA horse with a rough temper, and that’s picky about the human who rides it is not worth considering.
Letting it go was the right choice after all.
Izumi…Um, could it be that you’re Spice Inochi’s…?
Regular guestI’m its previous owner.
I took it in to raise it as a racehorse but it’s always been that way, see. I sold it here because I can’t use it.
Izumi“Can’t use”, putting it that way…!
Regular guestIsn’t it the truth?
Playing around with amateurs suits something useless.
(What’s with this guy, he’s really disgusting…!)
Regular guestWell, because of that, I don’t want the likes of amateurs who can’t do anything but fawn over horses to interfere, ok?
Also, a little girl who hardly knows anything either is…
IzumiEh, Masumi-kun…!?
MasumiApologize right now.
To Director… and while you’re at it, to Spice Inochi too.
Regular guestWhat’d you say?
MasumiTo begin with, if you shut up and listen… What are you?
You seem all self-important but you weren’t acknowledged by him, right?
He didn’t want to be ridden by an old man like you.
Can a guy like that possibly look down on Director who has been acknowledged by this guy and this guy here?
Regular guestHey…!
IzumiM-Masumi-kun! That’s going too far…
MasumiBe quiet for a second.
(Masumi-kun… could it be that he’s angry?)
Regular guest…If you insist, how about we try holding a match, huh?
MasumiA match?
Regular guestWe’ll have a race between the horse I own and that horse.
Of course, the ones who will ride are me and you.
InstructorW-wait a minute!
These guests here, it’s their first time horseback riding.
A race all of a sudden is out of the question!
Regular guestHo, it’s your first time and yet you said something so arrogant, huh?
MasumiIt’s true that today is my first time horseback riding, but we can have a match.
I received a lecture, and I remember all of it.
IzumiL-like I was saying, no matter how much you’re you, Masumi-kun, it’s reckless to compete against someone who’s skilled at it!
Regular guestHmph… That’s true, it’d be childish to go all out against a beginner.
Fine then, I’ll use one of my third-rate horses.
MasumiIf we hold a match—the rules are?
Regular guestTwo laps around the short track over there. The one who reaches the goal first, wins.
MasumiI got it.
IzumiW-wait, Masumi-kun!
If you do such an unreasonable thing, and by any chance get injured too—.
MasumiIt’s fine. Let’s go, Spice Inochi.
…We’ll shut this guy up who looked down on Director.
Spice Inochi*Whinny*!
Regular guestGuhh! This…!
MasumiThere’s no way we’ll lose…!
Izumi(The competition is unbelievably close…!)
Managing a horse to that extent in such a short amount of time…!
Izumi(Spice Inochi is also properly listening to what Masumi-kun says.
If it’s like this, then it’s possible…!)
MasumIJust a little more, let’s go…!
InstructorAs they’re neck and neck, towards the last straightaway…!
Regular guestHUH!?
Instructor—By a difference of one nose, it’s Spice Inochi’s victory!
Regular guestDAMN IT! I gave up the win this time,
But in the end, it’s a victory against my third-rate horse! Don’t get conceited!
Izumi(He left…)
MasumiDirector, thanks for before.
We won thanks to your cheering.
IzumiEnough, that was reckless.
I was seriously nervous, alright?
MasumiBut it’s because I couldn’t forgive those remarks towards you.
CHOICE 1: Thank you. [+]
IzumiThank you, Masumi-kun.
You got mad for me and Spice Inochi’s sake, right?
MasumiHe owed you…
Above all, you were looked down on and I couldn’t stay silent.
CHOICE 2: You were cool. [+]
IzumiMasumi-kun, that rein handling was so good I can’t believe it was your first time.
You were cool.
Director said I’m cool… Is that a proposal?
IzumiW-why did it become like that!?
Spice Inochi!
Good job to you too. You really worked hard, huh?
Masumi…Only that guy getting pat is unfair. Me too.
IzumiOk, ok… Ahh.
Spice Inochi*Blow, blow, blow*
Masumi…It doesn’t make me happy having my cheek rubbed by you.
IzumiAhaha, it looks like he got completely attached to Masumi-kun too.
It can’t be helped, I’ll acknowledge you as my rival.
...Since I'll come see you again.



  1. I decided to leave "Inochi" in the horse's name in romanized form as it's written in katakana (スパイスイノチ), and here, Izumi specifically uses the kanji for inochi (命: life) to point out the reference—so to distinguish the two.
  2. I'm using English horse noise words because it sounded even more awkward trying to literally write down the Japanese sound words lol