Masumi Usui/Busybody Ventriloquism

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A Great Resemblance? Ventriloquism of Tsuzuru

Backstage Stories
BanriSo, what're we doin' about Masumi’s ventriloquist doll?
MasumiA doll of Director works.
YukiThe psycho stalker’s still saying that…
ChikageHe sure doesn’t waver.
HomareMasumi-kun is truly determined.
Yuki*Sigh*… Can’t you hurry up and decide already?
I want to make it soon too.
IzumiHuh, has everyone gathered for a meeting?
BanriMasumi, even though you’re the one who’s gonna do the ventriloquism, you can’t ask for a doll of Director.
MasumiI won’t do it if it’s not Director’s doll.
IzumiI see…
(Oh, right… these members were the red team, right?
I never thought that this would be what's going on.)
ChikageIt’s fine if it’s only performed in front of the members here, but it won’t make sense if he does the ventriloquism with Director-san’s doll in front of an unspecified number of people.
IzumiRight, right. Since we’re going out of way to make the doll, wouldn’t it better if it was somebody else and not me?
Like, for example… someone from the Theatre troupe!
YukiYour face looks dissatisfied.
BanriHahh… What should we do?
HomareIf possible, I think it would be better if Masumi-kun performs something that's easy for him to pull off.
Chikage…In that case, wouldn’t Tsuzuru work?
ChikageIf it’s Tsuzuru, then you’ve spent a lot of time together sharing a room and you understand his speaking tone and habits, don’t you?
HomareIndeed, you have a point there.
IzumiYeah, that might be a good idea!
Also, Masumi-kun, you’re really good at imitating Tsuzuru-kun, right?
Like that time before when you were controlling Tsuzuru-kun from behind when he collapsed after finishing the script—.
I really thought Tsuzuru-kun was moving and I was so surprised.[1]
MasumiIf you say so.
BanriAn immediate answer.
YukiHe’s seriously way too simple.
ChikageWell, it’s a relief Masumi agreed.
YukiSo we’re going with a doll of Tsuzuru, right?
Alright, I’ll start making it right away.
IzumiI’m looking forward to it, Masumi-kun.
MasumiYeah. I’ll improve even more for you…
Tsuzuru…Mm, mm mm.
…I've overslept. It’s because I stayed up pretty late yesterday writing my report, huh…
TsuzuruUwahh!? M-Masumi!?
Tsuzuru…Don’t tell me you've been watching me this whole time?
MasumiFor a little while.
TsuzuruW-what is it? Did something happen?
You should wake me up in that case.
MasumiIt’s nothing.
HomareAhh, Tsuzuru-kun, Masumi-kun.
Good morning!
TsuzuruGood morning.
HomareI see Masumi-kun is with you.
TsuzuruYeah, for some reason Masumi’s been following me since the moment I woke up…
TsuzuruHe keeps looking at me like this…
*sink turns on*
TsuzuruTowel, towel…
TsuzuruA-ahh, thank you…?
HomareIt’s as if he’s an attendant.
Well then, Masumi-kun.
Could you hand me that towel over there as well?
HomareAre you ignoring me!?
MasumiI’m busy right now.
HomareAren’t you just watching Tsuzuru-kun!
TsuzuruWhat in the world is going on...
OmiDoes anyone want something to drink?
TsuzuruAh, I’ll go get them.
OmiThanks, sorry about that.
Masumi…I’ll go too.
TsuzuruIf Masumi wants a drink too, I’ll get one for you at the same time.
MasumiNo, I’m good.
What about you?
TsuzuruEh, me?
I was gonna get some tea…
YukiThen I’ll get tea too.
KazunariMe too, Tsuzurun!
OmiThat being said, Masumi’s awfully clingy to Tsuzuru today, huh?
KazunariRight~! I thought so too!
They’re super buddy-buddy~!
TsuzuruI wouldn’t really call it that…
YukiIt looks like a chick following a mother hen[2].
TsuzuruI don’t remember turning into a mother hen though…
KazunariIt seems fun so I’ll cling to Tsuzurun too!
TsuzuruI’ll pass!
Haa, I’m exhausted…
TsuzuruI'm not planning to ask you the reason for this anymore, alright?
If you're gonna be this way, then I don't care either.
MasumiYou don’t need to worry about it.
Alright then, I guess I’ll continue my report.
IzumiAh, could that be the doll of Tsuzuru-kun?
MasumiThat’s right. I practised.
YukiYou’ve been watching Tsuzuru a lot these days, right?
BanriSo, think ya got it down properly?
MasumiI want you guys to check it for me right now. Director too.
IzumiMe? Sure, but…
ChikageThen let’s see what you’ve got, shall we?
*door opens*
IzumiAh, Tsuzuru-kun.
BanriNice timing.
TsuzuruWhat do you… uh, what's with that doll!?
YukiIt’s the Tsuzuru doll I made.
TsuzuruUm, why me!?
ChikageNow, now.
BanriSince you’re here, why don’tcha watch the results of Masumi’s practise too?
YukiIt’s fine, just sit here.
TsuzuruWhat in the world is going on…
MasumiNow then—.
“…Mm, mm mm.”
IzumiThat’s… Tsuzuru-kun thinking about something?
TsuzuruIs that an impression of me!?
BanriGot it, it’s Tsuzuru worried over the script?
YukiTsuzuru when he can’t keep up with Citron’s jokes.
MasumiNope. It’s Tsuzuru the moment he wakes up in the morning.
TsuzuruWhat the heck is that?
Banri…He’s touching somethin’?
IzumiWhat is that…
ChikageHe’s moving the arms a lot.
BanriTsuzuru stretching?
IzumiWhen he’s making food?
MasumiThis is Tsuzuru before he writes a report.
Tsuzuru rolls his shoulders like this.
TsuzuruSo detailed!
BanriHol’ up, that has nothin' to do with ventriloquism, right?
ChikagePlus his perspective is unique too.
YukiI feel like this won’t make sense to anyone except Masumi.
IzumiThat’s true…
TsuzuruHaven't I been completely caught up in this by accident!



  1. References The Floral Prince event episode 3
  2. Yuki uses the term "親烏" (oyagarasu: a parent crow) but I used "mother hen" since I thought that's more natural in English.