MAnkai ApArtment!/Episode 7

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MAnkai ApArtment!
Episode 7
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BanriWhere’d Masumi go?
CitronHe said he’d bring them here, yes?
Masumi...I brought them.
TsuzuruThat was fast!
IzumiItaru-san, Chikage-san!
YukiI never thought those two would show up... What the heck did you do?
ChikageHe was about to kill me with his look.
ItaruI happened to finish filming my video just then, so.
ChikageLandlord-san, sorry for saying something horrible to you the other day.
IzumiAh, it’s nothing. It didn’t bother me.
ChikageThat’s good. Here, take this flower as an apology.
IzumiThere’s suddenly a flower in your hand——! How did you do that!?
ChikageIt’s a secret. I work mainly as a magician after all.
I’m actually a little interested in you, Landlord-san.
ChikageYou made curry yesterday, right?
IzumiYes I did, but...
ChikageThe scent of that curry smelled like there were real spices in it. As someone who loves spicy things, I became a little interested in you.
IzumiAhaha, is that so.
MasumiOi, stay away.
ChikageYou told me to come help, so I can’t really do that, can I?
MasumiThis and that are different.
ItaruNow then, what should I start with? Should I plant this?
TsumugiYes, I’ll be counting on you!
IzumiItaru-san, Chikage-san, and Juza-kun came to help today... We made great progress!
(Now if only Tenma-kun, Sakyo-san, and Tasuku-san would come as well...)
IzumiMuku-kun? Is something wrong?
Muku...I’ll go talk to Tenma-kun!
MukuI’m actually a little scared of Tenma-kun... And so I haven’t talked to him much, but...
I want to act together with everyone after all!
Omi...Yeah. I’ll go talk to Sakyo-san too. His room is right next to mine anyway.
GuyIn that case, I suppose I’ll go talk to Takato.
TsumugiAh, Tasuku is...
Tsumugi...It’s nothing. Can I ask you to do it, then?
Izumi(? When Tasuku-san’s name came up, Tsumugi-san looked like he was brooding over something... I wonder if I just imagined it.)
MukuTenma-kun, over here!
TenmaOi, Muku——
AzamiAh, Tenma-san.
IzumiMuku-kun, you brought Tenma-kun with you!
MukuYes! It seems that Tenma-kun actually also wanted to work together.
TenmaI-I didn’t say that!
KumonOh, I see~! Tenma-san, were you embarrassed?
KazunariTenten is shy after all~!
TenmaNo! I-I just couldn’t come because work was busy!
OmiApparently Sakyo-san is busy with work today, but he said he might be able to come tomorrow.
KumonSeriously!? As expected of Omi-san!
IzumiGuy-san, how did it go?
GuyTakato is... He seemed bothered about Tsukioka.
OmiDid something happen?
Tsumugi...The truth is, Tasuku and I are childhood friends, and we’ve been doing theater together since we were students.
KumonIs that so!?
TsumugiI’d played the lead role in a performance just once, but I messed up in that same performance——
I was traumatized by that... When I told Tasuku that I’m not qualified to play the lead role, he got really angry at me.
Things got kind of awkward after that, and then we didn’t really keep in touch...
I didn’t think we’d see each other again in this apartment.
GuySo that’s what happened.
MasumiIt’s my first time hearing that you’ve known each other from way back.
...But you know, if we’re gonna start putting on performances in this apartment again, then I definitely want Tsumugi-san to play the first lead role!
TsumugiHuh? Me as the lead...?
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