Let's go Samurai Cinema Romance/Episode 5

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Let's go Samurai Cinema Romance
Episode 5
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Boorish Man AYou can't take that attitude after we called out to you.
Boorish Man BAh jeez, I feel so let down~. You're gonna take responsibility, aren'tcha~?
Female Visitor AT-This can't be happening...
Visitor AWhat's happening? A fight?
Visitor BI wonder if she's alright... Shouldn't we call a staff member?
Sakyo... Wait.
Sakyo... Just jumping in to break them up won't be interesting.
This is a raid!
Boorish Man A!?
ChikageI thought it was noisy for some reason...
BanriWe'll be troubled if you dirty Kyoto with your disgusting selves.
AzamiWe're not gonna just sit by and watch your guys' crimes.
Boorish Man BWh-What's with you bastards...!
ItaruI'll mercilessly cut down any men who answer with retorts.
MasumiPut your hands up and let me tie you up.
Visitor AWay to go~! Shinsengumi!
Visitor BSo cool!
Boorish Man ATch... Hey, let's get outta here.
Boorish Man BShit...
JuzaThey're gone...
TsuzuruPhew, we managed to succeed somehow.
Female Visitor ATh-Thank you so much! You really helped me out!
IzumiIt's fine, I'm just glad that you're okay.
Shinsengumi Member AYou guys, are you alright?
TaichiHuh!? These people are wearing Shinsengumi costumes!
Shinsengumi Member BWe're actors who work as members of the Shinsengumi at Edo Park, and we're also staff.
CitronOhh! Perfect examples for Shinsengumi are here!
Shinsengumi Member BWe heard that something was happening, so we came running, but you all had already cleaned out the area...
IzumiI-I'm sorry. We overstepped...
Shinsengumi Member CNo, if anything, you guys helped us out. Thank you very much.
Shinsengumi Member ASince Edo Park was featured on that TV show, we've gotten more customers, which we're grateful for, but the troublesome customers have also increased...
We make our rounds as much as we can, but we can't quite cover everything.
TaichiThis park is pretty big...
Shinsegumi Member AThat aside, you guys are really good performers.
Shinsengumi Member BAre you guys possibly involved in the arts?
SakuyaYes! We belong to a theater named MANKAI Company!
Shinsengumi Member CSo you guys are theater actors! No wonder you're all so good at acting.
OmiWe came here today to take a lesson on fight scenes as part of our training camp, but...
SakyoIf we head there now, we won't make it in time. For now, let's contact——.
Shinsengumi Member AI see. If that's the case, then adding onto our thanks from earlier, we'll teach you guys how to do fight scenes, too.
JuzaAre you sure?
Shinsengumi Member AYeah, of course. We don't have anymore performances today, anyway. I'll contact the fight scene trainer myself.
KondoMy role is Kondo Isami, and my real name is also Kondo. Looking forward to working with you.
ChikageYour real name is the same, too, huh.
TsuzuruHe's perfect for Kondo Isami's role.
IzumiThank you so much, Kondo-san. We look forward to working with you!
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