Kumon Hyodo/Only Once Summer

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My Almighty Haunted House

Backstage Stories
(Please… somehow…)
Class CommitteeAnd that concludes our voting period.
Class CommitteeJudging by the majority votes, it’s been decided that we’ll be doing the boba booth for this year’s cultural festival.
White CatMeow~.
Black CatMeow~.
AzamiWhat the hell, y'all? I don’t have any food left.
White CatMeow~.
AzamiJeez, fine. I’ll pet you. I’ll pet you.
Black Cat*Purrs*.
KumonSorry for making you wait, Azami~.
AzamiIt’s fine.
AzamiWhat’s with that sigh? Did the baseball club lose the district qualification or something?
KumonDon’t say things like that! It might bring bad luck! ‘Sides, they’re doing great!
AzamiWhat is it, then?
KumonI was hoping my class would do a haunted house for this year’s cultural festival, but they decided to do a boba booth instead!
Here I was convinced the classic haunted house would not lose since the boba craze had calmed down!!
KumonBy the way, what will your class do?
Azami…Not tellin’.
KumonWhy!? Tell me! Is it a maid cafe or something?
KumonThen, what?
Azami…Haunted house.
KumonNo fair!!!
AzamiThat’s why I didn’t wanna tell you.
KumonSo lucky… You’ve got to do the haunted house…
AzamiWhy do you want to do haunted house that much anyway?
KumonBecause folk monsters are cool.
AzamiHow stupid.
KumonWhat’s with that!?
AzamiWe’ve already done that, playing folk monsters.
KumonThat’s not what I mean! What I wanted to do is produce the folk monsters, not become one of them!
You see! I’ve also been considering the roles! Like, casting Nakayama as the crow-billed goblin since he has good reflexes, and Shimano as the ogre since he’s big and brawny!
AzamiIf that’s so, we have some competent members at the troupe–.
Kumon…!!! You’re right!!!
AzamiFuck… Looks like I said something unnecessary.
KumonDirector! I wanna do a haunted house!
TenmaA haunted house?
YukiWhat are you bringing up out of nowhere?
AzamiThat’s way too sudden, y'know.
IzumiCan you elaborate?
AzamiHe wanted to do a haunted house for the cultural festival, but his class ended up doing the boba booth.
KumonThat’s why I wanna do a haunted house at the dorm for a day!
IzumiWell, I don’t really mind, but… Who will be the ghosts?
KumonI’ll scout them after this! It’s all right! I already have people in mind!
Izumi(O-Okay, I don’t know how he’ll get the scout done, but…)
KumonI’ll leave the full makeup to you, Azami!
Izumi(Well, I guess I can just let him be. It sounds fun, anyway.)
KumonThe first one is…umm…
KumonOh, here he is!!
Look at this, Kumon~. I’ve got sparkling triangles from the crow~.
KumonJust as I thought, Sumi-san should be crow-billed goblin!
KumonYou see, I’d like you to play the crow-billed goblin at haunted house…
MisumiCrow-billed goblin? I don’t really understand, but okay~.
KumonBe the ogre, Omi-san!!
KumonYou’re the only one who can play the big and beefy ogre, Omi-san!
KumonI want Omi-san to play the one-horned ogre at my upcoming haunted house at the dorm!
OmiOgre? Do you really not mind me taking on the role? I’m fine with it, though.
HomareLingering monsoon… Trailing rompers…
KumonHomare-san is the fox spirit!
Homare…Fox spirit?
What are you talking about?
KumonI’m going to do a haunted house at the dorm soon, so I want you to take on the fox spirit role, Homare-san!
HomareHmm… Playing a fox spirit who has lived longer than human beings… That is such an interesting role. I don’t mind doing it.
KumonI’ve got three people for now… It’d be nice if I can at least scout one more~.
TaichiAh, there you are, Kyu-chan! I’ve heard you’ve been looking for people to play ghosts!
KumonDo you wanna do it, Taichi-san?
TaichiAbsolutely! There’s no way I’ll miss out such an interesting opportunity!
KumonIn that case, you’ll be the guardian dog, Taichi-san! You’re like a dog, after all!
TaichiA d-dog? I’ve never seen a haunted house with a guardian dog in it…
KumonAlright! Now that the cast has been decided, I’ll give y'all the instructions!
This haunted house turns out better than I expected…
KazunariIt’s said here we should go from the first floor.
MukuOh, the map is taped to the wall.
Tenma!! Don’t move so suddenly like that!
YukiYou’re freaking out too much.
KazunariDirector-chan, watch your step, 'kay? It’s dark here.
*scary sounds*
YukiIt’s just a sound effect, duh.
IzumiWe should go here next–.
KumonHehe, it’s a big success!
AzamiFor God’s sake, why did I have to do this too…
IzumiThat surprised me…
MukuI thought my heart would stop beating.
KazunariHuh? Kumopi, Azamin, are you not playing the folk monsters?
KumonThe main highlight of this haunted house is in the lounge! Welcome!
IzumiI-I wonder what they have there…
TenmaH-Hey, y'all, go first.
YukiYea yea, okay.
KazunariI’m opening the door, then~.
MukuWow…the decoration here is so elaborate.
KazunariKumopi wanted to do a haunted house so bad, after all~.
IzumiHuh? There’s an onigiri here.
YukiLooks like an offering to me.
???“Onigiri, onigiri…”
Izumi…Who’s that?
(Hold on. There’s only one person here who will say such a thing…)
Crow-billed Goblin“I am the Great Goblin, Sankakubo, who rules over Mount Mitsumine!”
One-Horned Ogre“And I am one of his four biggest subordinates, Hangoki![1]
KumonSo cool!!
(T-They even come up with a pose…)
Fox SpiritRuffling socks, Mystical fox~…
Fox Spirit“My name is Hizuki. I shall feed on your vigor.”
Guardian Dog“I am a subordinate of Hizuki-sama, Taro Sanjou!”
KumonOMG! That’s so sick!!
Izumi(They’re doing a pose too…)
TenmaThe hell is this…
KumonMy haunted house is so awesome, isn’t it!?
YukiYou really call this a haunted house…?
MukuUmmm, it’s not that scary…
KazunariBut this just screams Kumopi all over!
Izumi(Rather than a haunted house… How should I say this… it looks more like a chuunibyou monster house.)
Crow-billed Goblin“Now, let’s have our usual fight!”
One-Horned Ogre“I shall take you on first!”
Fox Spirit“Well, well, I wonder which one of you I should eat first.”
Guardian Dog“Please let me have at least one of your preys, my Lord!”
KumonY’all are so cool!!! My judgment is right!
Izumi(Well, at least he’s having fun…)



  1. Omi’s role, Hangoki, is written in 飯盒鬼 which is literally translated to “Cooking Utensils Ogre”.