Kumon Hyodo/Once Upon A Time

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A Strange Fairy-Tale Dream

Backstage Stories
IzumiLet's wrap it up for today. Good work.
TenmaGood work.
MisumiGood work~
KumonHey, guys. Would you like to watch a movie after this?
KumonI borrowed it at a rental shop today~!
KazunariHeh~, what kind of movie is it?
KumonA fairy-tale movie!
I see, that's a very fluffy-looking world.
KumonThe • Fairy-tale!
MukuI love worlds that look like this!
MisumiIt's pink and fluffy~ I wonder if there are any triangles there~
TenmaWait, but, isn't the camera work kind of strange?
KazunariHmm, it does feel a bit unsettling?
YukiThe sound effects are also eerie.
IzumiIs this really a fairy-tale...?
TenmaIt's obviously not, no matter how you look at it. Are we going to watch this till the end?
TenmaWho is?!
MukuI'm sure it's because I'm a crispy over-cooked bacon with half-cooked potatoes that it became like this...
KazunariNow, now, let's just watch a bit more. It looks interesting!
MisumiAh, a triangle has appeared~!
TenmaThat saw is definitely a murder weapon! There's no doubt about it!
KumonThat's weird? I thought it was supposed to be a fairy-tale.
IzumiWhat's this movie's title?
KumonUmm, "Nightmare in Wonderland~Revenge of the Dead~"
YukiDefinitely not a fairy-tale.
TenmaIsn't the fairy-tale only at the beginning?
KumonThe packaging was pink and white and had a fairy-tale feeling to it, though.
KazunariBut, why fairy-tale all of a sudden?
KumonThe next play is set in a fantasy fairy-tale world, so I thought I'd study up on that.
I don't know much about it.
TenmaSo it's a part of your role-study, huh. It's a good idea.
IzumiYeah, you've thought this through!
YukiNot bad.
MisumiKumon, you did great, so I'll give you a fluffy Triangle-kun~
KazunariWhen it comes to manga with a fairy-tale setting, Mukkun has a lot of them.
MukuSorry. I just lent the manga I recommended to Sakyo-san for the Manga Club.
IzumiIt's surprising that Sakyo-san is in the Manga Club, but the fact that he reads fairy-tale manga is also a huge mismatch.
YukiIt's hilarious to imagine though.
MukuI'll lend it to you once Sakyo-san finishes reading it.
IzumiThe rest of the fairy-tale materials...
ItaruShould I lend you something?
TenmaYou came out of nowhere!
IzumiItaru-san, what do you have to offer?
ItaruCome here.
CitronOoh, everyone from the Summer Troupe has come to saw us~?
TenmaSaw you?
ChikageHis words are all over the place.
GuyI just got my regular Zahra shipment in the mail, so I was just checking what's inside.
YukiHeh~, is there anything interesting?
CitronI will not give you the DVD of the Zahran version of Japanimation!
YukiDon't need it.
ItaruHere. My recommended fairy-tale manga.
Kumon"I Started A Cheat Hero in Wonderland"?
TenmaThis is just a chuunibyou[1] manga, isn't it?
IzumiThe fairy-tale part is probably only at the beginning...
KumonSounds interesting!
KazunariWell, maybe it's more of a fairy-tale than the horror earlier!
MukuI also want to read a little.
ChikageWhat's going on with these fairy-tale talk?
KumonWe're looking for fairy-tale materials to role-study for our next play.
GuyI see, so that's what it was.
CitronIn that case, I have a recommended frequency movie for you all.
MisumiFrequency movie~?
ItaruDo you mean fantasy movie?
CitronYes, that! A samurai playing baseball in a world of swords and sorcery!
YukiThe heck is that?
TenmaAre you sure that's a fairy-tale movie?
KazunariBut I can't imagine what the movie's like, it sounds suuuper interesting!
CitronIt is very interesting indeed. I will lend you the DVD.
ChikageI think the book I planned lending to Muku would also be a good reference for fairy-tales.
MukuIf I recall, it's a story about a middle-aged man who traveled to a strange country in a different world and opens a curry shop.
ChikageThat's right.
TenmaNo, that's not helpful in the slightest.
IzumiI am a bit curious though...
YukiYou're just fixated on the curry part, aren't you?
MukuThen, Kyu-chan should read it first.
KumonEh, is that okay?
MukuYeah. I'll look for another material.
TenmaWill the other recommendations be okay?
YukiIt's guaranteed to be better than these three questionable people's recommendations at least.
IzumiW-well, it'll probably be fine, won't it...?
MisumiKumon, you're still not asleep~?
Kumon...Yeah, I'm gonna read a bit more.
MisumiMake sure not to stay up too late~
KumonYeah, good night.
MisumiGood night~
IzumiKumon-kun, are you going somewhere?
KumonI thought I'd go to the library to look for other materials. I've read all the books I borrowed yesterday.
IzumiEh?! Already?!
KumonI couldn't stop myself once I started reading it.
IzumiHeh~ Were they interesting?
KumonYeah. But they're a bit different from our upcoming play. So I wondered if there were anything else.
IzumiYou're sure enthusiastic about studying for the play.
KumonIt's an important play for Muku, so I have to do my best!
IzumiI see. Then, I'll go help find the materials with you.
IzumiAbout this much?
KumonWhen you look for it, there are actually quite a few~
IzumiI have a book that I'm kind of curious about, so go ahead and read them first.
Hmm, maybe I should start from this book.
"The Boy and the Mysterious Castle" ...
Where am I...
What an awesome fairy-tale...ah, is this a dream?!
Hooray! A trip to another world! Am I the hero?! Was I summoned?! I'm so pumped up!
Moreover, the view of this world can be a reference for my role-study!
GuyGentleman, please excuse me, de gozaru.[2]
GuyIndeed. I am who you call Guy, de gozaru.
KumonMan, you're totally a samurai!
GuyTo be frank with you, I am in a bit of trouble because we do not have enough baseball members, de gozaru. Will you help me?
KumonEh?! Baseball in this kind of world?! I don't really mind.
GuyYou are a great help, de gozaru!
The enemy is the team that controls this country, the Manzai Masks, de gozaru.
The Manzai Masks have captured the princess and have the country under their control, de gozaru.
CitronHmph, so you have brought a helper.
KumonIt's Citron-san this time?!
GuyPrincess, we will save you now, de gozaru.
IzumiGuy-san, please don't overdo it!
KumonDirector? So Director is the princess.
IzumiAnd you are?
KumonKumon. If Director is captured, then I have to do my best.
Just hang on, princess. I'll save you right away. I'm kinda good at baseball.
CitronEnough! Bow down to my Electrical Lyrical Magic Ball!
KumonWait, I think I saw a scene like this in the movie I borrowed from Citron-san...
ChikagePlayers from both teams, gather up!
KumonHeh, the referee is Chikage-san, huh.
ChikageAll together, curry!
GuyI am in your hands, de gozaru!
Kumon...Wait, it's not bow[3], but curry?
GuyIn this country, it is polite to eat curry before a game.
KumonYou're lying?!
What's more, it's really spicy!
ChikageIt's my secret spice.
KumonI can't eat this before the game!
CitronIf you cannot eat it, you will be disqualified.
GuyUu...my tongue is numb.
CitronUgh...the spiciness has increased again.
ChikageI do my research everyday.
KumonHuff, huff....okay, I ate it all...! I'll strike out everyone quickly!
CitronA-all right, I shall receive it.
ChikageStrike! Batter out!
KumonAll right, if I can just hold one more person...
GuyI shall entrust it to you, de gozaru.
IzumiDo your best, Kumon-kun...!
KumonLeave it to me.
CitronBring it on!
ItaruHup. The hero has arrived.
ItaruStop it right there, Iron Mask! I, the Salary Man hero summoned from another world, will not allow you to do any more evil.
KumonThe ball split into two?!
ChikageThis match wouldn't be possible without the ball.
KumonWhaaaat?! Even though I tried my best to get this far?! Hold on!!
KumonI...fell asleep?
IzumiYou slept soundly. You didn't get enough sleep last night, right?
KumonSomehow...I feel like I had a fairy-tale dream...
IzumiThat sounds like it'd be a good reference.
What kind of dream was it?
KumonI dreamed of teaming up with Guy-san who was a samurai for a baseball team to fight against Citron-san...
Before the game, Chikage-san made me eat a very spicy curry, and when I was about to win, I was interrupted by Itaru-san who was a hero...
It was exhausting...
IzumiIt was definitely the influence of the materials borrowed from Itaru-san and the others...
KumonI don't want any more fairy-tales for a while...



  1. A colloquial term typically used to describe early teens who have delusions of grandeur, or more known as eight-grade syndrome.
  2. An archaic form of desu (to be). Often associated with samurai or ninja.
  3. A bit lost in translation here. Supposed to be "rei" literally meaning "an expression of gratitude", but generally used as an act of greeting where you face each other and bow in a display of respect. Chikage said "karee" which means curry, instead of "rei", since they sound similar.