Kazunari Miyoshi/Invitation to the House of Curiosity

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I Want to Draw a Lot of Memories

Backstage Stories
Izumi–Alright, that should be everything we need to buy.
KazunariRight. Then, let’s go back.
Ah, let me carry that too.
IzumiThank you, Kazunari-kun.
Eh, there’s an exhibition poster in this kind of place.
…Hee, there’s a solo exhibition near here.
It’s a Japanese painter.
Kazunari-kun, do you know this person–
KazunariWoah, this one’s only until tomorrow!
I almost forgot~!
IzumiKa, Kazunari-kun?
KazunariDirector-chan, really thank you for recognizing the poster!
IzumiEh, are you going to go to this solo exhibition?
KazunariYep, I like this painter’s work.
That’s why I’ll definitely go, but…
It seems that I’ve forgotten about it somehow.
Even though I don’t usually forget~
IzumiYou were busy with your university stuffs recently.
I’m glad you didn’t end up missing it.
What kind of work does this painter do?
KazunariAh. Director-chan, are you curious?
IzumiYeah, I’m quite interested I guess.
I’m curious about what kind of painter Kazunari-kun likes.
KazunariIf that’s the case, let’s go together with me!
Only if Director-chan’s free tomorrow though.
IzumiEh, is it alright?
I’m going to be happy if Director-chan’s going with me too.
IzumiThen I won’t hold back, I’ll be in your care.
KazunariAlright, looking forward to it~!
–Look, next will be this one. It’s totally different from the one earlier right?
IzumiYou’re right, I will never guess that it’s made by the same person.
KazunariRight right! There’s a fresh surprise every time we look at his work, like what kind of work will he make next I wonder…
Ah, this one, you definitely want to see this!
Izumi(Fufu, Kazunari-kun really looks like he’s enjoying himself)
KazunariEh, Sensei!
Art TeacherYou look great.
We also met in Amabi before right.
So Sensei’s coming to see this exhibition too.
Art TeacherYeah. I know that the session only last until today, so I rushed over to see it.
KazunariSensei too!?
I only remember about the session yesterday, that’s why I rushed over here today.
Izumi(Sensei… Anyway, is he a teacher from Kazunari-kun’s middle school or high school?)
Art TeacherAnyway Miyoshi, this person is…?
KazunariIt’s the Director-chan from the theatre troupe that I belong to!
Director-chan, this is the one that I’ve talked about before, my art teacher from my middle school.
IzumiAh, umm…! Nice to meet you, I’m Tachibana.
I’ve heard about you from Kazunari-kun, it’s a pleasure to meet you.
Art TeacherPleased to meet you too.
What kind of story I wonder, I’m a bit shy somehow.
KazunariI only talked about the good stuffs so no worries!
Art TeacherHaha, I guess it’s fine then.
Anyway, Miyoshi, so you’re acting now.
Eh, I never told you before?
Art TeacherToo bad, it’s my first-time hearing about it. Talking about that, there’s still this thing when you said that you’ll bring your friends along.
KazunariAh that! I was wondering when Sensei will be there.
I mean, there’ll be no meaning if I’m going when Sensei’s not there.
Art TeacherI’ll always be there, you can come any time.
KazunariUnderstood, I’ll see everyone else’s schedule.
KazunariHey hey, this time, can we go together with everyone to my middle school?
YukiKazunari’s middle school?
TenmaTogether with us, why though?
KazunariI ended up saying that I’ll bring my friends along to my Sensei, if everyone’s fine with it, I was thinking of going there together.
Sensei’s looking forward to it, I’ll be very happy if everyone can see my painting from that time too~…
KumonLet’s go, I want to go to Kazu-san’s middle school!
MukuI also want to see Kazu-kun’s painting from middle school.
MisumiMe too~!
I want to see Kazu’s sky painting!
YukiWell, why not.
TenmaYeah, I don’t mind too.
I’m also curious about Kazunari’s painting from that time.
KazunariIf I take Tenten with me, I wonder if Sensei’s going to be surprised.
Anyway, Tenten, can you make it?
TenmaWell, I’ll go and tell Igawa about it.
I don’t think there will be any issue if I tell him I’m going to a friend’s almamater.
KazunariThank you! Then, I’ll tell Sensei that everyone from Summer Troupe will be coming.
IzumiThat’s great right, Kazunari-kun.
KumonAlright, I’m really looking forward to it!
MisumiI’m going to meet Kazu’s teacher, sounds fun~
MukuMe too, I won’t embarrass myself as Kazu-kun’s friend…!
KazunariAhaha, it’s fine for everyone to behave like usual.
IzumiYeah yeah, I managed to talk to him for a bit last time, he’s a really nice teacher.
KazunariYep yep, no problem at all!
…Right, Director-chan, why not you come along too?
IzumiEh, is it fine?
KazunariYeah. Director-chan is my important person too after all.
Actually, come along!
IzumiUnderstood, then, I’ll be going together with everyone.
Art TeacherEveryone, thanks for coming.
KazunariI’ve brought over the friends I want to introduce to Sensei!
MukuNi, nice to meet you!
MisumiI’m Kazu’s friend!
Sensei, nice to meet you~
IzumiThank you for your assistance on the exhibition the previous day.
Art TeacherAh, you’re the director of Miyoshi’s theatre troupe.
…And then, Sumeragi-kun.
Art TeacherRest assured, I won’t say anything about you.
I was surprised when I heard about it… But as Miyoshi’s friend, I welcome you.
TenmaThank you so much.
What kind of student was Kazu-kun in middle school?
KazunariEh, Kumopi, don’t just go straight there!?
Art TeacherLet’s see… He didn’t talk much, kinda like a very quiet boy you know.
It feels really strange if you look at Miyoshi now.
YukiFor us, a quiet Kazunari is the weird one.
TenmaHe has been like that since the day we met him.
KazunariYukki, Tenten, don’t look at me with that doubtful eyes!
It sounds suspicious, but it’s really not a lie!
Art TeacherHaha. He’s quiet, but there were times when he feels like a student who wants to be noticed.
Like, he actually has the charm that attracts other people to him.
If I look at it that way, Miyoshi’s the same now and in the past, it’s like everyone’s always with him.
IzumiKazunari-kun’s surrounding is always lively, I also think that Kazunari-kun has that appeal.
KazunariSensei, Director-chan…!
Art TeacherAnyway, you came to see these too right?
KumonOh, this is the rumored paintings!
MisumiIt’s the sky and the rainbow, so beautiful~!
KazunariHaha, that’s so nostalgic~ …I said that I want everyone to see them, but if you look at them this way, I’ll be embarrassed.
YukiAs usual, there’s a huge gap between the creator and the product.
Ah, but if it’s the old Kazunari, I think he fits the image of this painting.
KazunariYukki, somehow I sense the thorn in your speech…!
MukuBut, I like this painting of the rainbow.
It’s not just pretty, when you look at it, there’s that sense of positivity embedded on the painting.
KazunariI see… Hehe.
I think I painted it with the hope that one day I will have a lot of memories that I want to portray through my painting.
TenmaBut, the you right now have a lot of memories that you want to paint right?
Kazunari–Yep! It keeps coming too!
…Sensei, everyone. Is it alright if I have a bit of your time?
I feel like drawing right now!
Art TeacherAh, I don’t mind.
If that’s the case, you can use this canvas.
MukuI’m looking forward to Kazu-kun’s painting!
MisumiI’ll be searching for triangles while waiting~
YukiKazunari, just draw as you please.
KumonYeah, I’m excited~!
TenmaI’m looking forward to it.
CHOICE 1: “I want to see what kind of memories that the current Kazunari-kun will draw" [+]
IzumiMe too, I want to see what kind of memories that the current Kazunari-kun will draw.
What kind of painting will it be I wonder.
KazunariI’m drawing it so look forward to it!
Maybe I just increased the hurdle myself.
IzumiAh, but I’m sure no matter what kind of painting it is, it will be wonderful like Kazunari-kun.
Hehe, Director-chan’s word just now made me feel like drawing even more.
CHOICE 2: “Kazunari-kun, you can keep drawing until you’re satisfied" [+]
IzumiWe’ll wait for you, so Kazunari-kun, you can keep drawing until you’re satisfied.
KazunariThank you, Director-chan.
I’ll try not to take so much time.
IzumiWhile waiting, I think I’ll get Sensei to tell us about Kazunari-kun’s story from middle school.
KazunariEh~ That’s a bit embarrassing. There’s really nothing to talk about…
But… I’m happy to hear that Director-chan wants to learn more about me!
KazunariSensei and everyone too, thank you!
Then, please wait a minute.
(The me from that time, didn’t really have any memories of himself, and he wasn’t able to draw any memories into a painting—
But the me right now, I can draw as many memories as I want.
The sceneries that I want to draw, there are a lot of them…!)
KazunariI’m done!
The time’s limited, so it’s pretty simple though…
MukuWoah, this painting…!
KumonIt’s us and Director, amazing!
MisumiKazu, you’re great~!
TenmaIt’s a painting that shows our relationship, even through the canvas huh.
YukiYou’re saying something cheesy again…
But, this painting’s not bad at all.
IzumiIt’s really such a wonderful painting!
Thank you, Kazunari-kun.
Art Teacher…Miyoshi.
Your painting’s much better than back then.
KazunariHehe, thanks to everyone!
Because everyone’s here, that’s why I’m able to draw like this~
Ah, I’m not satisfied yet!
Hey hey, next time, let’s all draw together!
KumonLet’s do it!
MukuWoah, I wonder what I should draw…!
Izumi(Fufu, it looks fun, exactly like the painting that Kazunari-kun just drew.
I’m glad that everyone from Summer Troupe came here)