Juza Hyodo/Rehearsal

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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by Koko here.

Sweet Magic

Backstage Stories
Izumi(Good, I bought everything we needed! Since there is still some time left, maybe I should rest somewhere and have some tea.)
……Hm? There is a newly-opened cake shop.
(The shop has a fancy and cute atmosphere. ….Hm?)
Izumi(Hm? The one standing right in front of the show window is…..)
IzumiI was right. What a coincidence.
Juza…..You got the wrong person.
IzumiEh? You are Juza-kun, right?
Juza……I said I’m…. I am not.[1]
Izumi…….Errr, is something wrong?
JuzaThat Juza……Person you are talking about, does he looks like me?……. Does he resemble me that much?
IzumiNo no, you are definitely Juza-kun, right!?
Juza……… It’s probably that. The doppel-something.
Izumi(F-for real, what happened……)
Izumi(Ah, is it…..)
Juza-kun, are you interested in this cake shop?
Juza…………. Not really.
Izumi(Perhaps he finds it hard to go in by himself? Hmm, if so then……)
A-ahh! What nice timing! I was thinking of checking out this cafe.
IzumiIf you have some time, do you want to have some afternoon tea?
JuzaLike I said, I’m not――.
IzumiCome on! Please! It’s a bit awkward for me to go in alone, so I wanted a companion.
IzumiOnly Juza-kun can help! So please!
Juza…………Tsk. Fine.
IzumiHooray! Then let’s go in.
IzumiThere is quite a variety of cakes here. I'm a bit uncertain which to choose.
JuzaStrawberry tart…. No, matcha souffle seems like a good choice too…
IzumiAh, but don’t you think this tiramisu looks delicious too?
Juza….Any of them would be hard to give up.
IzumiAgreed…. Hmm, I think I’ll have cheesecake and earl grey. Juza-kun, have you decided yet?
JuzaCheesecake….. Rare cheese is quite good too. No, maybe crémet d'Anjou…?
Izumi(What a serious expression….. There is a huge gap with his usual self, but it’s quite cute.)
Ah, this cake is so delicious!
JuzaNom nom. …… Agreed.
IzumiJuza-kun’s tart also looks delicious! There are many strawberries on top, making it look gorgeous.
JuzaYea. It’s good that it’s not too sour. The custard is also made with care and skill.
Izumi(Juza-kun, the way he eat looks very appetizing. He looks happier than usual……. I’m glad I called out to him)
IzumiThanks for the meal. Alright, let’s go back.
IzumiJuza-kun? What’s wrong?
IzumiJuza-kun? What’s wrong?
IzumiWoah! The cakes inside the showcase look delicious too.
JuzaThis cake….. I will bring it back for Muku.
IzumiEh, this!? It’s a whole cake?!
JuzaSince I am going to buy it, then of course the bigger the better.
IzumiIs that how it works….
Juza……… After all, he likes chocolate.
IzumiAh, right. I saw Kazunari-kun giving him chocolate and he looked very happy.
I’m sure Muku-kun will be happy if you buy it.
IzumiI’m back.
MukuAh, director-san, Jyuu-chan. Welcome back.
KazunariHm!? What a rare sight~? Hey hey, was it a date?
IzumiIt was not.
JuzaMuku, here. For you.
MukuEh…..This is….. Is this cake?
JuzaIt’s chocolate-flavored. You like it, right?
MukuI-Is it okay for me to accept it?
JuzaOkay or not, I bought it for your sake. …..If you don’t want it, then you don’t have to force yourself.
MukuTh-there’s no way I don’t want it! Jyuu-chan….Thank you!
BanriWoah, Hyodo giving cake as present, huh….
KazunariWait wait, isn’t the box too big?
IzumiBecause it’s a whole cake.
KazunariIs that so!?
JuzaI chose the biggest one.
BanriAs expected from Hyodo, what you do is certainly a whole new level.
KazunariSettsa, is that a compliment?
MukuUm, if it’s okay, should we eat it together? After all, it’s a whole cake…. Jyuu-chan, is it okay?
KazunariSeriously, okay~!? Mukkun so kind! Angel!
MukuUn! Jyuu-chan too, let’s eat together.
Juza…..If Muku says so.
IzumiThen let’s cut the cake. Wait, I’ll go grab a knife and forks.
KazunariAh, I will help too. You need plates too, right?
BanriThe combination of Hyodo and cake is so unfitting that it’s terrifying.
JuzaShuddap. Don’t eat.
BanriHuh? If you say don’t eat then of course I have no choice but to eat it right?
IzumiOver there, don’t fight!
MukuE-everyone, let’s eat together.
KazunariMukkun is the most mature one here!


  1. For these next two lines, Juza is trying to use more polite form of speech compared to what he usually uses to hide the fact that he is Juza