Itaru Chigasaki/Senribana Monogatari

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Role Study 【Matsunosuke】

Backstage Stories
Izumi(Some of the cast members came together to a karaoke place as a get-together and as self-training…)
HomareMy, oh, my, Citron-kun’s singing voice was marvelous.
ItaruThe quirkiness of the lyrics were to be expected of Citron’s selection.
CitronIt’s one of the classic wedding songs in Zafra that moves people to tears.
IzumiWell, each person feels things differently… right!
AzumaSo, who should go next?
It’ll be a bit hard to follow his Highness though.
HomareRight, then I could go.
CitronITARU! I wanna hear the opening of your fave anime this season!
ItaruOh yeah, I haven't gone to sing yet.
I guess it’s a good time join in the karaoke too…
IzumiAlright, here’s the remote control, Itaru-san.
ItaruWhich one, which one… Oh, they have quite a few.
HomareOhh, it sounds like it’s started.
AzumaI’m not very familiar with anime songs, so I’m looking forward to what kind of song it’ll be.
ItaruOk, roll out.
CitronWoohoo! Go~ ♪
Itaru“If there is a wish~ you want to come true~”
Izumi(Ah, so it’s a song by a female singer.)
(The key’s pretty high, but Itaru-san’s got it.
He’s matching the pitch properly…)
IzumiHuh, are you going to stop singing?
ItaruAh, no, I'm starting over. The key wasn’t adjusted very well.
Ummm, it was tough at minus 5, so next I’ll add plus 4…
AzumaI see. He wants to sing it properly since it’s a song he likes, huh?
HomareAs expected of Itaru-kun, his stoic attitude is admirable.
CitronThat’s an otaku’s commitment![1]
ItaruAlright, I’ll go one more time.
CitronWoohoo! Go~ ♪
Itaru“If there is a wish~ you want to come true~”
Izumi(Ah, the impression is totally different from before!)
AzumaHeh. One key setting can change the impression of a song this much, huh?
HomareI feel like it fits Itaru-kun’s voice more than before.
IzumiHuh, are you going to stop again?
ItaruSinging this way doesn’t do the anguish in the original song any justice.
I’ll try it with minus 5 this time.
AzumaHis attention towards the song’s expression is impressive.
HomareIt's truly splendid… how you seek to convey the emotions of the work through your singing!
CitronThat’s an otaku’s commitment for you!
IzumiBut is that commitment really necessary right now!?



  1. Citron originally says "オタクのミラー" (lit. "otaku's mirror"). I got some help, and we believe this phrase could mean how Itaru (being an otaku) is doing his best to replicate the song perfectly, like a mirror site is a perfect copy of an original website. I decided to use a different phrasing in English.