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Episode 2
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Izumi--that's why we decided to accept Mizuno-san's request.
SakuyaWe’re going to America? Amazing !
BanriNever thought everyone's gonna travel abroad again.
TsumugiWe don't get many opportunities to perform for audience overseas. I'm looking forward to it.
BanriIt's gonna be a good experience for the theater company, isn't it?
IzumiYup! Though, I'm a little worried about the language barrier.
TsumugiI think we’re going to be okay.
SakuyaI agree ! We were able to perform in Zahra too..
BanriPlus we've got few people in the group who can speak English.
ManagerBoo hoo hoo
ManagerYou're going to leave me behind again? Must be really nice for all of you to go another trip overseas. Looks like everyone will have lots of fun... ijijijiji...
SakyoGeez... you know we can't afford to leave the dorm unmanned.
IzumiD-don't worry. We'll buy you lots of souvenirs.
ManagerReally? Will you do that for me? Then, I want various snacks, sweets, local alcohol.. I'd like some local T-shirts, American Artists CDs, DVDs, concert goods, a branded headphones too---
SakyoRejected. No way we can afford all of that.
BanriYou're really shameless when it comes to making request like this, huh.
CitronI'm so happy we can all go to abroad. I’m pumped-up !
OmiTaichi, have you secured your passport?
TaichiOf course ! I won't make the same mistake again !
GuyJuza, why are you tapping your pocket?
BanriOi, don't tell me, you left your passport ?
KumonEhh !? Nii-chan, you don't have your passport with you !?
SakuyaIs it going to be okay !? Did you place it anywhere else?
TenmaJuza-san, have you checked inside your bag?
... ! It's here inside my side pocket.
BanriThe heck. Shit ‘s just there...
TenmaI noticed you placed it inside your bag earlier.
JuzaTenma, thanks.
KumonPhew ! Thank goodness !! That gave me a scare. I thought I won't be able to go with onii-chan!
IzumiIt's about time. Let's go, everyone.
KazunariOh, Azamin ! Check out this page, it says "Perfect for Souvenirs: American Cosmetic Specials!"
AzamiNah, not interested in any of that. Let's look for makeups over there.
MukuI wonder where will I go during my free time. I'd like to try American sweets !
HomareI'm thinking of visiting the museum again. I would like to see a modern arts.
MisumiI wonder what kind of triangles America has~ ?
TsumugiYuki-san, you're going to visit fashion store, right?
YukiThat goes without saying. I want to shop for casual outfits.
AzumaMarshmallows are popular in America as well. You might be able to see unusual marshmallow arrangements and recipes.
HisokaI'm looking forward to try different types of marshmallows.
ItaruSo that's Hisoka's plan but senpai will eat only spicy things like habanero and chili-based menus even in America anyways.
ChikageOf course. I am going to buy a special hot sauce that I've been interested in.
MasumiHey, where are you going? Let's go on a date during our free time.
IzumiHmm... I don't really know where to go for sightseeing.
SakyoGeez. Don't get too carried away. Listen up, the main purpose of this trip is for the company to help with the amusement park's revival.
BanriYeah, yeah. We know.
IzumiAh, but it seems like Mizuno-san is arranging a Broadway musical pass for us.
TasukuIt's quite a luxury to watch musicals on Broadway.
TsuzuruWe rarely get this kind of opportunity. I'm looking forward to a lot of things.
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