Guy/Premonition of Blooming

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The Zahran Cold Remedy

Backstage Stories
CitronAchoo YO!
SakuyaAre you okay?
CitronSakuya.... get me... paper... and...... pen.. yo
SakuyaPaper and pen? What are you gonna use them for?
CitronI’m gonna write..... a pill...
SakuyaA pill? A bill?
CitronNo uhh.... wi.....
SakuyaWi.. Wait, you mean a will!?
CitronPaper.. and.. pen.... ple....
SakuyaNO DON’T!!! PLEASE DON’T DIE Citron!
GuyCitronia has simply caught the common cold. He will not die.
SakuyaOh, Guy! But Citron said..
GuyDrink this, Citronia. It is Zahran cold medicine.
CitronIf I have to drink that, I would rather die.
CitronI barely have enough energy as it is now, the taste of that stuff will finish me off for sure yo.
SakuyaN.. No way... But if you don’t take any medicine you won’t get better!
CitronThen I guess this is an incurable disease.... When the last leaf falls, I will also...
Guy.... Then I have no other choice. I will prepare that medicine.
... Hmm.
IzumiYou have quite a lot of bags, Guy. Is that all just fruits and vegetables?
GuyOh. I said Citronia caught a cold and the manager of the produce store handed all of this to me.
IzumiCome to think of it, Citron is quite close with all the people in the shopping district.
GuySo it seems.
IzumiWhat are you going to make for him?
GuyA smoothie to cure the common cold handed down through Zahran royal family.
Izumi(A smoothie handed down through the Zahran royal family... I suppose there really is such a thing like that. It’s the first time I have heard of this.)
GuyDo we have a mixer?
IzumiOh, over here.
GuyThank you.
IzumiDo you need help with anything?
GuyNo thank you, this recipe is a family secret.
IzumiAlright, I won’t look then, I’ll just stay over here.
IzumiIs it finished?
IzumiI smell a little bit of spice.
GuyIt is because the special ingredient is a secret spice.
IzumiHuh!? I have never heard about putting spice in a smoothie!
GuyWould you like to try it?
IzumiAre you sure? Yes, thank you!
O... Ohhh delicious! The spice really works to open up my sinuses, it feels really good!
GuyI cannot cook at all, but this is the one thing I can make.
When Citronia catches a cold and whines about taking medicine, I make this and we drink it together.
IzumiI see...
GuyEven though he is an adult now, it is troublesome that he is still quite childish when it comes to this.
Izumi(He says that it is troublesome, but he doesn’t look upset, in fact he seems happy. He did spend his childhood taking care of Citron, so maybe he is remembering some fond memories.)
CitronI’m hungry yo~
IzumiI’m glad you’re feeling better, Citron.
CitronThanks to Sakuya for watching over me and giving me lots of enema care.
SakuyaNo no, I just watched over you, it was all Guy who did the healing.
IzumiAs expected Citron’s lifelong servant is so reliable.
Hisoka.... Citron.
IzumiWhat is it, Hisoka?
SakuyaWhat’s up?
HisokaGuy has been acting kinda strange.
Hisoka... Come see.
What is he doing with the hose!?
TsumugiOh, good. Everyone make him stop. Guy is trying to drench himself with water.
Hisoka... Weird.
CitronWhat a piece of junk.
IzumiHey don’t say stuff like that....
GuyMy body had suddenly started to overheat. I had to quickly cool myself down.
SakuyaSo you were getting a fever?
TsumugiSo it was just a fever....
IzumiS-So then we should get you to a hospital!
SakuyaAre you alright, Guy?
Izumi(Guy really has quite the fever—)
This is bad, he has a bad fever! We gotta get him to a hospital, fast!
ring — Yes, Hello.
Azuma“Hello, director? How is Guy’s condition?”
Izumi“We were able to get medicine from the hospital so everything has seemed to have calmed down.”
Azuma“I apologise for being away on a trip at the moment. I will head back soon.”
Izumi“That is alright, I am watching over him so don’t worry about it.”
(come to think of it...)
SakuyaAre you alright, Guy!?
I heard green onions were good for colds! Here, have some!
CitronJapanese cold medicine with green onions. Quickly cure this pile of junk yo!
YukiGarlic is also said to be good for colds.
MukuIt is good to wrap your neck with green onions!
TenmaGinger is also a good cure for colds.
JuzaWhenever anyone in my family gets a cold they eat shredded radish with some honey.
TaichiSome hot water does just the trick to warm up your stomach yeah!
TsuzuruI bought some apples, here have some.
TasukuGreen onions cure colds.
TsumugiNaturally, some green onions will do the trick.
HomareI have some green onions, hurry and get well!
KazunariGuy Guy, I bought some green onions.
KumonGreen onions for a cold yep!
Guyu-uhhh... Green onions umm....
Izumi(Guy looks like he is just sleeping under a pile of green onions...)
“Well Azuma, everyone else is here too so please don’t worry, take your time.”
Azuma“Is that so..? Alright, then I will bring him back some souvenirs.”
Izumi(Thinking of that, it’s about time I think about what he should eat with his medicine.)
.... Hmm? There’s a note by the pot....
Omi“I made rice porridge. If he is feeling well enough to eat, please give it to Guy.”
Izumi(Omi made rice porridge. I can give this to Guy.
On that note, when Guy made the smoothie for Citron he bought all those fruits and vegetables. There should be some left.
It would be really nice to give him the Zahran smoothie, but I don’t know how to make it and I don’t have the secret spice....)
IzumiHey, Citron.
Citron; How is Guy doing?
The medicine is working, for the most part he seems to be relaxed.
CitronWhat a troublesome piece of junk huh.
IzumiBy the way, would you happen to know the Zahran royal family smoothie recipe?
CitronThe Zahran royal family smoothie recipe?
IzumiThe one that Guy made for you.
CitronOh, that one. it’s a family secret so no one told me.
IzumiEven though you’re in the royal family they didn’t you...!
Yea, then I am pretty stuck. Is there any other Zahran remedies for the common cold?
CitronZahran remedies...
Director, lend me your year.
Izumi? Oh, you mean ear.
Citronwhisper whisper whisper.....
Izumi.. HUH!?
IzumiGuy, are you awake?
Guy.. Yes.
I brought some rice porridge and some shredded apples.
I’m sorry for burdening you .
IzumiActually, I wanted to make you the Zahran smoothie, but this is all I could do.
GuyNo, it is alright. You have helped enough.
IzumiHow is it?
At first I was bewildered when everyone was suddenly trying to take care of me because I had thought I was just overheating....
However it seems I had actually caught the common cold. It was thanks to you and everyone that I was able to get over my fever. Thank you very much.
What is the matter? Are you starting to feel ill?
IzumiNo no....
GuyPerhaps I have passed my cold on to you. Let me check your temperature—
IzumiI-I’m fine, thank you!
.. Well, could I ask you something?
IzumiI asked Citron about it but...
He said in Zahra, to wish someone a speedy recovery from an illness you are supposed to kiss them on the forehead.... That.. Is that true?
IzumiHUH!? Really?
(I don’t really think I have the courage to do it, but if I don’t do it I fear that it would make it seem like I don’t want to wish Guy a speedy recovery but...
What should I do...?)
CHOICE 1: Go for it! This is my chance to help! [+]
IzumiGo for it! This is my chance to help!
(The Zahran smoothie remedy worked, so this other Zahran remedy must also work too)
S-So I’ll do it!
(Looking at Guy up close, his face actually looks quite smooth...)
Izumi(Uhhh, even though I decided I was going to do it, I think I’m too embarrassed...!)
CHOICE 2: There’s no way I can do this....! [+]
IzumiThere’s no way I can do this....!
I’m sorry, I’m not from Zahra so this is one cultural difference I don’t think I can overcome....!
GuySo there is a get-well-soon remedy like that. It seems like something parents would make for their children.
IzumiParents would make for their children.....
IzumiYou should have said something earlier of that was the case!
GuyIt was not a lie for it is a type of remedy, but I was confused how you wanted me to answer. Apologies.
GuyThe apples are good enough for me.
Izumi… Would you like some more?
GuyYes, please.
