Guy/Banquet of Blooming

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Starring "Guy"

Backstage Stories
IzumiAlright, shall we start the Winter troupe’s fourth play’s talk show meeting?
TsumugiLet’s think up things we want to talk about while remembering those days.
HomareUmu… Then if we’re remembering those days,
How about we do a daily musical[1] here right now!
AzumaA daily musical, huh?
Come to think of it, we did those as role-making.
TasukuOr rather, Arisugawa just wants to do one, doesn’t he?
GuyBut didn’t Rurikawa enact a ban against daily musicals?
Hisoka…If he finds out, he’ll definitely get angry.
IzumiUmm, is there anything really memorable that Guy-san wants to talk about?
GuyLet’s see, I remember well that we did those daily musicals...
After that, I remember we went to karaoke as well.
TsumugiRight, we went to karaoke. How nostalgic.
HomareOhh! Well in that case, Guy-san should sing that song he sung for us at karaoke on the stage of the talk show—.
TasukuWe're saying it's a talk show though.
Hisoka…If they listen to that, everyone will sleep.
AzumaI think it would be interesting if Guy sings for us,
But it’s true it seems we’ll fall asleep.
GuyI don’t particularly mind singing either.
HomareGuy-san says so too, so isn’t it alright?
IzumiNo, since it’s a talk show!
Haa, at that rate this was about to turn into a karaoke contest…
TsumugiAhaha… When I recall back to that day, it inadvertently drifted off that way, huh?
GuySorry about that, Director.
AzumaFufu, a karaoke contest in front of the audience also seems like it’d be interesting though.
HomareI’m fine with even a karaoke contest though?
IzumiNo, no…!
Anyways it’s about time, so please get ready!
AzumaSpeaking of memorable aspects of this show,
It has to be that we performed the show in Zahra, right?
GuyRight, that’s true.
Is there anyone here that came to the show in Zahra?
Audience member AYes.
Audience member BYes—.
TsumugiEhh, really!?
HomareOh my…!
Thank you, we’re very delighted.
AzumaThen maybe I’ll try asking the other way around.
Is there anyone from Zahra that came here today?
Audience member CYe…Yes.
TsumugiWow! Welcome, to that one person…!
Excuse me, is it alright if we hear from you for a bit?
GuyI will interpret.
Audience member C《I watched Winter troupe’s show in Zahra and became Winter troupe’s fan.
Now I’m currently studying Japanese!》
Guy—is what they said.
I’m happy that our show has triggered your interest in Japan.
AzumaYes, that’s right.
Thank you, we’ll work hard from now on as well so we’ll be glad if you support us.
HomareThat reminds me, when Spring troupe and Winter troupe went together to Zahra, we couldn’t do very much sightseeing but…
Guy-san, here, do you have any recommended places for sightseeing?
GuyYes. The restaurant everyone in Spring troupe and Winter troupe had a meal at is a good shop, and I also recommend the Zahran jasmine fields.
As well, there are many specialty spice shops.
AzumaThere’s something for everyone to enjoy, huh?
TsumugiIt’d be nice if we could hold a show in Zahra again one day.
GuyYes, that's true.
IzumiGood job on the talk show. It was surprising that there really was someone who came from Zahra, right!
TsumugiI was really surprised.
But I’m really happy.
HomareThey wanted to watch Winter troupe’s show again so they came to Japan.
GuyI understood there were people in my home country who supported us as well,
So from now on, I must work even harder.
AzumaFufu, right.
IzumiAlright Guy-san, please let me take a polaroid photo.
GuyYes, it’s for the planned present that Sakyo was talking about, right?
Please go ahead.
IzumiSo I took a few, but which one would be good?
GuyAs for myself, I don’t really know…
TsumugiAh, I think this one is nice.
HomareOhh, I think that one is great as well.
AzumaYes, me too.
Fufu, everyone thinks so, hm?
IzumiYeah, his natural smiling face is nice, right?
GuyThank you.
If everyone says so, then let’s go with this.
Izumi(I can hear a singing voice from far away…)
…? Here is…
(Where in the world is this?
Somehow I also feel like I recognize this place…)
That singing voice I heard just a moment ago…
Izumi(Guy-san is sitting on the stairs and singing.
No, but the costume is the Phantom’s.)
(Lately, I often dream about everyone’s lead roles…
This person singing, it’s definitely not Guy-san, but the Phantom.)
Izumi(It’s a lovely singing voice…)
…How long are you planning on lying around in a place like that?
Izumi! S-sorry…
But it was a lovely song.
Phantom…No need for flattery.
Izumi(Ahaha… He told Chris the same thing too.)
Why were you singing here?
Izumi(…Hm? Just now, his gaze turned for a moment?)
PhantomThere’s no special reason.
Izumi(His glance just now, it looked meaningful though…
“How long will you be lying around,” he said—)
Could it be you were waiting for me to wake up, or something…
It's time for me to go.
IzumiEh, wait a minute…!
(He left.
Could it be that I hit the mark…?)
(It was a dream after all, huh…)
It looks like I fell asleep before I realized when I was organizing these documents.
GuyDirector, you woke up?
IzumiAh, Guy-san.
That blanket is…
GuyI found Director asleep here, so I brought it over.
IzumiSo that’s what happened…!
Thank you very much.
Sorry, it looks like I took a nap while I was organizing documents.
GuyI see.
Have you finished organizing them? If not yet, I will help.
IzumiEhh, is it alright…!
GuyYes, no problem.
IzumiThank you very much!
That’s a huge help.
CHOICE 1: If Guy-san is here, we've got the strength of 100 men! [+]
IzumiIf Guy-san is here, we’ve got the strength of 100 men[2]!
GuySpending 100 yen?
Do you mean we'll go to the 100-yen shop?
IzumiNo no, it’s strength of 100 men.
Guy-san is both quick and fast at organizing documents,
And is very reassuring and reliable too.
GuyIs that so.
If I am useful to Director, then that’s better than anything.
Speaking of shops, I remembered the other day you were also saying you will go buy some equipment, right? If you’re alright with me, I will accompany you.
IzumiSorry, you’re helping with everything from top to bottom.
But I really appreciate it. Thank you very much.
Ah, then on the way home, how about we stop by the dango shop?
Their new products seem tasty, and I was curious about them!
GuySure, of course I don’t mind.
A detour with Director… That’s a perk.
I’m really looking forward to it.
CHOICE 2: I'll do something as a thank you next time. [+]
IzumiFor bringing a blanket and even going all the way to help me…
Really, thank you very much. I’ll do something as a thank you next time.
GuyNo, it’s not a big deal, and I’m just doing as I like.
No need for thanks.
…is what I thought but…
I have a favour I want to ask of Director.
IzumiWhat is it?
GuyI was thinking that I want to go to the fishing pond again with Director.[3]
If it’s alright, won’t you accompany me as well when you have time?
IzumiSomething like that, I’ll accompany you any time even if it's not as a thank you.
Since fishing with Guy-san is really fun for me too.
GuyI see. I’m glad if you say so.
The time I spend with Director is comfortable for me too.
Izumi(Maybe it’s because I experienced the Phantom’s coolness, and his hard-to-understand kindness in my dream just now…)
(I feel relieved at the usual Guy-san’s kindness.)
Guy? Director, what’s wrong?
IzumiFufu, it's nothing.



  1. I believe this references Homare's Opera R card, and all the karaoke talk references their Opera N cards
  2. Izumi uses the phrase "百人力" (hyakunin riki) which literally means "strength of a hundred people", but more generally means "tremendous strength/help". Guy originally mishears that as "百均行き" (hyakkin iki) which broken down is "百均" (hyakkin: 100-yen store) & "行き" (iki: go).
  3. References his Rehearsal R card