Everyone's Old Year, New Year/Episode 1

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Everyone's Old Year, New Year
Episode 1
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Announcer"Up next is the weather. What do we have for New Year, Hayashida-san?"
TaichiIt's already New Year huh~.
IzumiThis year really flew by.
SakyoIt's evidence you grew older. From now on the years will pass even faster for you.
BanriFor Sakyo-san one year is like what a month feels to us right.
SakyoI'm looking forward to ten years from now.
TaichiThe fact he doesn’t deny that is scary…!
SakuyaBut, this year felt even faster than always. It's because we devoted ourselves to theater in MANKAI Company.
OmiIndeed, we did improve.
IzumiGuys, how long is your winter break?
SakuyaUntil the 9th.
TaichiSame here.
BanriSaying that, third years don’t have classes starting January.
IzumiIt's the final push for those of you who take entrance exams right.
Banri's a piece of cake.
TaichiJuza-san, you look so gloomy!
TsuzuruWe also have to start getting ready for going back home soon.
IzumiI see. There're many people who go back home on New Year huh.
TaichiI can also finally play with my younger sister~!
KazunariIt's been a while for me too so I can't wait~.
TsuzuruWhat are you going to do Director?
IzumiI plan to stay in the dorms. Seems like other people are staying too.
TaichiTasuku-san, Tsumugi-san and you are neighbors right?
TasukuYeah. We plan to go back home together by car.
TsumugiThough I am a bit worried, about the roads being crowded.
TsuzuruWhat about you Itaru-san?
ItaruI also have to show up at home at least for New Year… Or my sister is gonna beat me.
BanriHeh~, your big sister is strict huh.
ItaruSince she told me "As an adult at least show the minimum of gratitude to your family you introvert".
IzumiShe's harsher than I thought…!
OmiSpeaking of which, Citron you aren't going back to your country?
The fuel surcharge for New Year is high!
TsuzuruThat's a sound argument surprisingly.
IzumiMuku-kun and Juza-kun are you two going to meet together with both your families?
MukuYes! Every year, we're going around our relatives' houses to exchange greetings. This year we're spending New Year's Eve at Ju-chan's place right?
JuzaThat's what I heard.
SakuyaI wonder if Tenma-kun and the others are going back home too.
MukuTenma-kun and Misumi-san said they're going to spend the New Year here.
KazunariTenten said that this time he has the New Year off~.
YukiHe doesn't have other friends after all, doesn’t he just plan to laze around in the dorms. Looks like his parents are abroad as usual too.
AzumaI also plan to spend it here in the dorms. I think, Hisoka plans to do so too.
SakyoHeh. Since it's you Yukishiro, I thought you were going abroad on New Year.
AzumaUntil last year I often did that, but looks like I can take it slower and rest better here.
IzumiWhat about Masumi-kun?
TsuzuruHe said he will be staying. Well, since you're staying too Director it's inevitable.
OmiI also haven't been back home in a while, so I plan to go. Sakyo-san you're going home too right?
SakyoYeah. Since they're telling me to come back time and again. So all of Autumn Troupe will be going back home huh.
CitronBoth Omi and Tsuzuru won't be here… New Year is going to be Director's curry hell!
IzumiSo rude!
OmiHaha. If that's the case I'll make Osechi[1] for you. Director probably wants to rest on New Year too.
CitronOur savior!
IzumiI feel a bit complicated about Citron's reactions, but I'm grateful for the Osechi.
SakuyaOmi-san's Osechi, I'm looking forward to it!
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  1. Osechi is a traditional New Year food. It is made beforehand, on New Year's eve, and is eaten the day after. There are specific dishes that make up the osechi, each has a different meaning/symbolism.
