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This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original translation by Ranka
Cosmetic Syndrome
Episode 2
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Tsuzuru | I see.. So you were making arrangements with one of the regulars at Guy’s bar who happens to work for a cosmetics company…. |
| And you’re saying is he asked us if we would like to perform at a theme park as a collaboration to promote some cosmetics. |
Izumi | Yep, that’s right. |
| And actually Mr. Nago’s cosmetics company is the same one we worked with during the Christmas Market last year! |
Azami | Oh so you mean.. Elfriede? |
Tsuzuru | Elfriede is the name of the brand, right? |
Yuki | I remember we helped out with their exhibition booth at the Christmas Market. |
Izumi | Well Mr. Nago works in a different department, so I don’t think he really had any way of knowing about our previous collaboration. |
| But this time Mr. Nago is going to be the director and he would like us to be in charge of promoting his company’s new eye shadow. |
| According to Mr. Nago, the featured colour in the new lineup fits Guy perfectly. |
Azami | Huh…. Now I’m curious as to what colour this is. |
Izumi | A lot of people enjoyed our collab at the Christmas Market so I have no doubts that the response this time will be just as good however— |
| We would need Guy to participate if we were to do this. I think it is best to ask his opinion before we make any decisions…. |
Guy | So it seems… |
| He has done a lot for my bar as a regular so if I can, I would like to lend a hand in any way. |
| I am not very knowledgeable in cosmetics, however for the sake of our troupe and Mr. Nago, I would like to participate in this event. |
Izumi | Great! Thank you so much! |
| Alright then, let’s not waste any time and get right to choosing the other participants. |
Tsuzuru | I am looking forward to seeing what type of event this will be. |
Yuki | Hey, is this the theme park where we will be perform? |
Izumi | Yes, it is! You seem to already know about it. |
Yuki | They host a big annual event on White Day so it’s pretty trendy around this time of year. |
| I think the concepts they do are always pretty cute |
Izumi | I see, well would you be interested in participating? |
Yuki | Yes, I would. |
Izumi | So since this is a collaboration with a cosmetics company, Mr. Nago also expressed desire to have the members wear some make up… |
| I was thinking of having Azami be in charge of make up, what do you say? |
Azami | I got a lot of good experience at the Christmas Market and I feel like I learned quite a bit. |
| Yes, I would like to participate. |
Izumi | Thank you! Alright, we got Yuki and Azami on board. |
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