Citron/Boldly Smiling Satan

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Lord Demon King Citron's Descent

Backstage Stories
IzumiSo then, I think I would like to decide our Halloween costumes now.
YukiAs I said beforehand, I’m going to make what I want to make for the costume designs this Halloween.
Here, I’ve made a lottery of the costumes I want to make so everyone draw one, one at a time.
By the way, I won’t accept any complaints regarding what’s been chosen.
KumonHehe, I’m really lookin’ forward to what kinda costume I’ll get!
I’ll draw one right now—!
CitronOhh! I drew a Demon King[1]!
KumonDemon King!?
Uwahh, that’s cool!
ItaruCitron’s Demon King, huh…
It’s surprisingly fitting.
ChikageHaha, that’s true.
It seems like he’ll become a new kind of Demon King.
CitronYes, I will be sure to become a splendid Demon King.
I’ll do some perfect role study too!
TsumugiRole study for a Demon King… what will you do?
CitronFufufu… From now on, MANKAI dorm will be ruled over as Demon King Citron’s castle!
SakuyaI see…
In that case, I’ll become Citron-san’s servant!
Because I drew the demon costume in the lottery!
TsuzuruSuch a sudden development!?
GuyIf that’s the case, I will join Citronia as well.
TsuzuruNo way, even Guy-san!?
CitronSakuya and Guy are my comrades!
Come now, my servants!
SakuyaYes, Lord Demon King!
CitronAnd now, of course… A princess is needed!
Director, come here!
IzumiEhh, me!?
CitronYes, Director plays the princess.
Haaahaha, I have captured Princess Izumi!
The princess will become my bride!
MukuA Demon King who snatches the princess away to make her his bride…
Wahh, it’s just like a story!
CitronIf you wish to stop me, then defeat me!
MasumiI’ll insta-kill you…
The one Director is engaged to is me.
IzumiNo, I’m not!
TsuzuruIt’s getting pretty complicated…
ItaruIs it though? As for the flow, it’s pretty simple and standard, right?
BanriWell, a hero going to save the princess who’s been kidnapped by the Demon King is the template story pattern.
CitronIf you wish to take the princess back, then struggle your way all the way to me! Haaahaha!
ItaruYep, as expected, a Demon King has to swish his cloak and then make his exit.
Citron sure gets it.
IzumiW-wait Citron-san, don’t pull me, WAHH!!
SakuyaAhh, Citron-san! I mean, Lord Demon King!
Please wait for me—!
GuySo then, farewell.
TsumugiThey left…
MasumiThose guys… I won’t forgive them.
I’m going after them right now—.
TsuzuruW-wait a minute.
TsuzuruI understand your feelings, but stop for a moment.
This is just for their role study, ok?
MasumiThere’s no way you understand how I feel.
If you understood, then you wouldn’t be the one stopping me here.
ItaruPlease, Hero, you have to calm down.
First, in order to defeat the Demon King, you should gather some allies.
—Right? If the opposing side is the Demon King, you gotta choose a cast from here in order to defeat the Demon King, and then go beat him.
ChikageIf Masumi plays the hero who defeats the Demon King and rescues the princess, I have no complaints.
Masumi…I got it.
MukuA hero heading out to rescue the princess together with his allies…
So cool…!
ChikageNow then, what shall we do about the other team members?
KumonHere, here! I wanna be one!
ItaruNice, he’s the warrior who’s the mood maker and who's full of energy.
Nice to meet ya, Hero!
MasumiDon’t drag me down.
TsumugiWho else would be good for which role?
KumonHey hey, nii-chan! Join us too, nii-chan!
Let’s go save the princess together!
No, I’m…
AzumaCome to think of it, Juza drew the wizard costume, isn’t that right?
ItaruIt’s settled. When it comes to the Hero’s party, a wizard is an absolute must-have.
TsumugiIt might be perfect for role study.
Juza-kun, how about you give it a try?
JuzaWell, if it’s connected to role-makin’…
ItaruSo we’ve got a warrior and a wizard… As expected, now we’ll want a healing cleric, huh?
MasumiAnyone’s fine so just hurry up.
TsuzuruA healer… Ummm, a person who has a gentle and calm image would be good, right?
MukuThen how about Azu nee-san?
KumonRight! Azuma-san is a pair with nii-chan for Veludo Way Halloween, so it might be just right!
MukuAlso Azu nee-san is perfect since he’s really kind, you’re soothed when you talk to him, and he has the image of a healer.
AzumaFufu, well if I receive a recommendation like that, then I can’t refuse.
Alright, I guess I’ll have to go along with the Hero as well.
ItaruAlright, the Hero’s party is set.
TsuzuruIt’s a pretty stacked party but… are they going to be ok?
MasumiI’ll definitely rescue Director.
KumonLet’s move out—!
MukuGood luck, Hero!
Please rescue the princess!
TsumugiGood luck on your journey.
KumonHmm? Uwahh, er, uh uh,
Ow, ow, ow…
JuzaOi, are you ok, Kumon?
KumonYeah, I’m fine!
But what’s this, my feet are sticking to the floor…
MasumiThe floor has double-sided tape stuck to it…
AzumaIt looks like a trap the Demon King and them have apparently set.
MasumiWhat a cowardly thing…
JuzaWatch your step, we gotta walk while avoiding ‘em.
KumonOh yeah!
At any rate, just where did the Demon King and them go?
AzumaNormally, you’d think it’s room 101,
But there’s a possibility that they went to another room as well.
MasumiIt doesn’t matter where they are.
I’ll search all the rooms and I’ll definitely take Director back.
Kumon‘Kay, then starting from the washroom…
Oi, hold on a sec—.
MasumiToo late.
AzumaThis is… Was a ball wedged between the doors?
JuzaTraps have been set up all over the place.
We can’t let our guard down.
We’re not gonna lose, Demon King’s army!
JuzaThose guys, just how many traps have they set for us…
KumonIt’s covered with traps everywhere~…
AzumaWe even tried going to room 101 once, but it was locked…
KumonCould it be, just like a game or manga—.
Maybe we have to get the key and overcome a trial or something in order to get to the Demon King?
Juza‘Cept what the hell’s the trial?
This poster is…
Juza“Checkpoint No. 1”…
AzumaSpeak of the devil.
It looks like we finally made it to the first checkpoint.
KumonAlriiight! Everyone, charge—!
???Yahh, you made it!
AzumaHuh? Isn’t it Homare?
What are you doing?
HomareI met with Citron and the others earlier, and they allowed me to join them.
I’m to wear a monster costume this Halloween, you see?
So I’ve appeared as the monster who serves the Demon King.
MasumiI can’t afford to get stuck in a place like this.
If you want to have a match, then get on with it.
JuzaWhat kinda match are we havin’?
HomareAhh, I’m very glad you asked!
Now, heroes!
Please compose a poem that will make me howl!
HomareThat is correct. If you are able to make me howl, I shall bring you all to the room that the Demon King is in right away!
KumonEh!? If we pass through here, it’s the boss battle already!?
Azuma“Checkpoint No. 1” was written so I was wondering if it would continue to No. 2, No. 3 and so on.
JuzaEven so, a poem, huh…
MasumiA poem that matches his sense…
KumonNii-chan! Hero!
I’ll do it!
KumonI gotta be helpful to nii-chan, so leave this to me!
I’ll leave it to you.
GuyDemon King Citronia, I'm reporting in.
It appears the group of heroes are squaring off against Monster Arisugawa.
SakuyaThey’ve already made it that far!?
CitronHmph, as expected of Masumi and his fellows, hm?
Well then, we will also make our next move!
Guy, bring out that candy!
GuyBy that, you mean Zafra’s number one sweetest candy that we ordered from Zafra the other day?
CitronThat’s right! Before the heroes get here, place the candies one by one from the corridor they'll pass through, all the way to the lounge!
CHOICE 1: What if the group of heroes isn't able to get here? [+]
IzumiHey Citron-san, I mean, Lord Demon King.
If perhaps the group of heroes isn't able to get here, what will you do?
CitronOf course, at that time, I will take Princess Izumi as my bride!
CitronI’ll say that as a joke, and get the heroes to play some kind of punishment game~.
IzumiT-that surprised me…
CHOICE 2: This role study is perfect, huh? [+]
IzumiThis role study is perfect for Citron-san, Guy-san, and Sakuya-kun, huh?
CitronHmph, of course.
I am Demon King Citron, master of MANKAI Demon Castle.
SakuyaLord Demon King, I have also set some traps up in the rehearsal hall!
CitronThat’s my servant Sakuya for you.
You're so devilish… Gufufu.
SakuyaOh no, Lord Demon King as well!
Izumi(Somehow this feels a bit off from a Demon King though…)
CitronFufufu, will you be able to make it all the way here, heroes…!
KumonGwahh———, it’s no good~~~.
HomareUmu, what a pity.
None of the poems are bad, however..
KumonUuuummmm, this is hard…
But I can’t give up here———!!
MasumiGet it together.
AzumaYou can do it, Kumon.
JuzaKumon, your power is needed here for us to pass through.
You’re the only one who can do it.
That phrase that resonates in my chest, that light tempo…
This is… Uumu…
Just splendid!!
I finally beat Monster Homare-san, th… uhh…!
KumonUgh… Too much of my dark past and my mind have been exposed…
I can’t go on.
Nii-chan, take everyone and go on ahead…
I won’t let your feelings go to waste.
AzumaSorry, I’m also a bit tired…
Is it alright if I take a little rest? Leave Kumon to me.
Also, I’ve went ahead and cast a spell as well.
I think it will come in handy right before your battle with the Demon King.
Juza & MasumiSpell…?
HomareHere is room 101 where the Demon King resides.
MasumiSo he was here all along, huh?
We’ll rush in quickly and save—.
Masumi? What?
JuzaM’bad… I’m stepping out for a bit.
Juza…Why’re there candies dropped here?
…Over there too… All the way into the courtyard…
Masumi…He followed the candies and disappeared.
HomareUmu, this is yet another considerably clever trap that was set up by the Demon King.
He makes Juza pick the candies up, which gets him to separate from the party.
I’ll rescue Director, even if I have to do it by myself…!
CitronAt long last, you made it here, Hero Masumi…
I will commend you for being able to come this far!
MasumiSilence, return Director at once.
SakuyaLord Demon King, what should we do!
CitronHold a showdown, of course! A Demon king, his two attendants…
Will you be able to defeat the three of us, Hero Masumi!
MasumiOf course I will.
*ding dong*
HomareHmm? A visitor?
IzumiWho is it?
GuyI will take a look.
It looks like a delivery person. It seems he came to deliver the sushi that was ordered. He said it’s a “gold plate”…
CitronOhh, a gold plate…!?
If he said “gold plate”, then it’s super high quality sushi!?
CitronI can’t hold myself back!
I wanna eat sushi too, sushi sushi~~!
SakuyaLord Demon King!? P-please wait, Citron-saaan!
With the Demon King on the throne gone, there is no point in fighting.
Let’s quietly surrender.
HomareOho. Perhaps the spell that Azuma-san cast might have been this.
MasumiWhatever’s fine. Anyways, I was able to rescue Director from the Demon King’s demon’s clutches. What a relief…
IzumiT-thank you, Masumi-kun…
But wait, a gold plate? A spell!?
W-what does that mean? Someone explain...!!



  1. Citron is a “魔王” (ma ou: which can be translated in different ways such as devil, Satan, Demon King.. I chose demon king because it sounded the most natural in the context)