Chikage Utsuki/Brace Yourself and Despise

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Popular Among the Kids

Backstage Stories
ChikageTo think we’d play Shinsengumi[1].
BanriYep, believe it.
CitronI’ll take the spotlight! Time to save the princess!
TsuzuruYou’re playing the villain though!
Staff… and this is how it’ll flow.
IzumiMakes sense, got it. Alright, thank you for your time!
StaffThank you as well, sorry for the suddenness though… Good luck!
ChikageExcuse me. Before the start of the show, did you have a particular “greeting” in mind?
StaffAh, before the show, it’d be good for the Shinsengumi to walk around and interact with the audience.
ChikageGot it. Something akin to a street act then.
SakuyaThat’s so cool! I can’t wait…!
ItaruOkita’s[2] sick and can’t move so I’ll just stay here…
TsuzuruDon’t just slack off.
MasumiI’ll communicate with Director.
AzamiHe said to interact with the customers.
IzumiMasumi-kun, can you act smoothly in front of the customers as Saito?
Masumi… Yeah. I’ll make sure you’re stunned by my performance.
TaichiThe way Director-sensei handled Masumi, amazing…!
SakyoIf any of you slack, I won’t forgive you.
Tsuzuru… Anyway, Chikage-san’s playing Yamanami Keisuke.
ChikageYep. I was thinking of doing a little rolebuilding, so I researched about Yamanami Keisuke—
Seems like Yamanami had a good natured and kind personality.
StaffEhh. Back then, he was also loved by the children around him.
TsuzuruHee, that’s surprising.
StaffBecause of that, Yamanami-san will also need to be loved by the children here.
During the greeting, children will always crowd around you.
ChikageThank you for letting me know. I’ll keep this in mind.
ItaruSenpai and kindness, they almost don’t mix lol.
Chikage… That so, what a shame. I always thought I was rather kind to you.
After all, I followed those guidelines you set before I moved in, did I not…
ItaruScary, just dig my grave why don’t you.
Oi oi Senpai, the kids’ll get scared from that evil laugh of yours~.
(Though, I hope Chikage-san will be fine surrounded by kids…)
Izumi(It’s been a while since the greetings started, I wonder how everyone’s doing…)
Customer AWaa, a Shinsengumi guy~!
Tsuzuru“Shinsengumi’s second division leader, Nagakura Shinpachi!”
Masumi“And Shinsengumi’s third division leader, Saito Hajime… is here!”
Customer BKyaa! So cool~!
Izumi(Yup, looks good and they leave a lasting impression too…)
Kid AWaa! Awesome!
Kid BNee, again again~!
Izumi(Whoa, the other side’s busy too. They’re all children…!)
Kid CSir, can you do something else?
ChikageI can.
Izumi(… huh, Chikage-san!?)
ChikageAlright… how about something like this.
Kid AA coin?
ChikageLook closely now.
Okay. Which hand is it in?
Kid BLeft!
Kid CIt’s in the left! I see it!
Chikage… That’s too bad.
Kid BWhat!? It’s not there!
Kid CSir, you’re lying!
ChikageAhaha, the coin’s still in play. The where, though—is you over there.
Kid AM-me?
ChikageYep. Check your pocket.
Kid AAh… It’s the coin!
Kid BWaa! That was so cool!
Kid CNene, how’d you do it!?
ChikageIt’s a secret.
Kid BEhh~! Do it again! Again again~!
Izumi(I was a little worried before, but I’m glad he’s doing okay.)
IzumiGood work on the greetings, everyone! It was before the show, but everyone seemed to have a good time!
SakuyaYes! It was a blast!
TsuzuruUsually, I rarely interact with customers directly, so this was a nice change of pace.
SakyoIt was good practice before the show.
JuzaYeah. The show’ll be successful too.
Izumi… Ah, Chikage-san! Good work.
ChikageThanks. Director-san also worked hard running around.
IzumiChikage-san did really well. You were pretty popular with the kids…!
ChikageYeah, it was a simple magic trick and I’m glad they enjoyed it.
Izumi… Um, I was worried Chikage-san wouldn’t be okay around kids.
ChikageHm? Have I ever said I wasn’t good with them before?
IzumiAh… I guess you’re right.
ChikageWell, you see…
ChikageThere’s older kids at the dorms, after all. These ones were just cuter.
IzumiAhaha, is that so.
ChikageWell, I have to start prepping for the show now. I’ll speak with you afterwards, Director-san.
IzumiOkay! Let’s make this performance a success!


  1. 新選組, the police and military force of the Edo period dedicated to suppressing anti-shogunate activities.
  2. The character that Itaru's acting as