Blooming Squadron Mankai Rangers/Episode 5

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Blooming Squadron Mankai Rangers
Episode 5
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TasukuWhat's your name?
TasukuShouta, huh?
ShoutaWhat about you?
TasukuI'm Tasuku.
ShoutaTasuku onii-chan...
TasukuGive me your hand. Wouldn't want you to get lost again.
TasukuLet's get back to the other guys first.
Tasuku(I wish Tsumugi were here... He's better with kids than I am. I have no idea what to do with kids.)
(Wait, I recognize that badge on Shouta's shirt...)
That's a Wolfranger badge, right?
ShoutaDo you know them, onii-chan?
TasukuYeah, kind of. I was just watching their show, actually.
ShoutaMe too! The Wolfrangers are so cool!
They're so strong! Their Super Kick can beat any monster!
TasukuYeah. Their Jump Kick is pretty cool, too.
ShoutaYeah! I love it when they get together and make Hyper Mode!
TasukuOh, yeah, they did that too, huh.
TenmaDamn, where did everyone go...?
TasukuHey, Sumeragi!
TenmaThere you are, Tasuku-san! Where'd you all go?
TasukuWhere did you go?
TenmaI, uh, I just went to look at a poster!
TenmaHuh? Who's this kid?
TasukuHe got lost, like you. I'm going to take him along back to the others for the time being.
TenmaI-I didn't get lost!
BanriOh, Tasuku-san's back.
HomareAnd he's brought Tenma-kun with him.
IzumiOh, good, we're all back together now— Huh? Who's this boy?
TasukuI found him on the way back. He's lost.
OmiOh, I see.
MasumiShouldn't you take him to center management or something?
HomareHe has a point.
ShoutaI want to stay with Tasuku onii-chan...
BanriHe really likes you, huh, Tasuku-san?
IzumiI'm surprised you managed to get him to like you this much in such a short time!
Homare'Tis a rare and welcome sight to behold!
MasumiHe looks like a kidnapper.
TasukuExcuse me?
OmiIn any case, we should try and find his mother as soon as possible.
IzumiTrue. We should check with center management as well...
ShoutaAh! Mommy!
MotherOh, thank goodness!
HomareIt seems that Shouta's mother has found us, instead.
OmiI'm glad they were able to reunite this quickly.
MotherI'm sorry, this must've been a lot of trouble for you...
ShoutaThey all stayed with me when I got lost!
MotherDid they? Thank you so much.
TasukuIt's nothing. I'm glad you were able to find your son.
MotherSay "thank you", Shouta.
ShoutaThank you, onii-chan, onee-chan!
Tasuku onii-chan... can we talk about Wolfranger again sometime?
TasukuYeah, of course.
HomareDo you like heroes, Shouta-kun?
MotherOh, yes. He's a huge fan. We actually came for the show today.
IzumiOh, fantastic!
Please, take this flyer, if you don't mind!
MotherAnother hero event at this theater...?
IzumiThat's right! We're actually from an actor troupe called Mankai Company.
We'll be putting on a hero show at this event.
You should bring Shouta-kun along if you've got the time!
MotherOh, thank you! I'm sure Shouta would love to come.
I never knew you were all actors!
TenmaNow you do!
Mother...Wait, are you Sumeragi Tenma-kun?!
MotherI completely missed you there!
BanriHaha, anyone would be surprised if a celebrity suddenly appeared in front of them.
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