Blessed Memories/Episode 2

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Blessed Memories
Episode 2
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Izumi(It’s unsual for Azuma-san to ask for a consultation in such a formal manner.)
AzumaIf I were to ask either of you two, what kind of wedding would you like to have?
Sakyo...... What’s with this all of a sudden....
AzumaI’m being serious though. Besides, you already drank the sake I gave you, right?
AzumaAh… But I guess it’s uncouth to ask a thing like that to a woman. I’m sorry about that, director.
IzumiN-no, it’s fine.
SakyoYou must be out of your damn mind to ask me.
AzumaI’ll keep this talk confidential, just between us.
Really, the conversation isn’t flowing but the sake sure is, huh?
…… I don’t really care much about weddings, as long as the person I’m with is happy with it I’m good.
Fufuu, I see.
SakyoStop smirking.
IzumiHmm, shouldn’t you be a little involved in it at least?
SakyoShut up. We’ve talked about it, so let’s change the subject.
AzumaThat’s right. I have a reason why I’m asking you this.
My friend’s getting married and she’s asking me to be her bridal consultant.
IzumiEeh! Is that something even the general public can do……!?
AzumaOf course, you’ll be working with a professional bridal consultant to help you with it.
She saw the ring bouquets I made for another friend’s wedding and wanted me to order something like that for her too.[1]
I never expected it to lead me to becoming a consultant.
IzumiThe ring bouquets really were beautiful though. Azuma-san’s style really shone through.
AzumaI could have done everything by myself if it was just a consultation, but I was asked to do a memorial play for the wedding reception.
They’ll pay us back handsomely if we accept it, the sake I got is from our client as well.
IzumiI get it now, so that explains the advance payment…
Memorial plays were also on TV earlier today.
I’ve always been interested in it, now it’s in places outside of theater. I want to broaden the horizons of acting for our troupe and do some promotion too.
I’d love take on this project. What say you, Sakyo-san?
SakyoI’m up for it. The theater company gets compensated for and we get some publicity, it’s a win-win situation.
And we did have that delicious sake after all.
AzumaFufu, sure did.
IzumiThen it’s decided, tomorrow let’s gather up everyone and see who can participate!
Kumon-kun looked like he was interested when we were watching the TV earlier. So maybe he’ll join us when we ask him about it.
AzumaIf you want to make a story starting from childhood then——.
I think we need to think about the age range of the group members, such as childhood, adolescence and young adulthood.
Izumi——The wedding of Azuma-san’s friend is coming up soon, so that’s why we’re asking if anyone of you would like to participate in a memorial play at—…….
Azuma-san will be joined by Sakyo-san, Chikage-san, Yuki-kun, Kumon-kun, and Hisoka-san. I’m looking forward to working with you guys.
ChikageYeah, same here.
KumonLeave it to us! Hehe, it’ll be lotsa fun!
IzumiA memorial play is filled with the bride and groom's memories together, and you guys will do a re-enactment of those memories like a play.
AzumaI’ll go talk to the bride and groom about the details.
AzumaOther than that, I’m also in charge of being a bridal consultant, you see.
KumonBridal consultant…… oh!
Hey, Azuma-san! Can I help you with that too?
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  1. A reference to Azuma’s “Wishing for Eternity on a Wreath” SR card backstage story.