Izumi | (It’s unsual for Azuma-san to ask for a consultation in such a formal manner.) |
Azuma | If I were to ask either of you two, what kind of wedding would you like to have? |
Izumi | Eh!? |
Sakyo | ...... What’s with this all of a sudden.... |
Azuma | I’m being serious though. Besides, you already drank the sake I gave you, right? |
Sakyo | Tsk...... |
Azuma | Ah… But I guess it’s uncouth to ask a thing like that to a woman. I’m sorry about that, director. |
Izumi | N-no, it’s fine. |
Sakyo | You must be out of your damn mind to ask me. |
Azuma | I’ll keep this talk confidential, just between us. |
| Really, the conversation isn’t flowing but the sake sure is, huh? |
Sakyo | Geez…… |
| …… I don’t really care much about weddings, as long as the person I’m with is happy with it I’m good. |
Azuma | Heh… |
| Fufuu, I see. |
Sakyo | Stop smirking. |
Izumi | Hmm, shouldn’t you be a little involved in it at least? |
Sakyo | Shut up. We’ve talked about it, so let’s change the subject. |
Azuma | That’s right. I have a reason why I’m asking you this. |
| My friend’s getting married and she’s asking me to be her bridal consultant. |
Izumi | Eeh! Is that something even the general public can do……!? |
Azuma | Of course, you’ll be working with a professional bridal consultant to help you with it. |
| She saw the ring bouquets I made for another friend’s wedding and wanted me to order something like that for her too.[1] |
| I never expected it to lead me to becoming a consultant. |
Izumi | The ring bouquets really were beautiful though. Azuma-san’s style really shone through. |
Azuma | I could have done everything by myself if it was just a consultation, but I was asked to do a memorial play for the wedding reception. |
| They’ll pay us back handsomely if we accept it, the sake I got is from our client as well. |
Izumi | I get it now, so that explains the advance payment… |
| Memorial plays were also on TV earlier today. |
| I’ve always been interested in it, now it’s in places outside of theater. I want to broaden the horizons of acting for our troupe and do some promotion too. |
| I’d love take on this project. What say you, Sakyo-san? |
Sakyo | I’m up for it. The theater company gets compensated for and we get some publicity, it’s a win-win situation. |
| And we did have that delicious sake after all. |
Azuma | Fufu, sure did. |
Izumi | Then it’s decided, tomorrow let’s gather up everyone and see who can participate! |
| Kumon-kun looked like he was interested when we were watching the TV earlier. So maybe he’ll join us when we ask him about it. |
Azuma | If you want to make a story starting from childhood then——. |
| I think we need to think about the age range of the group members, such as childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. |
| |
Izumi | ——The wedding of Azuma-san’s friend is coming up soon, so that’s why we’re asking if anyone of you would like to participate in a memorial play at—……. |
| Azuma-san will be joined by Sakyo-san, Chikage-san, Yuki-kun, Kumon-kun, and Hisoka-san. I’m looking forward to working with you guys. |
Chikage | Yeah, same here. |
Kumon | Leave it to us! Hehe, it’ll be lotsa fun! |
Izumi | A memorial play is filled with the bride and groom's memories together, and you guys will do a re-enactment of those memories like a play. |
Azuma | I’ll go talk to the bride and groom about the details. |
Yuki | Sure. |
Hisoka | Gotcha. |
Azuma | Other than that, I’m also in charge of being a bridal consultant, you see. |
Kumon | Bridal consultant…… oh! |
| Hey, Azuma-san! Can I help you with that too? |