Banri Settsu/Fire up, Mantou Fist!

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Autumn Troupe's Core Strength Championship

Backstage Stories
BanriAlright, I’m hitting play.
SakyoThis Kung Fu movie is known for its realistic action sequences. It should be a good reference for role-building and action movements, so watch closely.
IzumiThere should be comical scenes too, so those will also be useful references.
AzamiThe lead actor is famous and popular, too.
TaichiI’ll be sure to watch closely so I can show off some cool, flashy action!
TV“Hai! Hah! Hoah!”
OmiEven the training scenes are impressive.
JuzaAll sorts of weird training methods keep popping up….
TaichiAmazing! He’s doing the invisible chair while balancing bowls on his head, shoulders, and legs!
OmiAre these… squats?
AzamiAnd there’s water in the bowls.
TaichiThat’s definitely difficult…!
Sakyo...If we do the same training, our kung-fu forms might shape up.
OmiI see… If we train like that, we can probably find out who here has the best core strength.
IzumiAutumn Troupe does lots of action scenes, so it might be good to test out all sorts of training methods.
JuzaIt might be useful for future performances.
SakyoAlright, when we’re done watching, we’re going to train together.
TaichiSeriously!? Just like the movie!? That sounds hard, but I’m hyped!
BanriWhy should we bother….
SakyoOh… So you can’t do it?
BanriHah? Who the hell said that?
SakyoIf you don’t think you can handle it, feel free to sit it out.
BanriTch… Fine, fine.
Izumi(Sakyo-san really knows how to deal with Banri-kun….)
ManagerWell then! Erm… “I’d like to begin the First Who Here Has the Best Core Strength Contest”!
Starting now~!
Azami...It’s so hot outside. Why do we have to do it in the yard?
SakyoYou saw how they trained in the movie. You need to sustain your balance while keeping bowls of water on your head, shoulders, and legs.
If we do it inside, the floor’s gonna get soaked when you lose your balance.
ManagerI’ll explain the rules. It’s a one-on-one tournament where the first person who loses his balance loses the match-up.
The first round is Furuichi-san vs Settsu-kun! Contestants, please step forward!
Banri...Be careful—make sure you don’t hurt your back.
SakyoI’m not that old. No need to worry—make sure you don’t get too careless.
BanriOf course.
OmiWell then, contestants, please do the invisible chair.
AzamiBanri-san, I’m gonna place the bowls.
JuzaSakyo-san, is this good?
TaichiPlacing the bowls is difficult too!
IzumiI’ll be pouring water into the bowls now.
TaichiWoah~! Both of them are holding their balance!
OmiThey’re well built.
ManagerAre you ready~? Then let the battle begin!
TaichiI-I was expecting it, but holding this pose is really super tough…!
TsuzuruWoah, Autumn Troupe is doing something crazy again.
TsumugiI don’t think I’d last a single second….
OmiThis is… pretty tough.
KazunariOmg! I gotta snap a thousand pics of this! Azamin, smile and pose!
AzamiLike hell I can do that…!
IzumiNext is Omi-kun vs Banri-kun.
OmiThe second round… is even tougher than the first because I’m already tired….
CitronMental concentration is critical for mastering kung fu! You need an unshakable heart of steel….
That’s why I’m going to show off the goofy faces I’ve recently learned!
BanriGuh…! Fucker, I’m gonna get you later…!
TaichiI didn’t even make it past the first round, but my legs are dead…. They’re shaking….
AzamiI feel like I used some muscles that I never use….
ManagerAnd we’ve arrived at the championship round!!
OmiSo Banri and Juza were the ones who made it this far.
TaichiWill this battle actually reach a resolution…?
BanriNow’s your chance to run, you know?
JuzaAah? No way in hell I’d lose to you.
ManagerAre you ready~!? Let the battle… begin!
ManagerOoh! Both contestants are completely still!
IzumiEven though you guys had matches before this! Amazing!
SakyoLooks like they both have more core strength than we thought.
*Evening light*
AzamiIt’s been a while, but this battle doesn’t look like it’s ending….
TaichiBut man, it’s hot….
OmiOh, now that you mention it. Ice cream was on sale when I went shopping yesterday, so I bought some.
ManagerIce cream! Sounds good!
Azami...I want some soda ice.
TaichiYeah, hot days like these call for ice cream! Let’s eat together!
OmiI bought a couple that weren’t too sweet, so you should join us too, Sakyo-san.
SakyoIce cream… I guess I can have some once in a while.
IzumiBanri-kun and Juza-kun, why don’t you two take a break?
Juza...No, it’s fine.
BanriHyodo, you fucker, don’t put up a front. I know you want to rest.
JuzaSpeak for yourself. I’m completely fine.
BanriWell I’m obviously taking it easy…!
TaichiYou sure? We’re gonna head inside and cool off~?
ManagerIce cream, ice cream~.
Izumi(I wonder if they’ll be okay….)
TaichiPhew~! The ice cream was delicious~!
ManagerA great treat for an exhausted body~!
SakyoYou did nothing.
Azami...Oh, right, are those two still at it?
TaichiAh! Now that you mention it!!
SakyoSo they were still at it.
OmiDid they keep this pose this entire time?
TaichiThat’s incredible…!
AzamiNo, I mean, it’s amazing but… At this point I’m more exasperated than amazed.
Juza...Come on, just give up now.
BanriRight back at you, fucker!
IzumiI think it’s time to stop them….
