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Let's Play! Real-life Gacha: Azami's Turn
Backstage Stories
Part 1 Part 2
Kumon —it’s really interesting! Yknow~!
Azami …
Kumon Hey hey Azami, you listening?
Azami Yeah, I hear you. Don’t just sidle up to people’s faces like that.
Kumon Ah! The expression on your face~.
… Is it cause you’re worried about something?
If that’s the case, I’ll listen, I have the patience…!
Azami It’s nothing like that… It’s just, that day’s coming up.
Everyone’s putting keychains in capsules and the day’s almost here. I was just thinking about that.
Kumon Ah, I see—!
So, you haven’t figured out what to put in it yet?
Azami Yeah…
Speaking of, since it’s to keep people from losing their keys.
Attaching a bell might be good, and I talked to Ken-san about it, but…
Apparently, Shitty Sakyo was thinking something similar… I want mine to be completely different.
Kumon Aa yeah, I guess you wouldn’t want to copy someone else.
Azami Something like this… I wonder who’d be happy to get this.
Kumon Yeah… It’s easy to get what the person likes, but we don’t know who’s getting them.
Azami Guess that’s just how it is for real gacha.
Kumon Mhm…
Ah! How about this! I’m happy to get gifts from fans and y’know—
They’re things I normally wouldn’t get myself… I think it’s sorta like that same feeling with real gacha!
Azami Things I don’t normally get myself?
Kumon Like, for example, I received weirdly colored bath salts and a towel made of good material!
Azami I see…
Kumon, thank you for your help.
Kumon Hehe, you’re welcome! I hope you have a good idea of what you’ll get now!
Kumon We’re home!
Azami We’re home.
Izumi Welcome back, both of you.
Manager Welcome back~.
Kumon What’s this, Director and Manager, were you two heading somewhere?
Izumi We’re bringing tools from the dorm’s storage to the theater.
Manager This is it! Here, take this one… Let’s go!
Kumon Huh, Manager, are you okay!?
Manager S-sorry~!
Azami You haven’t slipped your shoes on all the way, and I think you stepped on moss. Put your shoes on properly.
Manager Uu… My shoes are already worn out, they’re a pain to wear~.
Azami A pain huh.
Izumi Maybe we should get a shoehorn.
Manager We should. For the dorm and the theater, my room, and the courtyard… Shoehorns everywhere!
Kumon So many!?
Azami How about no.
Izumi Ahahaha…
Azami … Haa.
Izumi Azami-kun, you okay?
Azami Yeah, I was just wondering where I should go to buy the keychain.
Izumi I see~. Then, it’d be good to go to a mall or marketplace where you can look through all the shops and selections.
Actually, I’m about to go shopping, would you like to come?
Azami … Sounds good, let’s go.
Izumi Yep! To the shopping center!
This seems to be the place they sell accessories.
Ah, look, there’s keychains with big character figurines.
Azami Someone who likes the character would enjoy something like that, but I’m worried someone who doesn’t like it would get it and be disappointed.
Well, in the end, it’s still up to me what I get. So maybe it’ll be good as a backup.
Still, I do want to choose something that they’ll enjoy.
Izumi So that’s it. In that case, let’s check somewhere else.
Here, there’s a lot of keychains with bells. With this, you’ll notice if you end up dropping your key.
Azami Sakyo already chose something like that… Ken told me… Hard pass.
Azami … Hm? That shop next door…
… What’s this?
Owner Ahh, that’s a shoehorn. A keychain-sized one to be exact. It may be small, but you can still use it as a shoehorn.
Izumi Hee, that’s amazing!
Azami After what the Manager said about wanting a shoehorn and after what Kumon said…
Something I wouldn’t normally get myself…
… Not a bad idea. Think I’ll go with this.
Izumi I think so too! It’s convenient and I think whoever gets it will use it.
Azami Thanks for bringing me. You really helped.
Izumi You’re welcome. Looks like our mission is completed.
Azami Yup.
Juza Azami’s turn.
Azami Got it.
It’s… A fish-shaped keychain?
Banri A lure, isn’t it.
Omi You’re right. It’s simple but still eyecatching.
Kumon Hee, a lure keychain! It’s sparkling, awesome!
Azami Lure. Like for fishing? Is it supposed to sparkle like this…?
Banri Well, it’s a keychain, not an actual lure. But, maybe you can still catch fish with it.
Azami Hmm.
Kumon Azami, you like it, don’t you?
Azami It’s still not something I’d consider for myself.
Kumon But!
Azami Well, maybe it piqued my interest a little.
Kumon Really! Let’s go fishing then! There’s this one place that Summer went to!
Azami … I’ll think about it.