Azami Izumida/In Order to Become the King's Blade

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Rolebuilding of a Servant?

Backstage Stories
IzumiWe’re back.
AzamiI’m back.
TasukuI’m back.
SakuyaWelcome home! Good work on the collab practice.
TasukuSomething smells good.
OmiI made steak today. Eat a lot, it’ll give you more energy.
IzumiWaa, this is so good!
AzamiThanks, I was getting pretty hungry during rehearsal.
TasukuYeah, this is delicious.
IzumiOmi-kun’s special sauce makes it really good too…!
OmiHaha, thank you.
TenmaDone with rehearsal already?
TsumugiAzami’s playing the servant to Tasuku’s Gilbert.
IzumiThey played brothers in the soccer play and a pair in the devil play as well, this’ll work out for them too.
SakuyaIn preparation for playing brothers in the soccer play, I heard you switched roommates to stay in the same room together.
TasukuYeah, and at the time of the devil play, he had to pass training to get meals and bathe. … We spent a lot of time together then.
AzamiIt was helpful.
Though, this time I’m playing a servant, it’s a different role than all the other times.
CitronIf that’s the case, leave it to me and Guy!
TasukuWhere the hell did you come from…
CitronHelping make the perfect role! Ask me anything!
IzumiIt’s true. Guy did serve Citron for many years, it’s a good idea.
TasukuThat’s fine… But Izumida’s the servant, wouldn’t it be better for him to talk to Guy-san?
CitronI’ll let Guy know! Helping with a role, so exciting~!
TsumugiCitron-kun’s motivated and reliable.
CitronYes! Time to teach two people the waves of a master and servant!
IzumiUmm, maybe ‘ways’?
CitronThat’s it!
TasukuWill this be alright…?
IzumiBut, it’s not a bad idea for Azami to follow around Guy-san, it could help in a lot of ways.
AzamiThat’s true, his kinda experience would help a lot. I’ll ask him tomorrow.
GuySorry Citronia involved himself so suddenly.
AzamiIt’s fine, it’s a good thing he did. If you could help that’d be much appreciated, Guy-san.
GuyIt’d be a pleasure to, ask me anything.
AzamiYeah, I’m in your care. … Are you doing anything today?
GuyI was looking for Citronia, since I had the day off…
CitronHah! Hyaa!
TaichiTch! Yah! Taichi Nanao’s new technique… Take this! Ultra hotdog fist!!
CitronWhat!? A new technique…!? As expected from Taichi…!
Azami… What are they doing?
CitronOh! Guy and Azami are watching!
TaichiThey’re both good too! Let’s all pretend fight!
GuyI would join if I wasn’t supposed to be teaching Izumida at the moment.
TaichiI see! Rolebuilding for a servant.
GuyCitronia, after this, remember there’s a karaoke tournament in the shopping district with the madames.
Take note of the destination and ensure you leave the dorms within thirty minutes, or else you will not make it.
CitronOh! You’re right! Thank you, Guy.
Taichi, let’s continue when I come back!
TaichiI’ll be waiting! Take care.
AzamiDestination and time… Managing his schedule.
GuyCitronia doesn’t request it of me, but I do it anyway because I enjoy it.
AzamiCan I even be that perfect of a servant…?
TaichiGuy-san is the perfect servant~.
GuyIn contrast, I have years of experience. Perhaps, you should approach it in your own way.
Azami… Got it. I’ll try.
TaichiA-chan, let’s fight~!
AzamiWhich is why I’ll be Tasuku-san’s servant today.
TasukuAre you serious…
AzamiGuy-san shared a shit ton of stories.
TasukuWell, it is for your rolebuilding. Okay, I’ll be in your care.
AzamiYeah, so what are your plans today?
TasukuI don’t have anything in particular before practice tonight. But I was thinking of practicing on my own.
I was fixing up my motorcycle for quite a while, so I’ll probably go running after this.
AzamiThen, I’ll join you.
TasukuI have the time today to run more than usual, will you be alright?
AzamiNo problem. You need someone to hold your water anyway.
TasukuThat’s not necessary… Just don’t push yourself too hard.
AzamiI won’t.
IzumiAlright, shopping completed. I hope I bought everything we needed.
I’m carrying a lot, maybe I should head back now… Huh?
(Is that Tasuku-san and Azami-kun running over there?)
AzamiHah… Hah…
Izumi(Tasuku-san seems fine, but Azami-kun looks a little outta breath. I hope he’s okay…)
AzamiTasuku-san has some serious stamina…
TasukuYou think so?
IzumiAh, you’re both back.
TasukuDid Director also leave?
IzumiYeah. When I went out shopping, I saw you two running.
TasukuIs that so.
IzumiAzami-kun seems to be building his role well.
AzamiWell. On top of rolebuilding, it was a good opportunity to improve my physical fitness too.
TasukuYeah, it was a good idea.
CHOICE 1: Can't wait for the action scene. [+]
IzumiCan’t wait for Gilbert and Sasha’s action scene.
AzamiThere’s also scenes where Gilbert and Sasha fight together.
And I’m dual-wielding daggers, so I also want to come up with a plan for the sword fight scenes.
I was thinking about talking to Shift so we can practice a lot since he’s got a spear.
We won’t lose. We’ll have a fight scene that surprises GODza.
TasukuNo doubt.
CHOICE 2: Anything else? [+]
IzumiAny other things you’re planning to do for him?
AzamiI’m taking into account what Guy-san told me, like preparing food or going shopping together.
I’ll prepare protein after muscle training.
IzumiI see.
AzamiI also thought about waking him up in the morning but—.
Tasuku-san can get up early. Even if I go to wake him up, he’d already be up and running.
IzumiAhaha, you’re probably right.
AzamiHaa, I feel better.
TasukuShowering after running feels great.
TsumugiHuh, a rare duo. Did you go running together?
TsumugiYou’re really motivated for your rolebuilding.
AzamiI’m still thinking about more things I can do though.
H-hey, don’t apply lotion so soon.
Have you been taking care of your skin properly?
TasukuUhh… I haven’t lately.
Because of the performance, I won’t have many opportunities to test out makeup!
As the servant, I’ll make sure you properly and thoroughly take care of your skin all the way up to the performance.
You’re using this! Put this leading solution on first. Then lotion. Then—!
I’ll grab a pack later too. Oh, and hair care too. Morning, day and night, after training—I’ll even check it before going to bed!
He isn’t even a servant anymore. Isn’t this just the normal Izumida…?