Aquarium ShowTime/Episode 1

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Aquarium ShowTime
Episode 1
Event Story Next
This translation is reproduced with permission. You can read the original by rainbowpacifiers here.

SakuyaWow, how beautiful…!
MukuIt’s magical, isn’t it?
MisumiLook, look~ it’s a triangular fish~!
SakuyaYou’re right! It’s colourful and cute.
MisumiThis fish here is huge!
SakuyaAmazing, this might be my first time seeing it. What fish could it be?
MukuBeing in front of such a big aquarium is making it feel like we’re in the middle of the ocean.
MisumiYeah! Like we’re swimming with the fish~!
SakuyaMuku-kun, thanks for bringing me along.
MukuNot at all! To think I would win tickets to the aquarium at the shopping district lottery… it was a big surprise.
MisumiI want to come again with the others next time~.
SakuyaOh, looks like over there is the jellyfish corner.
MukuWow, I wonder what kind of jellyfish there will be?
MisumiLet’s go~!
SakuyaThis here… seems to be the show venue.
MukuIt’s kind of bustling and lively here. Could a performance be starting soon?
MisumiI wonder what kind of show it is~? Let’s watch it~!
SakuyaYeah! It looks like we can get seats somewhere around there.
StaffThank you for coming today! Please enjoy our cute penguins’ performance!
SakuyaSo it was a penguin show!
MukuWaah, they are adorable!
MisumiThey really are~! They’re hopping along! How cute~!
StaffA spirited jump from the diving board!
Audience AIncredible!
StaffNext, they will challenge the hurdles. Please look at their cool jumping figures!
Audience BAhaha, cute~!
Audience CYou can do it!
StaffSliding splendidly towards the pool!
SakuyaWow, amazing!
MisumiThe penguins are really good at swimming too~.
StaffNext, he will challenge the diving board!
Unmotivated penguin……
StaffUhm, seems like he’s not in the mood…
Let’s try going to the hurdles then! Ready, set, go!
Unmotivated penguin…tch.
MukuAh, that was regrettable…!
StaffOh my… this didn’t go too well, huh~. But these things can happen, right?
MisumiIt’s nothing~!
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