Act 11/Episode 38

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Act 11
Episode 38: Passing the Baton
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Link"There’s nothing worth anything here."
Dan"Hey, who are you to judge?"
Link"I'm an appraiser. See? I even have a certificate."
Leo"We don't mind if you want to cancel the deal, though."
Doug"Just pick whatever you like."
Link"Huh? This replica…"
Doug"Not that one."
Link"I’m just taking a quick look"
Doug"We're not selling it."
Link"Hmmm. Fine. We'll take this much, then. The rest is on the house."
Tig"They ain't holdin' back."
Rat"Practically cleaned out our stores."
Dan"It's a muddled patch-job, but at least we got the parts in time."
Bat"Radar's showing more space police. Won't be long until they catch wind of us."
Doug"We'll take off tomorrow. All we can do is lay low for now."
Saku"Hey, Doug. I've got something I’d like to say…"
Doug"I'm busy right now. Save it"
Tig"Dude, that's enough. Grow up."
Doug"What are you talking about?"
Tig"I'm talking about Saku. Stop being such a pouty brat. You know it's not his fault your dad died."
Doug"You think I’m still hung up on that?"
Tig"Then why’re you treating him like that?"
Doug"Say, there wasn't any doubt that we were born to be pirates."
"We grew up watching our dads, admiring them…"
"When I was given the 'code name' Doug for the first time, I felt like I’d finally been acknowledged as a part of the team. I was proud of myself."
Tig"You kept saying you'd be a captain like your dad."
Doug"That's exactly why I can't acknowledge him. There's no way I can do that if he stays this way."
Izumi(Doug, believing the only thing he has as a pirate is his pride, is preparing himself for the worst… It's the kind of performance that only Banri-kun can do.)
Doug"Anyone tailing us?"
Tig"At the moment, no."
Doug"Set off to the B67 galaxy."
"So what did you wanna talk about?"
Saku"Well, um, I'm thinking of leaving the crew…"
Doug"What are you going to do once you leave? You're a naive airhead who wouldn't survive on his own.."
Saku"I want to know where I was born. I want to know who I am."
Doug"There’s no way you came up with that on your own."
Saku"I heard something about the specimen when the police caught me. They said it has something to do with A12."
"Maybe this specimen can help me find out about my birthplace--about who I really am."
Doug"Is it for sure your own decision?"
Doug"You can go then. Do whatever you want."
Saku"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused… Even with your dad…"
Doug“I never thought you were a burden. My dad did what he wanted to do, and he was satisfied with that."
"I'm more annoyed that you space out all the time. You've never put your heart into being a pirate anyway."
Saku"I'm sorry…"
Doug"You finally found what you wanna do, right?"
Izumi(Relieved all around, Dough finally acknowledges Saku with warmth and encouragement.)
Doug"It ain't much, but take this. It's your salary."
Saku"Huh? Can I really…?"
Doug"You going to get by without a single penny??"
Saku"Thank you."
Doug"Get off once we arrive at B24. It's safe there, and you won't stand out."
*alarm sounds*
Doug"What's that?"
Woll"Attackers inbound! I repeat, the enemy is here!"
Tig"Did they find us?"
Bat"Nope. They're not the police."
Dan"Then who the hell—"
*fire shoot*
Tig"This is bad. Can we escape in our current state?"
Doug"If anything, don't give them a chance to close in!"
Bat"A small ship is approaching!"
Dan"Since when…!?"
Tig"Enemy backup?"
Doug"No. That ship is…"
Leo"They've opened fire already? As expected of hot-blooded pirates."
Link"Your shabby ship is going to sink in no time if you keep putting on airs."
Doug"They're the one who started it! What do you want from us now?"
Link"I made a small mistake in my calculations. We managed to turn around your junk at a good price, so we thought we should give back.."
Tig"You're surprisingly generous, huh."
Rat"But why now!?"
Dan"It's amazing that you didn't get shot. Your stealth ability is something else."
Link"With this, we’re even. Thanks for your patronage."
Doug"Hold on. Bring this guy with you."
Doug"Run away while we're attracting their attention. It’s time to forge your own path."
Doug"My old man tried to protect both you and that specimen. He'll be mad as hell if you die here."
"I'll protect what my old man tried to protect. Go. You have to live."
IzumiDoug—a man determined to live and die as a pirate—speaks straight from his heart to Saku, as if entrusting his hope to him.)
(Because Banri-kun takes the stage and acts with his entire being, the truth and weight in his words can be felt through the entire theater.)
(Wait. No. Not just everyone in the theater with us, but everyone watching through the livestream—this feeling will reach them as well.)
Leo"What's our reward?"
Doug"You wanted to see that specimen, didn't you? Appraise it as much as you want."
Leo"Hey. You can’t just decide on your own!"
Link"I'm the appraiser. I'm the one who judges the value. Right?"
Leo"...Fine. Get on the ship. We're departing soon."
Saku"Doug, guys, thank you!"
Rat"Be careful out there, Saku!"
Woll"Make sure to eat properly."
Tig"Stay healthy."
Dan"You're finally standing on your own feet."
Bat"Don't get caught again."
Saku"Don’t die on me, okay?"
Doug"Who do you take us for?"
Leo"Let's go."
Tig"So, how are we going to get out of this mess?"
Doug"Isn't it your job to come up with a plan?"
Tig"Hey, you…"
Bat"Bad news. The police are here."
Rat"Why now?!"
Woll"Heh, how unlucky."
Dan"To be caught by the police, or by people we don’t even know…"
Rat"I don't want either!"
Chikage(The ANIMS crew gave Saku a warm sendoff without betraying their anxiety. It's just like Autumn Troupe to command that kind of stability through a tense situation.)
Police Officer"Both ANIMS and FORTF are present at the scene."
Vars"What are we going to do now, Lieutenant Grimm?"
Grimm"Target FORTF. Rescue ANIMS."
Vars"Target FORTF!"
Rat"Don't you think something is strange?"
Tig"Are the police backing us up?"
Dan"Are they planning to catch us alive?"
Doug"Doesn't matter. Let's drive 'em away!"
Izumi(Doug is determined to protect Saku as he travels on his new path. It's the perfect way to show that he's moved on, ending the first half.)
(Banri-kun is only able to play the part of Doug so well because he set his own determination to continue acting.)
Zen(So this is how your acting has grown...)
Reni(It seems like Hakkaku-san's seed has sprouted…)
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