Act 11/Episode 37

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Act 11
Episode 37: In Your Element
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Doug"This is it…"
Tig"How’re we breaking in?"
Doug"Wait just a bit…"
Tig"A patrol ship? But why all of sudden…"
Doug"I had Dan and the others go all out for a distraction."
Tig"Adding more charges to the list, eh."
Doug"Let’s move out. They’ve cleared out enough."
Izumi(Doug and Tig sneak into the police station to rescue Saku.)
(Meanwhile, the other ANIMS rampage through another ship to attract the main force’s attention .)
Rat"Eat this! I'm not the Rat you know today!"
Woll"If you don’t want to die, hurry up and surrender! Your ship’s swiss cheese either way!"
*flash beams*
Upstart Man"Eeek!!"
Dan"You sure have the guts to build such a big, hideous ship like this."
Yuzo(Heh, would you look at that? With a strong team handling the sound and lighting, this battle scene's improved so much.)
Chikage(The Autumn Troupe is really in their element, huh. Everyone is having fun running rampant on stage.)
Saku"Captain!? Tig!? Why are you here!? Don't tell me…you’ve been arrested?!"
Tig"We're moving too freely for that."
Doug"Keep it down. Let's get out of here."
Saku"Did you come all the way here to rescue me?"
Doug"I’m here to take back the treasure."
Saku"S-Sorry. I should've known that."
Police Officer"W-where did you—intruders!"
Doug"We're gonna charge through!."
Tig"Hey, we can't just attack the police—"
Police Officer"Arrgh!"
Doug"Can’t be helped."
Tig"’Can’t be helped,’ my ass. You've been dying to do it."
Doug"I can’t pin the blame on Dan and the rest of them!"
Police Officer"...ugh."
"Stop right there!"
Tig"M'bad. Just following captain’s orders."
Doug"Coming through! You’re dancing with the ANIMS’ now!"
*shoot gun*
Police Officer"Ugh!"
Doug"Shit. Are we surrounded?"
Tig"We're outnumbered."
Marine"Over here"
Murasaki"Follow us."
Doug"Can't trust you."
Murasaki"So you’ll just wait to be captured then?"
Izumi(With the help of Murasaki and Marine, the three of them managed to regroup with the rest of the ANIMS.)
Rat"Saku! I'm glad you're safe!"
Saku"I-I'm sorry for getting captured…"
Woll"Don't mind it."
Doug"Let's take off."
Dan"You say it like that’s easyy, Cap."
Bat"You sure got balls dragging us into this."
Tig"We're getting outta here."
Rat"Should we kick their asses once again?!"
Doug"Full speed ahead!"
Rat"Hm? Did something break?"
Tig"It's a lot slower than usual."
Doug"What's happenin', Bat?"
Bat"It’s weird. I don’t see anything off."
Dan"Are we going to ignore it?"
Doug"Anything is fine as long as we get out of here before they change their minds."
Grimm"What's the meaning of this?"
Ao"They escaped."
Grimm"I heard your team let them go on purpose."
Ao"ANIMS is not the culprit this time."
Grimm"Unbelievable. Your job is to secure the ANIMS crew."
Suguri"Grim, listen. The wish we've been longing for these 17 years might come true."
Ao"There's a chance FORTF is involved in this case. Someone whose great-grandfather is from A12 is on board."
"We also suspect they have fabricated evidence to frame the ANIMS."
Grimm"Don't say things you can't back up with evidence. You're dismissed."
Suguri"Let's go, Ao."
Vars"Must I leave the team?"
Grimm"I need you to investigate FORTF's recent activities."
Vars"Yes, sir!"
Ao"I've never thought he'd be that hardheaded."
Suguri"It's his way of telling us to find proof."
Suguri"Grimm's father was my colleague."
"Grimm was there during the A12 accident. His desire to catch FORTF is as strong as ours. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, we will catch them in the act."
Ao"...Yes, sir!"
Syu(There's good rapport between the green and veteran officers. Even the stiff superior is quite the character.)
Tig"Here, take this. You haven't eaten anything, have you?"
Saku"T-Thank you."
"Hey...Doug is mad at me, isn't he? I've probably been annoying him all this time with how useless I am...and how much trouble I'm getting you all into."
Tig"It's just his personality."
Saku"No. It's my fault."
Tig"When the previous captain—Doug's Dad—picked you up, I asked my dad something."
"He saw an escape pod being chased by some weird people, and despite everyone's protests, he went to pick it up."
"You and a flower specimen were inside."
Saku"A flower specimen…?"
Tig"It should be in the storage. He told us not to throw it away since it may have something to do with your parents."
Saku"I see…"
Tig"Your attackers chased after you relentlessly. Doug's dad died from the wound he got during that battle."
"He must be stuck on it all this time. He's such a brat."
Tig"What's wrong?"
Saku"Do you know A12?"
Tig"You mean the national treasure planet that disappeared a long time ago? I've heard of the name before. What's with that?"
Saku"No, it's nothing…"
Tsuzuru(Saku is lost and doubting his roots, and Sakuya conveys those feelings so well. To think he's able to perform with such nuance now...)
Izumi(Now that they're on the wanted list, the ANIMS crew struggles to make their next move.)
(The group makes their way to a junk market in search of parts to repair their ship...but no one is selling what they need.)
Rat"I said keep it! We don't need that!"
Doug"How's it going on your end?"
Tig"Not so good. They don't want to deal with fugitives."
Leo"Hey guys, what you in the market for?"
LinkLeo, no matter how much money we need, this is more trouble than it's worth."
Leo"Dude, we can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. Besides, we're not cut out to be peddlers."
Doug"We'll take everything on this list."
Leo"Heh. Just your luck, we've got what you need. Your total is..."
Link"...just about this much."
RatYou kidding me? It's ten times the market price!"
Leo"Beggars can’t be choosers, eh?"
Dan"You're takin' advantage of us."
Tig"What's your call, Cap?"
Doug"We can't do anything if the ship can't move."
Tig"But we don't have enough money."
Leo"We don't mind you paying us in goods to make up for the rest. You must have some clattering around in storage, yes? You're pirates, after all."
Hiro(The tempo picked up the second Summer Troupe made their entrance. It's up to them to always brighten up the mood, casting those Summer Troupe vibes no matter what.)
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