Kazunari | This practice room hasn't changed as well~! |
Yuki | It's still sort of shabby. |
Kumon | This place is more spacious than our practice room in the dorm! |
Misumi | I'm gonna run around and around and around~! |
Muku | Whoa, that's dangerous, Misumi-san. |
Izumi | Well guys, shall we begin!? |
Tenma | … |
Izumi | (Tenma-kun's still in low spirits…) |
| |
Kazunari | "I told you before, didn't I? The customers at table 3 ordered grilled meat set meals." |
Tenma | --. |
Izumi | Tenma-kun? |
Tenma | Sorry. |
Izumi | It's okay; we can just return to the starting point! |
Kazunari | OK~! |
| "Come on! Move, move!" |
Tenma | … |
Izumi | (It's not like Tenma-kun at all to be like this…) |
| |
| Let's stop here for today. |
Yuki | For some reason, we didn't end the practice in a satisfactory way. |
Kazunari | ...W-Well, it's still our first day here! |
Tenma | ...Sorry. It's my fault. |
Misumi | You're not to blame, Tenma~! |
Tenma | … |
Muku | Ah, Tenma-kun--. |
Misumi | Tenma looks sad. |
Muku | It makes me wonder if he's not having fun even when we act together. |
Kumon | If only I tried harder… |
Kazunari | We still have a long way to go, guys! We just got here, after all. I'm sure it will work out! |
Misumi | Let's make Tenma smile~! |
Kazunari | I call it, "Big Operation: Tenmile"! |
| |
Kumon | Pick up the kitchen knife~. |
Muku | The peeler is over here. |
Misumi | Triangle veggies, splish-splash~. |
Izumi | I've brought some curry powder with me! |
Yuki | Tell me why we need to have curry even during training camp… |
Kazunari | When it comes to training camp, of course it's gotta be curry, right! |
Muku | We also made it during our first training camp here. |
Izumi | Tenma-kun, since you can only use one arm right now, can you take care of the pot? |
Tenma | ...Okay. |
Kazunari | Last time you said something like, "Do we not have any cooks here," remember? |
Yuki | ...Hey, I smell something burning. Do you smell that? |
Tenma | --. |
Izumi | The meat is burned! |
| |
| |
Misumi | It tastes rather burned~. |
Tenma | ...Sorry. |
Yuki | Seeing you genuinely apologize feels weird. |
Kazunari | Don't mind, don't mind! |
Muku | We're also to blame for being too engrossed in our chat. It's not your fault, Tenma-kun. |
| Besides, it's delicious. |
Kumon | We've never eaten curry with a burnt taste in the dorm before! This is rare! |
Tenma | … |
Yuki | Do you realize you’ve just been absent-mindedly picking at your food? |
Tenma | --. |
Misumi | Whoa, you put carrots in your plate, Tenma~. |
Yuki | Goodness. |
Muku | Oh, Yuki-kun is eating his carrots. You're kind. |
Yuki | It'll be troublesome if he spits it out, that's all. |
Izumi | (A burned curry that still tastes yummy and makes people smile is great.) |
Tenma | … |
Izumi | (Except for one person… This one right here is formidable.) |
Kazunari | Okay guys, let's move onto the next plan! |
Misumi | Yeaa! |
| |
Kumon | Man, this bath is sick! |
Yuki | Isn't this smaller than the one we have in the dorm, though? |
Muku | But if I recall, this place is a natural hot spring. |
Kazunari | The water is creamy and feels great. I think it's good for the skin too! |
Yuki | It'd be great if we installed a hot spring at the dorm too. |
Muku | That'd be difficult since we need to dig it. |
Misumi | The bathtub is a triangle~. |
Kumon | Oh, right! I brought this! |
Yuki | What's that? |
Muku | Is it perhaps the fun item you talked about before? |
Kazunari | Ah! We can see stars with this thing, right!? |
Kumon | Yep yep! Bathroom Planetarium! |
| I'm turning off the lights~. |
| Switch on! |
Muku | Wow…! |
Kazunari | It's beautiful~. |
Tenma | … |
Yuki | It feels like we're in an open-air bath. |
Kumon | It's quite pretty for a man-made product, isn't it? |
Misumi | I found a triangular star over there! |
Kazunari | Oh, you're right! |
Kumon | Incidentally, this isn't the only thing it can do. |
Tenma | --. |
Misumi | Ah! Fireworks! |
Muku | Amazing! |
Yuki | ...Heh, this thing is great. |
Kumon | So pretty! |
Kazunari | Seeing fireworks does get us excited and psyched, huh~. |
| Say, Tenten, let's light up fireworks again. |
Tenma | ...Yeah. |
Misumi | Hehe, yeaaay~! |
| |
Yuki | It's starting to get hot. |
Kumon | I feel like blood is rushing to my head~. |
Muku | Shall we get out? |
Kazunari | Hey guys, let's talk about love after this! |
Muku | Eh! Love stories!? |
Kumon | Sure thing~. |
Tenma | I'm kinda tired today. I'm gonna hit the bed early tonight so that it won't affect my injury. |
Kazunari | Tenten… |
Muku | ... |