A Scenic View to Give You Someday/Episode 5

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A Scenic View to Give You Someday
Episode 5
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KumonI step out from here…
TenmaYou’re from this spot, aren’t you, Kumon?
TenmaDon’t yell so loud. It’s still morning.
You’ll disturb the other guests.
TsuzuruShould we change the timing of the line so it’s easier for Kumon to come out…
But if we do that, there’ll be an inconsistency in Yukishiro-san’s next line…
AzumaShall I step out a tad earlier from that spot over there?
TsuzuruLet me see… I think it’ll work out if you do that.
IzumiI’ll check with the staff whether we can use that area.
TsuzuruMasumi, review the spots you’ll be standing by and appearing from too.
BanriMasumi. We’re making our exit now. Can you head down the side of the hallway over there?
MasumiGot it.
(The place I go out is…)
(Those two people in work clothes…
Are they just cleaners…?)
(…I wonder.)
(…There they are.)
(That place is... Director's room...?)
Man A…Is it here?
(Those guys… have their ears pressed to the door?)
Man AIs someone there?
Man BNo, I don’t hear anything.
Man A…Are they out right now?
Man BShould we come back?
Man AYeah.
*walks away*
Masumi(They were looking for Director just now.)
(…Director’s in danger!)
TsuzuruYou’re sure in a hurry. What’s wrong?
MasumiThank God… you’re safe….
TsuzuruWhat do you mean?
MasumiYou see…
In front of Director’s room—.
(…Wait, we’re out at sea where there’s no place to escape. If I tell Director about it now, it’ll just make her feel anxious.)
(Thinking that I’ll cause Director to spend the next few days with such a vague sense of unease…)
(…I can’t let that happen.)
…It’s nothing.
Izumi…You sure?
Don’t hesitate to let me know if anything’s the matter, Masumi-kun.
TsuzuruWe’d also like to hear everyone’s opinions right now.
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