A Scenic View to Give You Someday/Episode 3

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A Scenic View to Give You Someday
Episode 3
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TsuzuruNow that we're gathered here, could you tell me a bit more for the script?
Like what it was like on the ship during the Phantom Thief play, or about the episode where you guys caught the thieves...
It’s fine no matter how trivial it is.
KumonI remember the passengers were filming back then, and it kinda created a buzz on SNS, right?
IzumiI think that's one of the factors that brought about this request.
MasumiIf there are guys like that again, I’ll protect you.
TenmaHold on, how many times can something like that happen?
AzumaThere won’t be a jewelry exhibit this time, so I doubt any thieves will show up.
BanriThey’re gonna increase security, aren’t they?
I mean, the exact same thing doesn’t happen that often.
TsuzuruAre the videos still available to watch right now?
KumonThey probably are! Hold on a sec.
Tsuzuru… Oh, I see.
Then I think it’s possible in this case.
IzumiDo you have an idea?
TsuzuruIf we’re able to use the whole interior for the performance, then I’m thinking of acting out plays simultaneously in different places inside the ship.
TenmaLike a flash mob?
TsuzuruI guess they’re close in terms of image.
KumonThat sounds fun~!
BanriOur costumes should also be flashier than what the other guests are gonna wear. It’ll be easier to tell who the actors are even when we’re actin’ among the regular folks.
IzumiRight. It looks like the people over are thinking about that to avoid trouble.
TsuzuruWe should also probably consider the staging and the flow of the traffic inside the ship.
IzumiI'll ask if we can get a floor plan of the ship.
TenmaIf we're gonna hold plays at the same time, then the audience might not know where they should go, right?
BanriAhh. I dunno if it’s possible, but maybe we can set up cameras so everyone can also watch via stream or somethin’.
AzumaSo the guests themselves can find a spot that looks interesting to them and head there to watch?
A play where the audience actively moves around also sounds intriguing.
IzumiWatching one play with your own eyes and another one over stream…
Yeah, it might be interesting to do it that way.
TsuzuruHmmm… the problem would be the cameras and streaming platform.
IzumiI’ll ask about those too when I get the floor plan.
BanriAight, bet.
KumonWouldn’t it be even more fun to involve the audience, if possible?
AzumaWhat do you mean by that?
KumonI only have a pamphlet here, so I’m just saying this as an example.
…Let’s say we start from the main hall here.
We’ll talk to them from this side, and then…
TsuzuruRight, right.
TsuzuruMasumi, don't just stare at the pamphlet. Let me know if there’s anything you wanna try.
BanriThe only thing that dude’s thinkin’ about is Director-chan.
TenmaWell, that’s nothing out of the ordinary for him.
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