A Love Song Dedicated to You/Episode 9

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A Love Song Dedicated to You
Episode 9
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Guy…That was a close one.
ItaruIs he okay?
ChikageGuy-san pulled Masumi’s arm without a moment’s delay.
CitronThanks to that, Masumi didn’t fall off the stage.
TsuzuruI seriously had a heart attack…
IzumiMasumi-kun! Are you hurt? Are you alright?
Masumi…I’m fine. I can move my legs properly and I’m not hurt either.
IzumiAre you sure?
MasumiYeah, really.
IzumiThank God…
TasukuBut it’s unusual for Usui to stumble.
ChikageHe might have gotten his foot caught in this dent in the stage’s connecting section.
AzumaI see.
Watch your step when you pass this way, everyone.
HisokaAre you alright too, Guy?
GuyYes, don’t mind me.
ItaruAnyways, should we resume the rehearsal if those two seem fine?
TsuzuruI guess so.
SakuyaAre you okay, Masumi-kun? Do you think you can keep going?
MasumiI’m totally fine.
IzumiSeriously, watch your step, everyone.
TsumugiGot it.
HomareOf course.
(I’m glad we managed to wrap-up the rehearsal without a hitch.)
(Even so, that accident earlier gave me a start. I’m relieved there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with Masumi-kun’s legs…)
IzumiHm, Guy-san. What’s the matter?
IzumiHere you are, Masumi-kun.
Aren’t you busy?
IzumiI’m alright today. We managed to finish our rehearsal, so all that’s left now is the real show.
…I heard from Guy-san.
That you haven’t been doing well lately, Masumi-kun.
IzumiI’m sorry I was so busy these days that I didn’t realize at all.
MasumiIt’s not your fault.
…I was just feeling down on my own, that’s all.
I haven’t had any luck these days.
I wasn’t able to talk with you either.
…But I was able to meet you like this.
That alone is enough.
Izumi…I see. I’m glad then.
I’ll be looking forward to the performance at the actual show too.
MasumiI’ll do the best I can for you.
IzumiWork hard for all the guests who are always supporting you—not just me, alright?
It’s a concert to express your gratitude to your fans after all!
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